"Tan Zixiong, are you following me Seeing those photos, Tan Xiaoxiao suddenly glared at Tan Zixiong. She didn't expect that her father even sent someone to follow him!

"Following you? If I don't send someone to follow you, I don't know what disgraceful things you do. Tan Xiaoxiao, you let me down! " Tan Zixiong was so angry that he slapped it on the tea table. The mahogany tea table was smashed on the spot. However, this scene did not frighten Tan Xiaoxiao, who was equally angry. Instead, he was completely angry!

"Disappointed? Tan Zixiong, as a father, when did you think about my feelings? I only think about the interests of the family, your power and the future of the tan family. But when do you think about my future? Think about my happiness? Tan Zixiong, I am the one who is really disappointed... " Tan Xiaoxiao finished saying that he didn't look at Tan Zixiong any more. He turned around and ran upstairs!

Tan Zixiong's body became stiff. Who was really disappointed? Is her only daughter disappointed in herself?

She was still preparing dinner in the kitchen. When she heard the loud noise coming from the living room, she ran out of the kitchen immediately. However, she left her only the thin figure of her daughter and the silent sigh of her husband!

"Lao Tan, I think my daughter is in a bad mood, so it's better to marry..." Thinking of the gift from the Lin family, Mrs. Tan wanted to say something for her daughter, but before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Tan Zixiong!

"You don't have to worry about it. I'm free to do it!" After that, she did not say much. She turned around and walked towards her study. She saw that a good family had been made very cold because of these things. However, Mrs. Tan sighed softly. She was an ordinary woman. When she married Tan Zixiong, she was strongly opposed by the people of the tan family. Later, Tan Zixiong decided to marry her, but she also let tan The people of the family are very dissatisfied with her. If it were not for Tan Zixiong's excellent military talent over the years, and he did not know what kind of abusive language he would be subjected to. Now he is married to the Lin family, but no one can stop the whole Tan family's affairs!

Thinking of her daughter's fate, Mrs. Tan sighed softly, but she was helpless on her face!

At a time when the conflict between Tan Xiaoxiao and Tan Zixiong intensified, the fight bar on Huanan street in Kyoto is not the best bar in Kyoto, but it is definitely the most special bar. The reason why it is special is that this bar is not indoor, but a semi open bar!

South China street is located in the south city of Kyoto. There is a river crossing Huanan street. The struggling bar is located beside the bridge, which is near the river called hidden river.

The whole bar adopts a wooden style. The tables and chairs inside, as well as the decoration, are all made of that kind of log. On the wall of the bar, there are many empty wine bottles. The riverside side of the bar is not closed, but a fence more than one person high. Inside the fence, there are wooden tables and stools!

The stool has no back, just like the dining tables in small restaurants. It can be said that the decoration of this bar is extremely simple, but there is an endless stream of people coming here, not only some young people who are struggling for their own career, but even those old and successful big owners will come here quietly and sit by the river and enjoy the bar Song of vicissitudes brought by singer!

The song is melodious and affectionate, singing out the joys and sorrows of many people. At this time, ye Xiao, dressed in black Zhongshan suit, appeared at the door of the bar. At this time, it was not too late, and there were not many people coming to the bar. Ye Xiao could see two beautiful women sitting on the right side of the river, whether they were the waiters or came here The guests, even the male singers singing on the bar, will look at this side from time to time, because these two people are too beautiful!

The woman facing Ye Xiao has short hair with ears. Even in the cold winter, she doesn't wear much on her body. She wears a V-Neck Sweater inside her upper body and only a black leather coat with a high waist outside. It looks like it is full of wild charm!

It seems that she noticed Ye Xiao's eyes. The woman raised her head and saw that it was Ye Xiao. She suddenly pursed her lips and laughed!

With this woman's smile, another woman will turn back. When she sees that the visitor is Ye Xiao, her eyes suddenly brighten. She can't tell her missing and love. Even her body trembles slightly!

Seeing that beautiful face with a touch of charm, ye Xiao's heart is a burst of exclamation, now quickened the pace, directly walked up!

"Am I late?" Ye Xiao smiles and sits directly on the opposite side of the short haired beauty, that is, sitting next to another beauty!

"chuckle, late is not my has the final say, but let our old guests to judge, moon charm, he came late?" As soon as ye Xiao's voice dropped, the short haired beauty had already taken over the topic, and she gave a gentle smile to the long haired beauty. She hoped that the long haired beauty was indeed a little late, so as to punish Ye Xiao!

"We're just here. It's too late!" However, to the disappointment of the short haired beauty, Hua YUEWU just chuckled and took Ye Xiao's arm in one arm. It seems that she never wants to let go!

This person naturally came from Jinghai city. Today, she is wearing a red coat, a winter skirt, and a pair of high boots. She is up to the knee. Her hair is slightly curly. She looks elegant and elegant. Although she is only in her early twenties, she shows the mature charm of a 30-year-old woman The most incisive.In contrast to Xiao fei'er, who is full of boundless wildness all over her body, it is no wonder that the people around her have their eyes on them!

Only to see ye Xiao sitting on the two women's table, many people's eyes are showing jealousy, envy and hate!

However, ye Xiao didn't pay attention to other people's eyes, and felt the warmth from Huayue's charming palm. His heart was also warm!

"How do you want to meet here?" Holding the palm of Huayue's charming hand, ye Xiao asked with a smile. In fact, he really wants to be charming!

"Don't you think the environment here is very good?" Xiao Fei, who speaks, has a pair of eyes with eyes. But he looks at Ye Xiao. His mouth is also showing a strange smile. Some are witty, some are expecting, and still are rather baffling.

Yes, it's inexplicable. At least Ye Xiao can't understand what Xiao fei'er's smile contains!

"It's good!" Ye Xiao looked at the surrounding environment. In addition to some cold, the environment here is really good!

"Do you remember when we first met in a bar?" Seeing ye Xiao's insincerity, Xiao fei'er suddenly asked!

"Well!" Ye Xiao nodded his head and suddenly thought of that time. It seemed that Zhu Yifeng wanted to pursue the beauty of flowers and moon, and the flower moon to find her own boyfriend. At that time, Xiao Fei was still a rebellious young girl. Her hair was unkempt and her eyes were very deep.

Now Xiao fei'er is the master of Tianmen, who is in charge of the underworld in Kyoto. Hua YUEWU has become the boss of the largest entertainment company in the south. Even Zhu Yifeng, at the beginning, has also become the most powerful agent under her? Who would have thought, but in a year or two, the change of several people is so great!

"I'm sorry, sir, to disturb you!" When ye Xiao was feeling the changes of the world, a servant came to Ye Xiao and said with some apology!

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