"Well?" Ye Xiaoyi Leng, also way is the other side wants to drink, the moment a soft voice, but did not think much of what!

"The gentleman over there wants to change a seat with you and says that if you want to change it, the money will be yours!" The waiter said that he had taken down a large stack of money from the tray, which was forty or fifty thousand!

Ye Xiao looked back and saw a fat man sitting on a seat not far away. He saw that he turned his head and grinned, revealing two glittering gold teeth. Beside him, there were several men in black suits, who were not easy to offend!

"What if I don't want to?" Ye Xiao asked in a funny way. He didn't expect that there are so many toads in the world who want to eat swan meat!

"This..." The servant is in a dilemma. He knows that the big man is a big boss, and he has a close relationship with the big man of Huanan street. The whole underworld of Kyoto is Tianmen territory. The big man of Huanan street is also a helmsman of Tianmen. Anyone knows that if he offends Tianmen, he will offend Yama. How can he die!

When Han Han gave him money and invited Ye Xiao to leave, he only hoped that ye Xiao would know a little bit and quickly take the money to get rid of the trouble. Who would have expected Ye Xiao to ask such a question!

"Would you throw me out if I didn't want to?" See the appearance that the service young student is embarrassed, ye Xiao teases a way!

"Yes, this brother is really a reasonable person. How about it? As long as you leave, the money is yours!" At this time, the fat man had come over and said with a grim smile on his face. However, his eyes kept glancing at Xiao fei'er and Hua YUEWU. It seemed that he was thinking about making an appointment with the woman for a while!

His name is Liao Huazhong. In his early years, he was also a gangster, but later he changed his business. Now he is the boss of a small entertainment company with few assets and tens of millions, which is nothing in Kyoto. However, he and the big man of Huanan Street are brothers who worship their brothers and have a deep relationship. Therefore, they eat a lot in South China Street, but they are limited to Huanan street !

And he often comes to this bar to drink. Of course, drinking is not the purpose. The purpose is to find women. In the past, under the temptation of money and identity, he has attracted a lot of women. After all, he is also engaged in entertainment. Although he can't win some big stars, it is always possible to make a few small stars. And many girls just like to sit in the star dream?

Today, when I arrived here, I found Hua YUEWU and Xiao fei'er sitting on the edge. Their eyes suddenly brightened. They were much better than those women who used to have sex with themselves. Just as Liao Huazhong was about to chat up, ye Xiao suddenly came and sat right beside the two girls!

Liao Huazhong doesn't want to cause trouble or make a bad impression on the two girls. This makes the servant come over with a sum of money and ask Ye Xiao to leave. Of course, on the one hand, he shows off his wealth to Hua YUEWU and Xiao fei'er!

In his opinion, although Xiao fei'er and Hua YUEWU are good-looking, they don't have a famous brand all over the body. Even ye Xiao also wears an old-fashioned Zhongshan suit. How much strength can such a few people have? It's not like a pile of money will dazzle you!

In fact, at the level of Ye Xiao, it doesn't matter what they wear, and their clothes are really not famous brands. However, they are definitely not the street stalls on the side of the road, but they are specially customized. The cost is much higher than those world famous brands. I don't know how much!

It's just that Liao Huazhong is just a small person. Where has he seen the real world!

Seeing the big stack of money on the tray and Liao Huazhong's fat face, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth.

"Well, since this brother is so generous, we can't be ungrateful to invite us to drink, can we? Let's go. Let's go to that table. Isn't it just a change of position? It's a little bit closer to the inside, but it's not bad! " Ye Xiao said, has already pulled up the Flower Moon Charm small hand to walk toward another table!

Liao Huazhong still smiles when he hears the preceding sentence. He thinks that this boy knows the current affairs, but when he hears Ye Xiao finish, his face changes. The boy is playing with himself!

And Xiao fei'er on the other side has already laughed stealthily!

"Boy, you don't have to toast or not to eat or to be punished!" The fat man is a little angry. No one dares to tease himself in Huanan street!

"Big brother, how dare I tease you? You come here to change your position, just want to get along with this beautiful woman alone? My girlfriend and I are here, don't you disturb big brother's good thing? So can't we go there? " Ye Xiao pointed to Xiao fei'er and said in surprise!

Xiao fei'er was still laughing secretly. When she thought that ye Xiao didn't care about herself at all, she just took Huayue charm and left, and her face suddenly became angry!

Liao Huazhong was still very angry, but he was stunned when he heard Ye Xiao's respectful words. He looked at Xiao fei'er again. Although he also wanted to let Hua YUEWU stay, he also understood that fish and bear's paws can't have both. Besides, this woman is the boy's girlfriend, and it's not good if you try to force others into difficulties. After all, this is here Kyoto, if there is any big noise, it's not good!Since he is so knowledgeable, let them go!

"Good..." Liao Huazhong nodded with satisfaction, but he sat directly beside Xiao fei'er. In this way, even if Xiao fei'er wants to go out, he has to pass him!

Seeing ye Xiao sell Xiao fei'er directly, Hua YUEWU is also amused. She lets Ye Xiao drag herself to another table. Now Xiao fei'er, as the head of Tianmen, doesn't worry about what kind of bullying she will suffer!

Miss Liao, do you know When ye Xiao and others have just left, Liao Huazhong can't wait to introduce himself. When he says his name is Liao Huazhong, Hua Yue's eyebrows are slightly raised. It seems to think of something, but the light is not too bright. Even ye Xiao doesn't pay much attention to it!

Xiao fei'er was angry that ye Xiao had sold herself, and she sold herself for forty or fifty thousand yuan. She was very angry. Now she saw the fat man's greasy face coming up. She was more angry and disgusted. Suddenly she grabbed a glass of red wine on the table and threw it at the fat man. A word "get out of here!" popped out of his mouth

Liao Huazhong was just about to get close to Xiao fei'er. When he thought that she was so shrewd and brave, she even dared to pour his own drink. All of a sudden, the whole person was furious!

"Bitch, don't be shameless!" With the fat man's roar, the several men in black also rushed over. However, two people took a look at Ye Xiao and found that they were just sitting on their seats, showing a mocking look at them. They all rushed over!

A guy who betrays his friends for a little money is too seedless!

"Bang!" But before they all got close, Xiao fei'er, who was not afraid of the fat man's roar, grabbed the wine bottle on the table and hit Liao Huazhong's head like lightning.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, red wine splashed everywhere, and the scene was also quiet with such a sound, staring at this side one by one

There is only one thought in everyone's heart - is this woman too fierce?

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