Although Xiao fei'er looks wild, no one thought that she was really so wild. She even grabbed the bottle and smashed it on Liao Huazhong. It was so cruel and so straightforward that even some people in black who followed Liao Huazhong didn't think of it!

There are some shrewd women who come here to drink, but they are so shrewd and so fierce that they are definitely the first time to see them today!

Liao Huazhong is also stupidly looking at all this, a few seconds passed, until he broke a blood hole on his forehead, a blood stream down, he did not come back to God!

"You How dare you hit me? " At the moment, pointing to Xiao fei'er, he couldn't believe that the woman was so cruel even at this time!

"That's you Xiao fei'er sneers and grabs Liao Huazhong's finger. Liao Huazhong doesn't feel the tenderness of his hand. He only feels the inexplicable cold. Before he can take back his finger, he hears a "click". Then he has a pain in his hand. Liao Huazhong finds that his finger is easily broken by her!

At the sight of the blood flowing out, Liao Huazhong was pale with fright, and the cold sweat on his forehead came out one by one.

Liu Zhongzhong's bodyguards are not the bodyguards of Liao Huazhong. On the one hand, they are not the bodyguards of Liao Huazhong. On the one hand, they are not the bodyguards of Liao Huazhong. On the other hand, they are not the bodyguards of Liao Huazhong. On the one hand, they are not the bodyguards of Liao Huazhong. On the other hand, they are not the bodyguards of Liao Huazhong Two wins!

If someone really wants to kidnap Liao Huazhong, they may have nothing to do, but now it's just a woman who doesn't know what's good or bad. They still don't pay attention to it. Now they rush to Xiao fei'er!

Seeing these guys rush towards him, Xiao fei'er pushes Liao Huazhong out. Others only say that Xiao Feier hurt Liao Huazhong with a bottle when he doesn't pay attention to it. Even if he breaks a finger, he just grasps its weakness. Who could have expected that Xiao fei'er's strength is so big that Liao Huazhong's fat body looks like a chicken in her hand In addition to a person who dodged away in time, the others were hit by Liao Huazhong's body and fell backward. However, the one who dodged away was not lucky. On the contrary, he was obviously the most unfortunate. After pushing Liao Huazhong aside, Xiao Fei Er had already grabbed the wooden stool and directly hit the man who had just dodged away!

This stool is double seat, and it is all made of logs. At least it has dozens of Jin. But when it is twisted in Xiao fei'er's hand, it seems that it has no weight. Suddenly, you hear "pa Da!" A sound, that wooden stool is naturally smashed to pieces, but that person's head is also an instant to bloom, in front of a black, look up to fall!

Everyone is trembling for it, this girl is also too terrible? Just now I thought it was just a little pungent. Now it can be described as fierce. Even after several of Liao Huazhong's subordinates lifted him up, they did not dare to step forward for a moment.

I've seen a tough woman, but such a tough woman is absolutely only seen in the movie!

With the help of several subordinates, Liao Huazhong got up again. It seems that other people also want to surround Xiao fei'er. This generation is Wu Shang's territory. When did they suffer such a loss, what's more, they only taught them a woman. If this matter was really settled, they would not have to mix here in the future!

"Well, it's useless for a few old men to beat a woman, isn't it?" Just when these people are ready to attack Xiao fei'er again, a lazy voice rings out, and Liao Huazhong is furious in his heart!

This is the boy. Just now the boy gave the violent woman to himself. I said how could he be so generous? His feelings had long known that he would be weak. Now that I suffered a loss, I couldn't make him feel better!

"Damn it, brothers, do this boy first, and then settle accounts with the girl!" Liao Huazhong got angry and set the tone.

In fact, he didn't have to tell him. When he heard Ye Xiao making fun of himself and others, these people had already held back their anger. At the moment, two people took up a wine bottle and rushed to Ye Xiao!

Xiaoye didn't hold up the bottle of Xiaoye, but Xiaoye didn't have any pity for Xiaoye!

Seeing this group of people rush to Ye Xiao first, Xiao fei'er not only has no worry, but shows a trace of pity. Naturally, it is not for ye Xiao, but for these people!

Sure enough, ye Xiao has already grasped the man's wrist. With a burst of force, the man's wrist hurt. The wine bottle in his hand fell down directly and was caught by Ye Xiao's other hand. Then he smashed it to the man's head. Suddenly, there was a crisp sound. The wine bottle broke and the glass slag flew everywhere. The man's mouth also gave out a scream, but scream Just after the sound was made, ye Xiao had already held up half of the broken wine bottle and inserted it directly into the man's mouth. His cry suddenly stopped, and everyone's face changed. Was this guy too cruel?

Sharp glass fragments cut the man's lips, blood flow out instantly, burning pain, and then see ye Xiao kick out, directly kick it out!All this seems slow, but it is only completed in the blink of an eye. When the second person rushes to Ye Xiao, ye Xiao has already grasped the man's head, and then does not allow him to resist. He directly bumps into the wooden table in front of him!

"Bang!" A sound, the man's head heavily hit the wooden table, the log table with two thumbs thick was directly smashed, and the man's head was burst with blood, ye Xiao's hand was loose, has fallen down, lying on the ground motionless, do not know is dead or alive!

Once again, the scene became silent. Even the sound of a needle falling on the ground could be heard. All the people were staring at all this. If Xiao fei'er's actions just now can be described by violence, ye Xiao's present situation can be described by brutality!

Two good living people have been injured like this in the blink of an eye. Isn't he worried about killing people directly?

At this time, Liao Huazhong and the remaining man in black kept shaking their legs, and their faces were full of panic, as if standing in front of them was not a person, but a devil from hell!

"Go Liao Huazhong is worthy of being a businessman. In a moment, he made a decision. It's not too late for a gentleman to avenge himself. Since he is not the opponent of these people, what is he doing here?

Anyway, this street is the territory of ah Shang. If you get out of here first, call ah Shang and ask him to bring someone to find the venue! As soon as Liao Huazhong spoke, in addition to the man in black whose head hit the table, the other two quickly got up, and the man in black who had been supporting Liao Huazhong was also thousands of people in black who had been bumped up and fled to the outside!

Ye Xiao didn't stop him. Instead, he said to the owner of the bar, "boss, just now these people want to play with their heads and smash your desks and chairs. They left the money. Should it be enough for compensation?"

On hearing this, Liao Huazhong almost vomited blood. NIMA, this son of a bitch even used his own money to be a good man. He broke his head and broke his desk. I broke your mother!

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