But at the moment where they dare to return to defend, a full speed on the distance to run!

The owner of the bar is a man in his thirties, with fluffy hair and a beard. He looks very vicissitudes. Originally, he was tuning on the bar. When he saw the accident, he didn't stand up and didn't panic. He just looked at all this quietly. It seems that such things often happen here!

It was not until ye Xiao spoke that he came out, took over the money and whispered, "that's enough, but I advise you to leave as soon as possible!" Finish saying also wait for ye Xiao to speak, turned to walk back to the bar!

Ye Xiao is a smile, did not care at all, just and Xiao Fei Er and other people changed a position! There were waiters coming to clean up. The servant named Ye Xiao left just now was stunned when he saw Ye Xiao's violent means. He thought that he was lucky not to provoke him, otherwise he might be the one who broke his head and blood!

Some of the other guests knew Liao Huazhong's identity. They knew that he would not give up. They were afraid that the fish pond would be harmed, so they got up and left. Some of them were sitting in their seats and drinking their own wine. It seemed that all that had just happened was just an illusion!

In their opinion, a fight in a bar is more common than today's violence.

At this time, in a corner of the bar, a man and a woman were sitting. Their clothes were very ordinary. Coupled with the dark light, no one noticed that they were not poor in appearance, especially the woman with round face, clear eyes and endless charm, which made people have an impulse and a sexual impulse when they saw it!

"The hand is cruel, the action is simple, the strength is great, is not enough is only that!" Just now, when ye Xiao started, the man had been paying close attention to Ye Xiao secretly. Seeing that he was fighting for future people without any effort, the man made such a comment, but he looked scornful. Obviously, he also thought Ye Xiao was not worth mentioning!

"Is it?" Hearing the man's words, the charming woman just snorted, but did not say much, but anyone could hear that she did not agree with the man's words!

Seeing that women don't agree with their views, men don't say much, just flash a touch of the same color in their eyes!

Not only is there someone in the bar paying attention to Ye Xiao, but even on a floor opposite the bar, there is also a person paying attention to Ye Xiao!

And there was more than one person in the room. There were three women and a man in total. One of them was squatting in front of the window in a translucent gauze skirt, staring at everything in the bar through a telescope!

Apart from a gauze skirt, she has nothing on inside. Now she is half hunched. If you look from the front, you can clearly see her two groups towering. If you look from the back, you can see her slender thighs. If you continue to look upward, you will find that the skirt has been unable to cover the spring light. Such an attractive posture can make any man hot Blood boils!

The man in the room is really boiling with blood. At this time, he is half lying on a sofa not far away from the woman. The other two women are also lying in front of him, one is licking his chest with his tongue, the other is lying between his legs, using the same tongue for some service. The man is enjoying this feeling, but his eyes are one Straight down in front of the window under the skirt of the woman, see this attractive ketone body, the blood in his body is constantly rolling!

"Boss, Liao Huazhong is gone!" Seeing what happened below, the woman looked back at the thin man who was enjoying it and chuckled!

"He should be back soon. Have all the pictures been taken?" The thin man closed his eyes slightly and said softly!

"Boss, don't worry, it's all filmed!" The woman said respectfully!

"Good, good!" The thin man said that he was very good. He suddenly stretched out his hands and pressed the woman's head between his legs. His body trembled, and there was a white liquid gushing out somewhere

Although the woman in front of her was uncomfortable when something was stuck in her throat, she did not dare to say anything more. Until her face was red and almost out of breath, the man released her head, and her face was filled with satisfaction, but the woman was choked and coughed!

The man was very satisfied, but heard this burst of cough, but did not know why a burst of inexplicable anger, directly kicked the woman in front of him to fly out!

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough." No one thought that the man's temper would be so irascible, just still good, now turned out to be a person completely!

"Boss, Wei'er dare not, Wei'er dare not!" The woman's face turned purple with fear. She knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to the man. There was still some liquid in her throat, which made her face purple and red!

"Boss, don't be angry, let Yan'er serve you well, OK?" Seeing the man's anger, the woman in the translucent gauze skirt was not flustered at all. However, she could not continue to monitor the situation downstairs. Instead, she moved to the man's body, knelt down directly, and then put out her soft red tongueAt this time, in the bar opposite downstairs, ye Xiao, Xiao fei'er and Hua YUEWU sit down in a triangle. Xiao fei'er just glances at Ye Xiao and doesn't mention what happened just now. Ye Xiao just smiles and naturally doesn't say anything more!

The three people began to talk about Hua YUEWU's coming to Beijing at this time. Now Xingyu entertainment company has become the largest entertainment company in the south. The north is poor and the south is rich. The people in the south are always luxurious. The entertainment industry in the south is obviously more profitable than that in the North. In terms of financial resources, Xingyu entertainment company is no less than any domestic entertainment company, even Tianying No exception, but in China, just having money is far from enough. Now, the development of star entertainment company has reached a bottleneck.

In the entertainment industry, what is the most important? Naturally, stars are the most important. It can be said that in just a few years, star entertainment company has cultivated a large number of stars, of course, the most popular is Xiao Nan, a new generation of idol star. In addition, it has also excavated a number of first-line stars in other companies. In terms of the number of first-line stars, star entertainment company is not even inferior to Tianying entertainment company!

But if you want to talk about that kind of star who can really have a huge position in the world, star star entertainment company is not one, even Xiao Nan and Zhang Xinyu are still very popular in China, but in the international arena, the fame is much less!

One of the purposes of Hua YUEWU's coming this time is to sign one or two international level queen days. The other is to be busy with the movie "lonely". If "solitary" can get the best discourse works and then be promoted to the international screen, then the status of Xiao Nan and Zhang Xinyu will increase sharply!

With the financial resources and potential of star entertainment company, it was not difficult to sign one or two world-class queen days. There was also an international star who had an intention. However, in the middle of the process, the person asked Hua YUEWU to talk about it in person. She was eager for talents and naturally came in person. However, when the film "solitary" was applied for the Chinese Film Festival, it was also hindered Well, Hua YUEWU came here for these two things

After listening to the story of Huayue charm, ye Xiao just frowned. He vaguely felt that things were not as simple as they imagined!

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