Of course, Hua YUEWU came to Kyoto for a bigger purpose, that is, to build momentum for ye Xiao. All along, she has been managing the affairs of the company as the president of star entertainment company, but she has not disclosed the identity of the chairman of star entertainment company. Nowadays, ye Xiao has many difficulties in handling affairs in Kyoto. If you can give him some advantages, it is also the most important thing Love!

Ye Xiao also understands Hua YUEWU's intention, but she shakes her head to say that there is no need to disclose his identity for the time being. Let's wait until the Chinese Film Festival is over!

Ye Xiao didn't pay attention to some obstacles to "solitude". When Xiao Nan and ye yubai came to Kyoto, in order to show off their favorite works in front of Ye Xiao, Xiao Nan's child had already shown him the film. Although he wanted to despise Xiao Nan, he had to admire the beauty of the film even from the perspective of Ye Xiao Beautiful round, wonderful, whether from photography, lighting, or from the perspective of the plot, can be called perfect!

It is even more perfect than the previous several Chinese films that have been nominated at the Oscars. Such a film should have no problem in winning the best works of a Chinese Film Festival. At least, he doesn't think that other entertainment companies can make such films in the current situation in China!

But China is a strange place, good things may not get good places, but if there is a strong background, even if the thing is just ordinary, it can also get a good place!

Now he has a very good relationship with shangguanfei. With shangguanfei's care, those officials will not embarrass them, nor do they need their favoritism. They just need to be impartial. That obstacle should be easily solved. On the contrary, the international superstar Hua YUEWU wants to sign is a bit weird!

Nowadays, there are many people who want to be a star. Many people want to go to the entertainment industry even though they have broken their heads. Even if they are international stars, if there is no company recommendation, they will soon be forgotten. Therefore, no star will offend his employer. If that international star does not jump to star entertainment company, it will be fine, since he wants to Job hopping to star entertainment company, how can the boss come?

Of course, his excuse is that he is too busy to leave recently, but if he really wants to develop in star entertainment company, what is more important than building a good relationship with his future employer?

Ye Xiao thinks that there is something strange here, but she doesn't say anything more. She believes that what she can think of, Huayue charm will certainly be able to think of it. In this case, huayuewu still wants to go, which only shows that huayuewu has planned for a long time!

Although I was worried, I thought I would find a reason to go with her at that time, so I put my heart down!

After talking about the business, several people talked about some anecdotes in Jinghai before. Seeing Hua YUEWU's affectionate appearance, Xiao fei'er smiles and knows that they haven't been together for a long time. Naturally, there are a lot of things to do. If you continue to disturb them, it will be a bit unkind, so I propose to leave now!

Ye Xiao and Hua YUEWU are naturally waiting for this sentence, and they don't say much about it. They check out and leave. But when they just walk out of the bar and don't walk in front of their cars, they see a group of men with iron bars and machetes coming fiercely!

The one walking in front of him was Liao Huazhong, who was wounded by Xiao fei'er and was already wrapped in gauze. When he saw Ye Xiao and others want to leave, Liao Huazhong immediately said to a man in front of him: "ah Shang, that's the bitch. Damn it, she smashed a bottle of my wine, and the son of a-mongrel, let ah Hua and ah Zhan down. You have to avenge them Give me this girl, and I will let her know what life is not like death. Go to the other girl

Wu shangnai is a big man of Huanan street and a helmsman of Tianmen. He is only in his thirties. He is in fact the helmsman promoted by Xiao Zhentian. He is loyal to Xiao Zhentian. Otherwise, he will not remain on that day. However, Tianmen civil strife and his vitality are greatly damaged. However, as the helmsman, his power has greatly increased. In addition to South China Street, there is also a nearby area He is in charge. In this area, who doesn't call him brother Shang.

Originally, with his status, a lot of things no longer need to come out in person, let alone bring a group of younger brothers out to chop people. But Liao Huazhong and he have known each other for a long time. Over the years, he has sent some beautiful girls who want to be stars to him. Now he heard that Liao Huazhong was beaten up in his own territory, and now he came with a group of younger brothers in person!

In the past, he was worried about whether he was under the leadership of other elders, but now Tianmen is unified. If a brother on the road knows that this is his territory, he will definitely say hello to him even if he wants to move. Obviously, he is from other forces.

In the past, he might have scruples. After all, there are crouching tigers, hidden dragons in the four corners of the city. Xiao Zhentian has always told them to keep a low profile and keep a low profile. But now Xiao Zhentian is dead, Xiao fei'er has become the leader of Tianmen, and has no special requirements for them. In addition, ye Xiao, a strong chief elder of Tianmen, has come to Tianmen. These people have become more daring. Do you hear from each other After a man and two girls, Wu Shang ran over with a group of brothers without saying a word. He just wanted to teach a lesson as soon as possible. He helped Liao Huazhong out of breath, and proved to some gangsters that Tianmen is still very strong today. It's better not to make trouble in Tianmen's earth plate!But when he looked along the direction of Liao Huazhong's fingers, he was stunned!

Qi Er has short hair, black leather clothes and leather pants. Isn't this the headmaster Xiao fei'er? What did Hua Zhong scold her just now? Call her a bitch? At the thought of this, Wu Shang only felt that his heart was low to the valley, but that was not enough. If only the headmaster was here, it would be nothing. The headmaster's foundation was not stable. This is obviously a misunderstanding. As long as Liao Huazhong apologizes, the headmaster should not be too hard on himself, but there is still a villain here!

Ye Xiao, the chief elder, is right next to him. Just now he called the chief elder a bastard? At the thought of Ye Xiao's terrible fighting power and bloody means, Wu Shang, who fell to the bottom of the valley, felt a basin of cold water drenched down, and instantly frozen, freezing his whole body!

Now he finally knows why his two subordinates arranged by Liao Huazhong are so miserable. One mouth is punctured, the other is a fist sized blood hole. With this master's hand, can you be intact?

"Pa..." Wu Shang didn't even call Liao Huazhong a brother. He slapped him in the face on the spot. Before waiting for Wu Shang to react, he kicked Wu Shang's fat body backward!

"Wu Shang, what are you going crazy about?" Originally, he came to Wu Shang to avenge himself. Who knows he started to do it himself after seeing his enemy. Although Liao Huazhong fell to the ground, he was angry!

"You dare to insult even the young lady and the elder. Are you looking for death? Brothers, call me Wu Shangyi pointed to Liao Huazhong and roared in his mouth. Then he trotted to Ye Xiao and Xiao fei'er respectfully and said, "Miss, elder, how are you here?"

Liao Huazhong, who heard Wu Shang's words, turned pale. He understood Wu Shang's background. There was only one person in Kyoto who could make Wu Shang call her a lady. When he thought that it was her, his heart was even colder than ice cellar. However, the other younger brothers did not care about him, and they rushed forward to him. They were all fists and kicks!

But no one knows, not far away, a figure is quietly photographed with a camera

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