"All right Seeing his subordinates beating and kicking Liao Huazhong, Xiao fei'er didn't want to see him killed alive even though he was disgusted with the fat man!

Xiao fei'er's voice just fell, everyone immediately stopped and looked at Xiao fei'er like a good baby, waiting for her orders!

Even Wu Shang stood aside obediently, but anyone could see that his chest was constantly fluctuating. Now he was very nervous. Thinking about it, the two people around him were the most powerful two people in Tianmen. One of them was careless. If they were not satisfied with themselves, their good days would come to an end!

Ye Xiao takes a look at Wu Shang, and doesn't say anything more. He just nods to Xiao fei'er, then takes Hua YUEWU's small hand and walks to the BMW not far away. How can a little Liao Huazhong put it in his eyes!

Huayue charm is worth more than one billion yuan now, but what she drives is still the original BMW. She gives the car key to Ye Xiao, and Hua YUEWU gets on the front passenger's seat directly!

When Hua YUEWU is seated, ye Xiao smiles at her and then starts the BMW. With the departure of the BMW, two black Audi follow. All of them are the bodyguards arranged by Ye Xiao for Hua YUEWU. All the members are from the dragon soul team, the most elite force of Longyao club. They are all good players, but ye Xiao is here, even if they just met To some hooligans, they did not fight!

Who is stronger than ye Xiao in the powerful Longyao club?

After turning several corners in succession, a low voice sounded on a communicator on BMW: "Xiaoge, make sure no one is following!"

After hearing such news, ye Xiao smiles at the corner of his mouth and slams on the accelerator again. The silver BMW raced out like a lightning bolt, but the direction is the direction of the Royal classic!

Royal Mingdian, which is located in the first ring road of Kyoto, is a luxury apartment. Because of its unique geographical location and noble building decoration, it has become the highest land price apartment in Kyoto and even in China. The value of each square meter is more than 100000!

Many famous directors, movie stars and sports stars will buy one or several houses here. Huayuewu has bought a suite of more than 100 square meters here before she came to Kyoto!

Compared with that kind of villa, Huayue charm still likes this kind of small room, especially when she and ye Xiao are the only ones!

They haven't seen each other for a long time. This time, when the beauty of flowers and moons comes, ye Xiao naturally wants to accompany her more. She drives into the Royal classics and goes all the way to the 36th floor and into the suite she has purchased!

Suite has a living room, a master bedroom, a small bedroom, a study with a balcony, a kitchen, two bathrooms, the layout is extremely reasonable!

"Ye Xiao, sit down first, I'll change clothes first!" After entering the door, Hua YUEWU personally took off her coat for ye Xiao, hung it in the wardrobe, and then said softly!

"Well!" Ye Xiao smiles and nods, embraces the Flower Moon Charm, lightly kisses on her forehead, and then goes straight to the sofa to sit down, starts to look around the decoration!

This room is not big, but the decoration is extremely luxurious, the overall is a modern urban style, but in the balcony near the location repair a bar, bar next to the bar is a wine cabinet, the wine cabinet full of all kinds of famous wine!

Seeing this, Hua YUEWU has entered the room, and ye Xiao also went to the balcony and took out her mobile phone. She immediately saw three MMS messages sent. When she opened it, she saw two photos. The first photo was a picture of a man and a woman in the bar. Although the light was dim, ye Xiao could still see the two people in the photo clearly!

Men's looks are not bad, but women are extremely beautiful. Although we can hide our looks, there is still a mature woman's endless ruthlessness between the eyebrows. There are some remarks beside the photo, which is not like Chinese people!

This makes Ye Xiao eyebrow a pick, is also the face of Oriental people, not like Chinese people? Who is that?

Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi? At the thought of this, ye Xiao replied a few words: "continue to monitor!"

Then he saw the second picture, which was a figure covered in a black robe. He seemed to hold a camera in his hand and was taking pictures at the position he had just stood!

Obviously, he and Xiao fei'er and others were photographed in, but why did the other party take pictures? I'm not a big star now. Maybe there are still fans who remember me, but there is absolutely no hot spot to sell. Paparazzi really doesn't need to guard around her. Xiao fei'er, as the leader of Tianmen gate, doesn't know her identity at all, and there's no reason to be photographed secretly. Is it aimed at the charming flower moon?

Thinking of the purpose of Hua YUEWU's coming to Kyoto, ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled again. Maybe all this is not so smooth!

Similarly, after replying to a "continue tracking", ye Xiao put away her mobile phone and turned to walk towards the living room. Hua YUEWU has done too much for him. He doesn't want her to worry about anything more!

Just back in the living room, Hua YUEWU has changed her clothes and walked out. As soon as she saw the clothes she was wearing, ye Xiao's eyes were bright, and then the little spark quickly burned up and soon became a big fire!At this time, the Flower Moon Charm actually wears a set of maid skirt, and the head is still that kind of low chest sling!

Her chest was straight and straight. In the past two years, it seems that she has grown a size. Now she has caught up with Murong Mingyan and her elder sisters. At this time, her high-rise, deep Yugou is also highlighted. As for the pair of lotus root arms, it is even more obvious!

The maid's skirt is not long, but just covers her hips. A pair of slender thighs is covered with jade white silk stockings, or that kind of lace mesh stockings. Under the feet is a pair of high-heeled sandals, which makes their thighs more slender!

"Young master, please let me serve you in the bath, will you?" What didn't expect was that Hua YUEWU actually made a salute to Ye Xiao. She said delicately in her mouth. As she saluted, two lambs showed up directly, and ye Xiao was dazzled!

Nima, uniform temptation!

Without waiting for ye Xiao to open her mouth, Hua YUEWU, wearing a set of maid's clothes, has come to Ye Xiao's front, holding Ye Xiao's hand to the big bathroom!

The area of the toilet is very large, which is about 20 square meters. There is a huge wooden bucket in it. At this time, the barrel has been filled with hot water!

Hua YUEWU has a charming smile on her face. She reaches out her hands and gently withdraws her clothes and trousers for ye Xiao. When she withdraws the last underpants for ye Xiao, she has already stood tall and proud, huge and incomparable!

"Sister, wash together?" Seeing the ruddy face of huayuewu and feeling her fiery body, the flame in Ye Xiao's body is more prosperous. He just wants to press Huayue charm in the bathtub as soon as possible, and turn it violently!

This chick, didn't you see her for months? As for being so provocative?

"Young master, I don't accompany the washing!" Hearing Ye Xiao's words, Hua YUEWU learns the voice of a servant girl unexpectedly, soft voice says!

Nima's, now it's time for you to say you don't accompany the washing. Isn't it a deliberate torture? Ye Xiaocai doesn't care so much. He is going to hold huayuewu and prepare to put it into the barrel. However, she hears Hua YUEWU say again: "if the young master is upset, can I help the young master first?"

Well, what's wrong with that? Ye Xiao roars in her heart, but she doesn't speak yet. Hua YUEWU has already squatted down


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