With the action of Huayue's tongue, ye Xiao's whole soul almost flew out of her body. After several minutes, she raised her head again and looked at Ye Xiao with a pair of confused eyes!

"Young master, can you take a bath first?"

"Well!" People are like this, where does Ye Xiao have the reason to refuse? At the moment, she lies in the barrel obediently, letting Hua YUEWU's smooth hands touch her body!

Hua YUEWU doesn't know where she learned a set of massage techniques. Every time she presses on her body, she makes her feel comfortable and even can't help moaning!

Seeing ye Xiao, whose eyes are half closed, Huayue's eyes are full of love. Seeing him gradually sleeping under his own massage, her heart is also a burst of sweetness. He came to Kyoto for half a year, but he has lost a lot of weight. She knows that in the past six months, he must have been very tired and tired!

While ye Xiao was enjoying the delicate massage of Huayue charm, far away near the struggling bar, a figure covered in black robes walked cautiously in the dark, crossed several streets in succession, and finally came to an intersection!

At this time, a black Volkswagen came from a distance and saw the license plate number of the black Volkswagen. The figure waved to the Mercedes Benz!

Soon, the Volkswagen stopped in front of him, and the figure didn't say much. He opened the door and got into it. The Volkswagen started again, and soon left the scene. Finally, after several rounds, it came to an open parking lot. There was a long Bentley in the parking lot!

The black figure got out of the car and trotted all the way to the Bentley. Around the Bentley, there were several Mercedes Benz and several bodyguards in black standing around. However, it was obviously approved by the owner of Bentley and no one stopped the figure!

When the figure ran to the Bentley door, the rear door opened, and the figure confessed a crime and got into the carriage of Bentley!

At this time, a man in a black suit was sitting in the carriage of Bentley. The man's face was thin, his face was pale, his eyes were sunken, and he seemed to have a weak look. Beside the man, there was a beautiful hybrid with a charming look. Even if the figure took a peek, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva!

"Have you got them all?" Seeing the figure carefully, the man on the car was very satisfied and said softly!

"Yueshao, it's all right, you see!" As the figure said, he took out some photos from his arms and handed them to the man. The man took them and saw the picture of Ye Xiao and others fighting in the bar and later a group of Wu Shang's younger brothers beating Liao Huazhong.

"As expected, it is worthy of being the chief reporter of the entertainment world in Kyoto. This photography skill is also first-class. You did a good job, very good!" After reading the photos on his hand, a faint smile appeared in the corner of the man's mouth, and he patted the shoulder of the figure with satisfaction!

"Thank you, Yue Shao!" Slapped on the shoulder by a man, the figure seems to be flattered and flattered!

"You should know how to do the rest of the things?" The man called Yue Shao took back his hand and said again!

"Don't worry, Yue Shao. I know how to do it?" The figure respectfully said!

"Well, these are your hard work this time. Take them." Yue Shao nodded with satisfaction, took out a stack of money and handed it to Renying!

"It's my pleasure to serve Yue Shao. How dare you..." But the figure did not dare to answer, said in fear!

"I want you to take it, you can take it. There's so much nonsense!" However, Yue Shao suddenly snorted angrily, and the figure was shocked, so he quickly got the money!

"Well, you can go down!" Yue Shao snorted coldly. The figure didn't dare to say anything more, so he quickly backed out. However, he did not forget to take a glance at the half blood beauty. At this time, she only wore a miniskirt, and her beautiful legs with silk stockings were fascinating. However, it seemed to realize who the woman was. The figure reluctantly withdrew her eyes and turned to walk towards the bus Go!

"Go! Go and see Mr. Liao! " When the bus carrying the chief reporter of Kyoto entertainment Tiandi newspaper left, Yue Shao gave a light voice, and the extended Bentley started. The motorcade ran towards the villas outside Kyoto!

Liao Huazhong is very depressed, but he wants to hook up with a beautiful woman as usual. Who knows, he was beaten by a beautiful woman, and even if he was beaten, he hoped his brother Wu Shang could help him find the court, but he beat himself up instead!

He didn't expect that the master of Tianmen would go back to such a small bar. Even if you were pretending to be a pig eating a tiger, you didn't have to play like this?

Seeing that people in the mirror are not like people, ghosts are not like ghosts themselves, he almost has an impulse to cry!

When he was almost desperate, he suddenly received a phone call from the Secretary of the chairman of Tianying entertainment company, saying that the chairman had promised to meet him. At the thought of this, Liao Huazhong had a bitter smile. How could he go to see him like this?

His company is just a small company. In Kyoto, any entertainment company that wants to survive must lay a good foundation with Tianying entertainment company. Liao Huazhong has visited Tianying entertainment company for many times, hoping to meet their chairman, but who knows, he has not been able to do so!Liao Huazhong also understood that it was very difficult to meet each other in his own capacity, but what he did not expect was that the Secretary of the other party would call him at this time!

However, Liao Huazhong also knew that this was his own opportunity. He did not care about his pain. He only came back after a simple bandage in the hospital. The reason was very simple. The manager of Tianying entertainment company said that he would come to his home!

Although do not understand why the other side to do so, but in the face of strong Tianying entertainment company, he can only comply!

At this time, the sound of the car outside the door, Liao Huazhong rushed out of the bathroom, rushed out of the door at one breath, and immediately saw a long team of motorcycles coming, and finally the lengthened Bentley stopped at the door of his villa!

Liao Huazhong's heart leaps, knowing that this is the car of Yue Ziqiu, the boss of Tianying entertainment company, turns out that he has really come!

Although his heart was still unbelievable, Liao Huazhong trotted up for Yue shaola and opened the door for Yue shaola. He was respectful and meticulous!

However, after opening the door, it was not Yue Shao who came out first, but a pair of slender thighs in silk stockings. Liao Huazhong's eyes suddenly cooled. It was definitely the most beautiful thigh he had ever seen. Looking up involuntarily, he saw a beautiful woman in a miniskirt and a V-neck T-shirt coming out of the car!

The cold wind was howling outside. The beauty just put on a dark red coat outside, and she didn't feel cold at all!

Seeing that beautiful face, Liao Huazhong was suffocated for a short time. How could this be a woman? And such a beautiful woman?

Liao Huazhong is still in a daze. The woman has already let him to one side without looking at him. Liao Huazhong then comes back to his senses. Looking into the car, he sees a man in a black suit, looking a little depressed and even pale!

"Yue Shao's visit to my humble house is really a brilliant place. Please, Yue Shao!" Liao Huazhong had never met Yue Ziqiu, but he had studied some of his materials. Naturally, he recognized that this man was the boss of Tianying. What he didn't expect was that Yue Ziqiu was even more depressed than the one in the photo. How could such a person manage such a large Tianying?

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