Naturally, Yue Ziqiu would not be polite to Liao Huazhong. He walked straight in from Liao Huazhong's side. Liao Huazhong also followed Yue Ziqiu with a smile on his face and entered the villa together!

Tea has been prepared in the villa, not by Liao Huazhong, but by his wife yuan LAN!

Yuan LAN, who is only 30 years old today, is Liao Huazhong's second wife. She looks pretty good. Knowing that a distinguished guest has come to visit, she has already put on a suit of formal dress. At this time, she is standing on the side respectfully and dare not make a mistake!

She came to work in Kyoto before she graduated from high school. Later, Liao Huazhong fell in love with her and became Liao Huazhong's lover. After the divorce of Liao Huazhong and his ex-wife, she found that the woman was honest and sensible, and never cared about looking for a woman outside. She married her at that time. Of course, she did not get a certificate, but living in this villa is also a woman here Master!

On weekdays, he almost takes care of Liao Huazhong's daily life. Frankly speaking, he is Liao Huazhong's private nanny, and he is a special kind of nanny!

However, Liao Huazhong gives her a large sum of money every month, and Yuan LAN obviously knows his identity and never cares about Liao Huazhong's private life. Even at the beginning, Liao Huazhong took other women back to the villa, but she didn't dare to say anything more. But later, Liao Huazhong seemed to have a conscience. Although he was loose outside, he never brought a woman back!

However, the mentality of the little woman in Yuan Lan's bones has been deeply rooted. She never quarrels with Liao Huazhong, just like ancient women!

Yuan LAN is not very beautiful, at least compared with the Spanish half breed next to Yue Ziqiu, but Yue Ziqiu's first sight of Yuan Lan was a jump in his heart!

From his numerous experiences in reading women, he naturally saw yuan Lan's obedience in his bones, which was totally different from those who were afraid of his identity. Although those women were obedient to him, they always showed some disobedience in their eyes. On the contrary, in Yuan Lan's eyes, there was absolutely no dispute between modern women, some were just the weakness of ancient women!

Just at first sight, Yue Ziqiu fell in love with this woman!

Seeing Yue Ziqiu sweep his own woman, Liao Huazhong's heart leaps. They are engaged in entertainment. He is just the boss of a small company. He does not know how many women he has made by this means, let alone a childlike brother like Yue Ziqiu. His romantic nature is the most normal thing. However, he does not expect Yue Ziqiu to treat his daughter now People look at each other differently!

We should know that Yue Ziqiu's Tianying entertainment company is the largest entertainment company in China. Its famous stars, first-line stars, and countless beauties can be said to be the beauty around him. Under such circumstances, how can he look after Yuan LAN who is plain looking?

What he didn't know was that Yue Ziqiu had played with too many women, so now when he played with women, he did not play with looks any more, but played with characteristics. Yuan LAN undoubtedly had the characteristics that fascinated Yue Ziqiu!

However, he did not dare to say anything more. He only hoped that Yue Ziqiu would not really fall in love with his own woman, otherwise he really did not know what to do!

Although he has not been kind to Yuan LAN, he has already had certain feelings after several years of getting along with him. Moreover, he is still his own woman. If he is allowed to go out, he is really distressed. The most important thing is that he understands yuan Lan's mind. Although this woman started from her lover, once she identified a man, she would never There are two minds, which is the most reassuring place for him. If yuan LAN is to accompany Yue Ziqiu, will she? She's not the women she's looking for outside!

"Yue Shao, have tea!" Although worried, Liao Huazhong still respectfully handed over a cup of tea. Who expected Yue Ziqiu not to receive tea, but glanced at Yuan LAN and said faintly, "I don't like men serving tea!"

Liao Huazhong felt bitter in his heart, but he still said to Yuan LAN, "don't you hurry up and have a cup of tea for Yue Shao!" Yuan LAN is very weak in his bones. Now when he heard his man's words, he did not dare to say anything more. He quickly picked up the tea cup and handed it to Yue Ziqiu. He said respectfully, "Yue Shao, please have tea." She lowered her head and did not dare to look at Yue Ziqiu!

Yue Ziqiu smiles and reaches out his hands, but he doesn't take the tea cup. He just holds yuan Lan's palm and caresses it gently. Yuan Lan's body trembles. However, he seems to know Yue Ziqiu's identity. He doesn't dare to move or even pull his hand back!

As for Liao Huazhong on the other side, his eyes suddenly jump, and his heart is filled with a nameless anger. The son of a bitch, he even teases his own woman in front of his own face. However, when he thinks of Yue Ziqiu's terrible background, he doesn't dare to say anything more. Instead, he doesn't see anything!

Seeing the look on Liao Huazhong's face, Yue Ziqiu showed a satisfied look. He took the tea cup from Yuan LAN and sipped it gently!

"All right, Melly, you go down first!" Yue Ziqiu whispered!

The half breed beauty next to him welcomed him, got up, twisted her waist and walked out. Liao Huazhong knew that Yue had nothing to say, so he asked yuan LAN to step down first!

"I don't know yueshao is coming. What can I do for you?" When there were only two people left in the living room, Liao Huazhong knew that Yue Ziqiu had something to say to him. He asked respectfully!"What's going on with your face?" Yueziqiu leaned on the sofa and suddenly opened his mouth!

"Well, thanks Yue is concerned, but he falls down carelessly. This is how it is. Please forgive Yue Shao!" Liaohuazhong said to the public!

"Ha ha, really? Was not hurt by Xiao fei'er, the leader of Tianmen gate? " Originally thought yueziqiu just asked at his mouth, who expected him to hum cold!

Liaohuazhong is a whole person is a daze, really don't understand Yue Ziqiu come here what exactly to do?

"Yue Shao, it is true, in fact, it is also strange..." Liaohuazhong knows that yueziqiu is likely to come here with his being beaten. He does not conceal it now. He tells me what happened today!

"Liaohuazhong, do you know who the other woman is?" After hearing liaohuazhong's situation, yueziqiu smiled, and this guy said that he saw nothing conflict, and he looked like he could not see himself!

"I don't know under!" Liaohuazhong shook his head!

"She is the president of star entertainment company, and the flower moon is charming, and Xiao Fei Er is a good friend! You are brave enough to flirt with two women like this! " Yueziqiu smiled, the charming identity of the Flower Moon said out!

"What?" Liaohua was shocked by his loyalty. He thought Xiao Fei had been unlucky enough to offend him. Now, she didn't think that woman was the president of Xingyu entertainment company? Now Xingyu entertainment company has become the largest entertainment company in South China in a few years. This has attracted many people outside the industry. Let alone his business person, he never thought that such a woman with more than 100 million assets would go to such a small place?

"Liaohuazhong, do you want revenge?" Seeing liaohuazhong staring at the appearance, yueziqiu is very satisfied, he enjoys the appearance of others being surprised by his own news!

"Yue Shao, you also know my strength, how dare to revenge them!" Hearing yueziqiu's words, liaohuazhong's face of bitterness smile, a Xiao fei'er can let himself fly away at any time, let alone add another month charm, with her current financial resources, can easily play to die of herself!

"Ha ha, you still have me?" Yueziqiu smiled, but liaohuazhong was shocked. He naturally understood that Yue Zi came to talk to himself, but he didn't think he was coming for this. So Tianying is about to declare war on Xingyu?

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