Before that, the old beggar always thought that ye Wuqian was a wonderful flower in the world of powers.

Ordinary powers, even powerful ones, can only control one power at most. For example, the ability to control water has no control over fire or wind. For example, if a power acts on itself and can grow wings, it will never increase the power for the extension of power. Ye Wuqian, the power, seems to be a kind of exorcism. His power can control gravity and act on other objects in space.

But unlike other powers, he has another ability, which is not a steady instant shift.

This has always been a puzzle for the old beggar. Instant transfer is not a great power, but fundamentally, it is a kind of ability that acts on itself, and the outward control gravity is basically two categories. How can a psionic use his power to release and act on himself? This doesn't make sense in the general perception of the psionic world.

Until just now, the little girl had been massaging ye Wumian's muscles, and the huge powers in his body were also relaxed and softened. The old beggar also saw for the first time the real form of the power in Ye Wuxu's body. The power originally took on the water like a red burst, then slowly changed into smooth blue flow, and finally turned into nothingness. The old beggar suddenly realized a problem: the role of gravity is to control the movement of objects. Is there a possibility that when ye Wuxu's power reaches a very strong state, will it drive his body to move instantaneously, which is another way to control the movement of the body by gravity? It's just that the speed is too fast, so it is mistaken for instantaneous transfer?

This can explain why the instant transfer of blankness can't be released at will, because previously, the quality of the power did not guarantee that leaf without defect could reach the level of self transfer at any time.

If the old beggar's discovery is true, it will be a major discovery for the powers. This proves that there may be a "upgrade" of the powers contained in each power. In other words, a power that normally acts on an external object may also be able to "upgrade" the ability to act on itself. The same is true of powers that focus on their own effects. This discovery, if certified, could change the way most powers practice. The use of powers will also have a higher level, and a wider range of applications.

Take ye Wumian as an example. The powers that initially flowed through his body were not unpredictable in color. But when ye Wumian's life is threatened, the power will activate potential power, and the color will change to cyan. When ye Wuqian jumped down from the 18th floor, the old beggar carefully observed the power changes in ye Wuque's body, and some of them turned blue. This is an upgrade

When ye Wuxiang shoots that gun at the black wolf king, the powers in his body become extremely irritable, and even mutate into red. If you become red, the ability's quality can be greatly improved. However, due to ye Wuwu's poor physical condition, it is difficult to control. The old beggar estimated that at most, ye Wuwu's body can control most of his internal powers to change to cyan.

"So you mean that controlling gravity and instant movement is actually a different form of power in my body?" Leaf does not lack frown to ask a way. He never knew what his inner powers looked like, but he could feel the strange power. As for the ability "upgrade", he has never heard of it.

"Yes." The old beggar looked at Ye Wuqian excitedly and found something very amazing.

"So do you think of a way I can actually control the moment movement?" This is what ye Wuxiang is most concerned about.

"Hey, hey..." The old beggar showed his mysterious smile and said, "according to my estimation, if you don't need to cross obstacles, you can activate most of your powers to" cyan ". You should be able to move at will. Of course, there is a relative consumption of powers

"Do you mean that I can move through obstacles in an instant, such as the wall in front of me..." Ye Wuque asked with a sneer.

"In that case, you may have to turn the power into" red. ". But your body can't stand that power strength. "

"I see." Ye no fault nods, the phantom disappears in the mind.

Ye Wuqi looks at the wall in front of him, and every cell in his body tells him that there is a man listening to him in the next room. Ye Wuque stands in the same place, silently arouses the power in the body, and the corners of his mouth rise, revealing the kind of strange smile that makes people feel inexplicably depressed.

Little by little, little by little, ye Wuxiang feels more and more restless about his inner powers. Although he could not really see it, he knew that his inner powers were producing the so-called "upgrading" change in the old beggar's mouth. He felt the changes in his body's powers and said:



The evil smile on his face became more and more serious.


Ye Wuqi instantly disappeared in place, and his own room doors, including those of the next room, were opened at the same time. Almost at the same time, ye Wuqian has appeared in the next room, standing behind the man who eavesdropped on him.A little black man.

The black man still kept his ears close to the wall. The sound of opening the door made him react. He turned around and found Ye Wuxiang was standing behind him. He looked at ye Wuque in horror, and then turned his head rigidly to look at the wall. This man, just now It's not Still Wall Of Over there Is that right?

"Who are you? Why are you spying on me? " Ye Wuque's face was hung with a forced smile and asked coldly. Very casually took out the desert eagle from the bag and played with it.

"I, I, I Don't kill me... " "I'm a spy of the Black Wolf Gang. The boss asked me to help you," he said

"Spies of the Black Wolf Gang?" Ye Wuque squints at the short haired black man who is thinner than himself. There is no sign of wolf head on his arm. Ye Wuqi, however, clearly remembers that every member of the Black Wolf Gang has wolf head tattoos on their arms.

Perhaps feeling Ye Wuwei's doubts, the short and thin black man quickly said, "our Black Wolf Gang's spies are scattered all over the city B to inquire for the boss's information. There's no Gang logo on the arm. After all, it's hard for us to do things. But we also have wolf head tattoos on our bodies, here The black man quickly turned his back to leaf and took off his trousers. There was indeed a wolf head tattoo on the black man's thin thigh.

Ye Wuqian nodded to the black and thin man.

At this time, there is a knock outside the room. Ye Wuque turns her head and looks at it. The hostess of the hotel is looking at ye Wuque with consternation on her face. It was lemon who knocked on the door, and lemon couldn't believe its eyes.

Now the picture is very awkward, it seems that Ye Wuqian is forcing a black man to take off his pants

The little black man quickly put on his trousers for fear that the man outside the door would see the sign on his thigh. The proprietress came into the room with the card machine and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that you are OK with the guests."

Ye Wumian was sweating on his forehead and his black face didn't respond. He just took out the bank card in the bag and handed it to the landlady. He said, "I'm going to take lemon out and stay with me in city B for three days. The price is set."

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