It may be because every road in and out of city B is equipped with roadblocks, and there are members and spies of various forces everywhere in city B. these forces are very confident about the personnel released. This is true of the Black Wolf Gang. Even the innkeeper's wife let lemons go.

"Are the guests going to the gambling party tomorrow?" The hostess asked with a smile.

Ye Wuqi nodded at will, and did not return to her, although he did not know what the gambling would be tomorrow. After a look at the amount of money on the card machine, it is not very high. It only charged 5000 francs, which is not the same as he expected. After all, in Ye Wuqian's opinion, the lemon will never come back after leaving this hotel. In the eyes of the innkeeper's wife, she just rented out this little prostitute who was not very profitable for three days, 5000 francs, which was the data set by her unconsciousness. She was ready to be bargained for. However, ye Wumian's generous password input made the hostess very happy. She also respectfully sent them away, and told lemon to serve him well 。

When ye Wuqian left, he did not forget to add a sentence: "uncle, remember to come again next time."

Ye Wuwei waved his hand, and even didn't bother to look back at her. "This silly woman."

The black spies walked in front of Ye Wuwei, always looking back. Ye Wuqi said calmly, "don't look back. Now there are four yellow people on both sides of the road to follow us."

The black scout was surprised and confirmed. He got close to Ye Wuxiang and said with a smile, "brother, my name is pushley. Everyone calls me dog because of my good insight. Brother, I think your insight is more suitable to be a spy than me. Big brother, what should I call you in the future

"Just call me ye Wuwei." Ye Wuqi is still walking forward calmly. As the powers became stronger and stronger, the organs of his body were strengthened accordingly. In fact, from the moment he walked out of the hotel, he didn't have to look back. He could see that the steps of four people were following them.

"Where are we going?" Ye asked.

"Leave District three (the green wood club's territory) and find a place to talk to." The dog took a glance at the lemon around Ye Wuwei, and was obviously not at ease with this strange girl. Lemon is also aware of the particularity of their own identity, honest to stay at Ye Wuxiang's side without talking.

Under the competition of all forces gathered by all parties, the whole city B is divided into four regions according to the size of the region. The first area is the largest scope, which is also the jurisdiction of the Black Wolf Gang, and also the main channel for external access. District 2 is the territory of the Mafia. According to dog, the Mafia is a very powerful organization in South Africa. Its members cover a wide area. According to the law, the Mafia that ye Wuque meets when he gets off the plane and the Mafia in B city are actually the same gang. However, there is no communication between the two parties, and it is very likely that they do not even know who the leader of the other side is. The third district is under the control of the Japanese, and it is also the best area to distinguish. Influenced by the Japanese, there are many Japanese buildings and shops in the three districts. The place they are going to now is the most chaotic area, and the fourth district where other gang members except the three giants of B city gather the most and fight for the most fierce.

Even small underworld gangs also need to develop. Under the oppression of the three giants in city B, other gangs, large and small, gathered in the four districts to fight for the control of the four districts. This is also something that the three giants can't control. If any one of the three giants wants to swallow up the Fourth District, he will be attacked by the other two giants and all other gangs. Don't underestimate the power of these mixed gangs. At least in terms of the number of people, the total number of these mixed gangs will exceed that of any of the three giants in city B.

Allowing the jurisdiction of the four regions has almost become the same rule among the three giants. So the seemingly chaotic four districts are actually the safest for ye Wuque.

Under the guidance of the dog, they got into a black car and soon reached the fourth district. As soon as you get to the Fourth District, ye wubu feels that this place is different from the other three districts. First of all, the street in front of you is full of mixed hair gangsters. It seems lively, but ordinary people like the other three districts can hardly see it.

As soon as the dog got out of the car, several black people came round and bumped with the dog one after another. It was a way of greeting the black people.

The dog said to ye: "these people are my friends in the fourth district. Hey, man, let's find a room for my two friends

A black man with several pigtails squeezed his eyes at the dog and said in a loud voice, "no problem." And then talk to the dog in private.

Although their voices were very low, ye Wuqian could hear them clearly. The black man in the pigtail asked the dog how much money he had received from the two foreigners. He said that he wanted at least 30% of the Commission and 50% to the eldest Hanny.

After making a deal, the dog walked behind and whispered to Ye Wuqi: "they have their own small Gang, which is called the" Nihan Gang ". I am a member of the" Nihan Gang "here. No one knows that I am a spy of the Black Wolf Gang. And ye Ge, you come here. You have to pay the protection fee. If it's convenient, you'd better give me a thousand francs in cash. On me Not so much money. "Ye Wuzhi nodded and gave the dog a thousand francs. The dog took 300 francs to the man who led the way in front of him on the spot. Ye Wuxiang also knows that the lowest level members of the underworld, such as dog, are actually the most difficult to mix with. He finally took 1000 from him and gave them 300, and he also handed over 500 to the so-called boss Hanni. What he really got was only 200.

After a while, ye Wuque was led to a simple rental room with a double bed, a dresser, an empty table and four stools, as well as a small bathroom.

The dog said to Ye Wuqian with embarrassment: "recently, there is a grand gambling party in B city. There are a lot of outsiders. There are too many people in the fourth district. It's not easy to find a house. You can make do with it, brother Ye."

Ye Wuxiang doesn't really think it matters, but if there is only one bed He looked at the lemon and found it inconvenient to have a rest at night.

After those people left, the dog was very uncomfortable in the room, looking like he didn't dare to say what he wanted to say. Lemon is very sensible to say that he would like to take a bath, he went into the bathroom, soon came the sound of the water.

The dog quickly said in a low voice to the leaf: "Ye elder brother! The leader of the green wood society, one eyed snake, is not easy to kill. He is not only cautious, he seldom steps out of the third district, but also has more than ten bodyguards around him on weekdays. If you're alone, it's hard to do it. And One eyed snake is always accompanied by two bodyguards, one fat and one thin. No one knows the origin of the two bodyguards, but everyone says they are very powerful. You should pay special attention to Ye Ge

"Well..." Ye Wuque sat on the stool and thought for a while and said, "do you have any cigarettes?"

The dog was stunned for a moment, and immediately responded. He took out a crumpled cigarette box from his bag. There were still three cigarettes left in it. The dog was reluctant to take out one and hand it to Ye Wuqian to light it for him. I didn't smoke.

Ye Wuqi asked for another one from him, lit it by himself, handed it to him, and said, "you smoke too. I'll give you money later. You go out and buy me some necessities of life. By the way, you can buy a cigarette. You can take half of it."

The dog is very grateful to take over the smoke from ye Wumian, and he is about to shed tears.

Ye Wuwei quickly asked, "kill one eyed snake, what advice do you have?"

"Tomorrow! City B holds a big gambling meeting every three months, which will attract more than half of the rich gamblers in South Africa. In order to maintain the fairness of the gambling club, the venue of the gambling meeting is arranged in four districts not under the jurisdiction of the three giants. The other big three don't dare to say, but the one eyed snake of the green wood club is famous for his gambling and lust. He will leave the third district in order to participate in the gambling meeting. That's the best time for you to kill him! Ye Ge, you can wait for the one eyed snake to go to the toilet alone... " The dog made a beheading gesture.

"When will the gambling begin?" Ye Wuque asked with a puff of smoke.

"Tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, at Sophie hotel!"

"Yes. It's settled. "

At this time, the toilet water suddenly did not ring, the door opened a gap, lemon only stretched out a wet face, some embarrassed to the leaves without missing said: "can you help me get the tap, the water suddenly stopped By the way, there is no bath towel in the bathroom. Can you get me a bath towel

Looking at the lemon slightly red face, may be associated with the picture that he fell asleep and was served by the lemon, ye Wuqi was a little embarrassed.

The dog grinned and said, "brother, I'm going to buy things for you, and the money will be calculated with you when I come back." After that, he quickly ran out of the room, as if for fear of delaying the good thing of Ye Wuwu.

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