The room where the international superstar is located is a presidential suite. Hua YUEWU takes Ye Xiao to the door of the room. The female assistant knocks on the door and says, "ah, Ming, Hua always comes!"

As soon as I heard the assistant call the person in the room so affectionately, ye Xiao and Hua YUEWU looked at each other's eyes and saw the strangeness in each other's eyes!

This international superstar is called gongziming, which is naturally a stage name. Most agents will call Mr. so and so, but she is called Ah Ming. It can be imagined that the relationship between them is definitely extraordinary!

However, ye Xiao was soon relieved. Although the assistant was not very good-looking, she was not bad. Moreover, she had been taking care of the money and property for gongziming for a long time. If there was a long-term love affair or something, it was nothing. What made Ye Xiao curious was that although there was no scandal, he was also a big star, and there could not be a woman around him, As his agent, what would it be like to see childe Ming and other women ambiguous?

"Please come in There's a deep male voice in the presidential suite!

"Mr. Hua, please!" After hearing this, the assistant opened the door in person and made a gesture of empty invitation towards Hua YUEWU. However, he didn't mean to greet Ye Xiao at all. Obviously, he completely ignored him!

Hua YUEWU looks at Ye Xiao for fear that he will get a temper. However, seeing that ye Xiao doesn't care about it, she puts her heart down. She raises her feet and walks into the room. She doesn't need the assistant to greet her. She walks in behind her and wants to go in, but she is stopped by her agent.

"I'm sorry, Ah Ming said, but there's always one flower!"

Ye xiaoleng Leng Leng, this fuckin 'show is too big? Just about to get angry, she heard Hua YUEWU say: "it's OK. You'll wait for me here."

Seeing the charming eyes, ye Xiao pressed down the anger in her heart and gently nodded. Anyway, she was outside, and she didn't dare to do anything, so she nodded now!

After waiting for Xiaoming to close the door for a while, what does Xiaoming do to keep the door open? Isn't it just a contract? As for this?

The area of the presidential suite is very large. There is a huge leather sofa in the center of the huge hall. At this time, a man in a nightgown is sitting on the sofa, staring at the computer on the coffee table. When she comes in from the door, she looks up. When her eyes fall on her, she is surprised for a moment!

Gongzi Ming has been famous for a long time, and now he is an international superstar. In the past two years, it is not that he has never heard of star entertainment company, but also that he knows that there is a beautiful president of star entertainment company. He has seen pictures of the charming flower moon in TV reports, newspapers and magazines. Originally, he thought those were just special effects, but when he really saw a real person, I found that she was even more beautiful than the TV report. The most important thing is that she was so young that she looked like a 28 year old girl!

"Ha ha, President Hua, if you have lost your welcome, please forgive me!" But amazingly, just in an instant, childe Ming quickly adjusted his state, stood up from the sofa, and stretched out his right hand toward Huayue charm!

Seeing the young master Ming wearing a pajama to welcome the guests, Hua Yue's eyes flashed with surprise. However, the surprise returned to surprise, but it did not show on his face!

"You are busy with your business. It's already a blessing for you to see moon charm. How can you make atonement?" With a smile on her face, Hua Yue goes forward to hold out her right hand and Gongzi Ming gently, but she quickly releases it. Her etiquette is in place, but she doesn't give her a chance to take advantage of her!

Hearing Hua YUEWU's slightly teasing meaning, Mr. Ming smiles and glances at his costume. Then he says bitterly: "to be honest, I'll go to bed at six o'clock last night. When my assistant wakes me up, Mr. Hua has already come downstairs, and it's too late to change my clothes. I'm sorry for that."

"Ha ha, the childe is serious. You can not stick to the details in these matters. Obviously, you don't treat YUEWU as an outsider. How can YUEWU know?" When she was a student in Yunlong school, her communication ability was first-class, otherwise she would not be a member of the celebrity Association. Now speaking of it, she can always make people feel intimate!

"Ha ha, Hua always talks and laughs. Come on, please sit down!" Young master Ming ha ha ha smile, point to sofa directly say.

Hua YUEWU is not polite. She sits directly in front of gongziming, who pours two glasses of red wine and hands a cup to huayuewu!

"Flowers always condescend to come here. I'm very grateful. I'd like to propose a toast to flowers here!"

"The young master is serious!" Hua Yuemei frowns. She doesn't understand why gongziming wants to drink with herself. However, she thinks that she is coming to invite him. She still takes the wine cup and touches him gently and drinks it all at once!

Gongzi Ming smiles and pours half a cup of wine for Hua YUEWU. However, he doesn't continue to drink with Hua YUEWU. Instead, he goes straight to the bottom: "I already know the purpose of Hua Zong, and I won't say any more polite words. If Hua Zong really wants me to join your company, I only have a few small requirements?" When both sides were seated, Gongzi Ming said directly!He suddenly said this, but let Ye Xiao and Hua YUEWU stunned, especially Hua YUEWU. She had prepared a long speech in her mind to persuade him to join his company. However, he had not opened his mouth, and the other party had already proposed it. How could he feel like he wanted to come to his own company?

"Please speak, young master." Although I feel strange in my heart, I still smile and say!

"First, the remuneration should not be lower than my present income!" Young master Ming drew a finger!

"It's nature!" Flower Moon Charm nodded, the other side to jump the nest, the lion big mouth is natural, this request will certainly meet!

"Second, I have the right to refuse some scripts I don't want to participate in!" Young master Ming drew the second finger!

Hua YUEWU nodded. Every big star who has a certain influence will choose some scenes suitable for her. This is the rule of the industry, which is not a requirement at all!

"Third, I'm not very well now. The doctor suggested that I take more rest, so I can shoot one movie a year at most!" Young master Ming compared the third finger again!

Flower Moon charming eyebrows slightly pick, a year at most only shoot a play, this seems too little? But think of their own company is not expected him to film, it is just to increase the company's gold content, now is also gently nodded!

"Ha ha, Hua Zong is really a quick talker. Since you have agreed to my three requirements, let's look at the contract first. If you think it's OK, we can sign it!" Gongzi Ming smiles and takes out a contract from the back and hands it to Hua YUEWU.

Hua YUEWU is surprised secretly that the owner usually prepares the contract. How can he prepare it instead? Is he really so eager to jump the nest? But if so, how could he let himself come? Do you just want to see if you are sincere?

In my mind, Hua YUEWU still took the contract and looked at it carefully. There was no big problem ahead. Even many conditions made her incredible. It was too kind. It felt good. It seemed that childe Ming wanted to join her company, but when she saw the last supplementary requirement, her pupil suddenly shrank

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