"Young master, it seems that there is something wrong with the attached request." Flower month charm said, has already handed the contract forward, jade finger is the last small line said!

"Hehe, Huazong is only 5% of the original shares of your company. What's wrong with this? In fact, I am not short of money now. What I ask for is nothing more than to know the sincerity of Hua Gongzi Ming didn't read the words on the contract. In fact, he had expected that Hua YUEWU would have such a reaction!

"Young master, you should know that I am just the president of star entertainment company. I am only responsible for the operation of the company, but I have no right to handle the original shares of the company. I can't make decisions on this matter!" The charming tone of the moon is picking!

"Oh? Since I don't want to ask for another one, I can do it for myself Seeing that Hua YUEWU can still keep a smile on her face, childe Ming is also a little surprised. Anyone knows that she is talking in a lion's mouth, but she can still be indifferent, just this calm, can't let people underestimate!

"I don't know what you're asking for, though?" Flower Moon charming eyebrow a Yang, open mouth to ask a way!

"It's very simple. I just need to spend the night with me. From now on, my son Mingsheng is a member of star entertainment company, and his death is the ghost of star entertainment company!" Young master Ming took a deep breath and directly said the decision in his heart, and then a pair of eyes staring at Huayue charm, full of burning light!

Hua YUEWU is surprised in her eyes and looks at childe Ming in an incredible way. Obviously, she never thought that childe Ming, who had never raised a scandal, would make such a request!

In the entertainment industry, there are many hidden rules. It can be said that today's popular stars are almost all passed by the hidden rules, but they are all hidden rules stars of the boss. How is it now? These wage earners even want the hidden rules boss to come? This Isn't that ridiculous?

However, Hua YUEWU soon thought that childe ming could not be such an idiot. Even if he was thirsty for talents, he could not agree to such a request. He should not have thought of it. The only explanation is that he never thought of signing a contract with himself, and all he did was to tease himself!

"I'm sorry, I can't agree to this request. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." Although Hua YUEWU is angry in her heart, she doesn't want to talk to Mr. Ming more. She stands up and leaves now!

"Ha ha, Mr. Hua, where do you think I am? Come and go if you want to? " At this time, however, came the childe Ming's cold voice. Hua Yue's charming eyebrows wrinkled and she was about to say something, but she felt her head was dizzy and her limbs were even more weak. The whole person even sat down on the sofa, and his face became ugly!

"You You've been drinking The medicine? " Hua YUEWU's eyes are once again replaced by shock. If the words just made her feel surprised just now, it's already a shock. A famous international star, with countless fans, gongziming should do such a despicable thing!

"Ha ha, it's too late for general manager Hua to know now?" Young master Ming ha ha ha smile, already stood up from the sofa!

"You What are you going to do? " Seeing Gongzi Ming standing up, Hua YUEWU is shocked and her eyes are full of panic. She speaks with a weak voice. She wants to shout out loud, but the voice is very small, and only childe Ming can hear it clearly!

"Ha ha, what are you doing? Mr. Hua, what do you want me to do to you Childe Ming laughs, the body is slowly toward the Flower Moon Charm!

Hua Yue's eyes panic, want to struggle, want to roar, but at this time found that she can not even roar out, even a dizzy head, actually directly fainted in the past!

Seeing the charming flower moon fainted on the sofa, the burning eyes flashed in childe Ming's eyes!

"What a nice woman! It's a pity that Yue Shao has taken a fancy to her. Ah!" Gongzi Ming sighed, but he didn't immediately do anything to Huayue charm. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and made a phone call!

Hello Through the phone, the other end of the phone came the cold voice of Yue Ziqiu!

"Yue Shao, the matter has been dealt with. She is in a coma now!" Gongziming respectfully said that he could be rude to Huayue, but he didn't dare to be rude to Yue Ziqiu!

Although his fame is also very high in the world, he deeply understands that in Yue Ziqiu's eyes, a big star like himself is just an ant like role. If you want to step on it, he dare not violate Yue Ziqiu's orders at all!

"Well, you know what to do now?"

"Don't worry, Yue Shao. I know how to do it!" Young master Ming said softly!

"Well!" Yue Ziqiu said, then hung up the phone directly!

Gongzi Ming sighed softly. Then he took out a camera from under the sofa. The camera was aimed at Hua YUEWU, who was already in a coma. Then he came to her side and reached for her collar. He wanted to shoot some beautiful photo albums for her according to Yue Shao's request. He thought that although he could not possess her body, if he could Enough to witness her body, but also a kind of enjoyment, the whole person is excited at the moment!As long as I photographed the most private part of Huayue charm, when I threatened her, I didn't want to play with it?

Maybe when Yue Shao gets tired of playing with her, he will reward her to himself. Maybe, he thinks that Gongzi Ming's hands have already been put on the collar of Huayue charm, and he gently unties the buttons of the black suit for her. In a short time, he has taken off the black coat!

At this time, she was wearing a white shirt and saw the chest that was almost torn out. Even the childe Ming who had had had relations with many women couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Something under her stood up directly and got out of the nightgown. It was so ugly!

I can't own her, but now the camera hasn't been turned on. Feel the head office by yourself. Thinking of this, childe Ming reaches out to the double brassieres of Hua YUEWU!

Outside the room, ye Xiao stood on the side respectfully at first. He was just an obedient assistant. However, after standing for a while, he felt a little uneasy. Now he leaned directly against the wall. He looked like a sluggard. He took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it in front of Mr. Ziming's agent. He took a pleasant puff!

Seeing ye Xiao smoking in the corridor without any morality, the manager's eyebrows picked up and seemed very dissatisfied, but he didn't say anything more!

"Hi, beauty. Is that a big thing See the agent that disgust appearance, leaf Xiao suddenly opens a mouth to tease a way!

Female agent a Leng, don't understand Ye Xiao how can suddenly talk to oneself, and what does he say that thing is big? After a few seconds, the female agent reflected what he was saying. As soon as he was the assistant to the president of star entertainment company, she said such popular words. Her face suddenly changed and she was about to yell. Hua YUEWU's voice was a little surprised in the room. Although the voice was not big, the corridor was quiet at the moment, and both of them knew it clearly Heard this exclamation!

Female agent has nothing, ye Xiao has eyebrows a pick, is very indifferent to say: "what happened inside?"

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