"No, nothing?" The female broker thought of the order of Gongzi Ming, and would not allow anyone to enter without his consent. Now she seems to want to go in. She says it at the moment and stands at the door of the room!

Originally, ye Xiao was only a little suspicious. Now, seeing the look of the female agent, there was a feeling of uneasiness in her heart. He snorted: "get out of the way!"

"Sorry, you can't go in without the permission of Ah Ming!" The female agent is in the doorway, and there is no sense of retreat. Here is the hallway of the hotel. She doesn't think ye xiaodare to do something to her here!

See a female agent you dare not make my appearance, worry about the flower month charm and safety of Ye Xiao where still manage so much, a pull open the female agent, then heavy kick on the door of the room!

"Bang!" Just as the hands of Gongzi Ming are about to be placed in front of the charming breast of the flower and moon, a loud noise came from the door. Then gongziming saw the whole broken of the solid wood door. Among the sawdust in the sky, a shadow of man rushed in like lightning!

Seeing this figure, the boy Ming pupil suddenly contracted together. In order to deal with the charm of flowers and months, the door of this room has been locked back. The wooden door is not a general wood, but a solid red wood, which is extremely strong. But now it is actually smashed by people directly. How much strength does it take?

Xiaolian in the report time not said this person is the flower month charming assistant? How can an assistant have such a strong force? Even the average bodyguard doesn't have it?

But he has not completely returned to God, ye Xiao's figure has rushed to his body, see the charm of flowers and moon in the coma on the sofa, see the young boy Ming who is about to exercise indecent, where ye Xiao cares what you are, and hit out directly!

"Bang!" A loud noise, the whole body of Gongzi Ming was smashed out, directly fell on a sofa behind, the teeth in his mouth were hit by a blow and dropped down, crackling all the way!

The woman agent ran to the door at this time. Suddenly, she saw the man smashing his son's name out of the door without distinction. She was scared to lose his face. Didn't he know that the male was an international star. He dared to do it on the big star. He was afraid that he would be torn up by countless fans?

More importantly, what does he say is that he is a star star entertainment company, now beating up the Gongzi Ming, how bad will the impact be? Doesn't he think about all of these?

Just when the female agent was shocked, ye Xiao had once again landed in front of the boy Ming, pulled his hair, grabbed him all, and then hit the solid wood tea table in front of the sofa like lightning!

"Bang..." Another loud noise, the head of Gongzi Ming hit the tea table heavily, and the heavy tea table made of red wood was directly hit with a crack. As for the head of Gongzi Ming, it was naturally opened a huge blood hole, and the blood flowed down, and it became a blood man in a moment!

The female agent who saw such a scene does not say that the face is out of color, it is simply dazzled, the eyes are full of fear. She has not seen such violent and bloody scenes, but in the film, the common son Ming will also take some such action films, but such scenes are generally the protagonist's male motto twisting the head of others and hitting others Tea table, or table and chair or something!

In the movie stunt, those seemingly stable tables are actually fragile and terrible. Even if she can easily smash them, the question is that it is not the scene of the film. This is reality. The tea table is not a special vulnerable template, but a solid redwood. How much effort is needed?

What would happen to the son of the law who has such a strong power? Seeing the male son Ming with blood on her face, the female agent has no idea what to say or what to do!

Ye Xiao did not have these considerations, not waiting for the son Ming scream out, is a kick out, this foot is kicked to the two legs of the son Ming! Although he had guessed that the son was not happy, what he didn't expect was that this guy dared to do such a thing to the charm of the flower moon!

The charm of the flower moon is his woman, and he does not allow anyone to hurt her!

This guy wants to profane the charm of flowers and months, let him try the punishment he deserves. He does something wrong, and it always needs to pay the price!

And the price of his profanity is that he can never profane women again!

"Pa!" A sound, ye Xiao a foot heavily kicked in the son of the son of the Ming, this full of his anger foot directly kicked the son of the Ming's life root to smash, even can hear the light broken voice!

"Ah..." With the broken eggs, a sad voice came out of the son's mouth. The whole man shot like a flea, and fell heavily on the ground, but his hands covered his own, howling constantly. Where was the arrogance!

That is, the door of the room sounded a sound of a click, and the road white light flashed, ye Xiao looked back, found that the door did not know when has been surrounded by a group of reporters with cameras!

Seeing ye Xiao turn around, these reporters face changed greatly, holding up the camera and turning around and running. Anyway, they have taken the most classic scene, with the hottest news, who cares about the others, if ye Xiao catches it, is hit a small one, and the photos in the camera are destroyed, which will not be worth losing!Ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and I didn't understand how so many journalists appeared suddenly. However, it is not surprising that some journalists would be lurking around him when he thought of the identity of Gongzi Ming. But would these journalists also be conspiracy?

But see the son Ming who fell on the ground howling more than, see the charm of the Flower Moon fainting on the sofa, ye Xiao is also lazy to think more, now release the son Ming, go up to embrace the charm of the flower moon, and go out!

Seeing ye Xiao holding the charming flower month, she wanted to intercept, but she dared not stop, so she had to flash to one side quickly, and her eyes were full of fear.

"Sorry, his thing is no longer useful, big or small!" When she came to the woman broker, ye Xiao left such a word and walked out of the room. But the woman who heard the remark was on the side of her face, which was useless. Did he abandon the son's motto?

The frightened female agent ran towards the young man Ming at full speed, running, and taking out her mobile phone and calling the ambulance!

The matter that Gongzi Ming was beaten was soon announced. The first thing to be published was a thin wave, accompanied by photos of adults. It was the photo of Ye Xiao kicking him between his legs. The above-mentioned male Ming was full of blood, and his eyes were full of pain and pain. As for the batter, it was only a back image because of the angle relationship !

Soon, the incident about the incident of thin one was published, more photos confirmed the news, some photos although can not take ye Xiao's face, but will faint on the sofa of the Flower Moon Charm took down, and just some people know the charm of the moon, know is the president of Star Yu entertainment company, between a while, rumors four, all versions of ...

Some people have a relationship with the president of Xingyu entertainment company, and they are beaten by the president's boyfriend

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