Some people say it is a kind of blow to Tianying company by Xingyu entertainment company. It is the president Hua who takes people into the room of gongziming and beats him. After all, the male name in the photo is still wearing pajamas!

Is this a scene that just proves that he is still resting?

There are just a few journalists who have proved that they have heard the sound of the door breaking, and even some people have attached photos of the broken door fragments. Soon, such a rumor occupies the absolute upper hand!

For a while, the president of Xingyu entertainment company colluded with the social idle personnel to fight their opponents, and the discussion of beating the son Ming, the famous star, was the absolute top priority!

Numerous fans of Gongzi Ming have launched a fierce scold at Xingyu entertainment company in various major Internet circles. In this way, even Xiao Nan, who is even in Xingyu entertainment company, Zhang Xinyu and others, have been scolded. The movie "isolated" which has been faced with many difficulties has been blamed by all fans!

Of course, there are also excuses for star entertainment company, but the voice of this excuse is very small and small. When someone sends some photos of liaohuazhong's beaten to the Internet, even the last sound gradually disappears!

At this time, it was also reported that Xingyu entertainment company became the largest entertainment company in the south in such a short time because of the background of social idleness, they were attacking one another by various means of threat and intimidation!

This time, the hit event, is just one of their common means, between a moment, the public opinion of the network will star Yu entertainment company to push the peak!

Now, even those sevenoreight and ten year old ladies know Star Yu entertainment company!

Even some people have reported that Xiao Nan, the star star entertainment company's popular idol, was once a social idle, but there is no evidence!

As the president of Xingyu entertainment company, huayuecharm was directly pushed on the top of the wind. Under such circumstances, Xingyu entertainment company unexpectedly silent, no one came out to explain a word, which is more firm for many fans' guesswork.

Seeing the news of the Internet, a piece of abuse star entertainment company in the newspaper, yueziqiu's face appeared a faint smile. Although things did not develop as he thought, the effect was better than he thought. Huayue charming wanted to dig out the male and child's motto, but where did she know that she had buried such a trap!

Although there is nothing to threaten her, but after such a thing, Xingyu entertainment company will bear a huge crisis and lose the support of fans. Even if she has any strong background behind it, it is difficult to act. As long as the star entertainment company crosses, then presses Ye Xiao by chance, then loses Ye Xiao's dependence, and the charm of the flower moon is not at hand Is that?

It may take a long time, but the results achieved are much better. When he thinks of it, he is excited. Now he can release the news conference with liaohuazhong only if he waits for the injury of Gongzi ming to be better. As long as they confirm the news, they don't need the law enforcement department to come out and Star Yu entertainment company is finished It's gone!

Hall president, acerbity black patron person to commit murder, who dare to go to such a company? Who will go? As for the matter of the son Ming's death, yueziqiu didn't care about it. Although he was one of the most popular artists under his banner, if he could exchange him for the collapse of Xingyu entertainment company, it would be absolutely more beneficial than bad. There are other artists around him. Only Star Yu Entertainment company will fall down and take the south market completely, but it is easy and easy Living things, then so large entertainment industry in China, is not the only one of their own!

Besides, isn't there any more ancient costume film recently? Now the son Ming is abandoned, let him play Wei Zhongxian, this simply does not need makeup!

At the thought of this, yueziqiu's smile on the corner of his mouth is even more beautiful!

After seven or eight days of the incident, the popularity index of Xingyu entertainment company has declined. Even those who once supported them have been completely silent because of their silence. Even some iron bars of Xiao Nan and zhangxinyu are now immersed in the abusive ocean. Now, as long as anyone is on the Internet who says a good word for Xingyu entertainment company, he stands up Horse will become a street mouse everyone shout, see time is almost, yueziqiu began to arrange Gongzi Ming and liaohuazhong to attend the conference, mainly to elaborate the Flower Moon Charm hire the murderer to beat people!

Today, it is December 25. For the west, it is a grand Christmas. Some festivals in the West have been studied by the Chinese in recent years. However, the Chinese people have holidays, and the fun is true. It is not true that the festivals are really spent.

However, many young people don't go out to play today, but they are all in front of the TV or computer. Only because the party involved in the incident today and liaohuazhong will make public statements about the hiring and beating of people in Xingyu entertainment company!

A wave is thin, a penguin network, a certain end and other major websites are all live broadcast live. Although many fans know that all this is almost indisputable fact, but who also wants to get the confirmation from the client's mouth, they all sit in front of the computer, just to get the definite answer, or let this wind wave come to a paragraph, of course, some people hope to hear it Different voices, they always think that the president of star entertainment company is not that person!Around 10:00 a.m., the Jinghua square outside the Jinghua hotel in Kyoto is already full of people, just because the scene of the conference will be held in the open air from here!

In the center of the square, a huge platform has long been installed. On the platform, there is a long table. In front of the table, there are only three chairs, one for the host, and the other two are naturally Mr. gongziming, an international superstar, and Mr. Liao Huazhong, the general manager of Zhongyuan entertainment company!

Setting the platform here is to tell the general public to the maximum extent that there is no inside information and no hidden rules. Everything is the truth, in order to suppress star entertainment company to the maximum extent!

The platform was surrounded by fans. If it wasn't for the protection of a group of bodyguards in black, these people would have rushed to the front of the platform. When the international superstar childe Ming came on stage wrapped in gauze, the scene immediately caused a sensation. In the eyes of the fans, gongziming is nothing but the biggest victim of this incident. He is just an actor, but now he is involved in two aspects In the big company's dispute, makes now the scar is numerous, this how does not let the human sympathize!

In a separate box not far from the platform, Yue Ziqiu looked at the crowd surging below, and her smile was even more brilliant. After such a thing, gongziming's popularity was even higher than before. It had to be said that it was a miracle, but when the female fans knew that he was no longer a man, they did not know whether they would be very sad !

However, these are not his concerns. As long as the press conference is over today, the death penalty of star entertainment company can be declared. Let alone whether Hua YUEWU can be obtained at that time, at least he has completed Lin Ge's request!

When he thought of this, he was even more proud. At this time, the host, childe Ming, including Liao Huazhong, all came to the scene and sat in their own seats. Meanwhile, countless fans on the stage also set their eyes on the stage. There are more than a dozen media making live broadcast at the same time. It is estimated that there are at least hundreds of millions of people watching at present? Just let Yue Ziqiu doubt is, why to now, Flower Moon Charm did not make any response? Is she really helpless?

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