It is not only Yue Ziqiu who feels helpless, but also the Millennium Hotel. This is the base of star entertainment company going to Kyoto. Although huayuewu has bought her own property in Kyoto, it is impossible for every staff member to have real estate in Kyoto. Therefore, huayuewu has reserved rooms for all staff who come to Kyoto !

At this time, in one of the presidential suites, Hua YUEWU, Zhu Yifeng, Zhao Jun, Tang Jiahui, Ye Fan, and even Xie Xiaobu, the first white face of Yunlong who was ridiculed by Ye Xiao when he attended the celebrity meeting, was also in one of the presidential suites. Although he looks white and pure, he seems to have no other skills except handsome, but a lot of times, handsome is a kind of ability, and Xie Xiaobu is now Star entertainment company public relations manager!

To be a manager of such a large company at this age is a manifestation of talent. Of course, it also has a great relationship with Hua Yue's understanding of people!

No matter Xie Xiaobu, Zhu Yifeng and others, there are some disputes with Ye Xiao, but Hua YUEWU ignores the past and hires them to the company. With their help, Xingyu entertainment company has developed rapidly in just a few years. It can be said that they are all meritorious ministers of Xingyu entertainment company!

These people are very young. Even the oldest Zhu Yifeng and others are only 30 years old. Such a group of young people used to smile and be full of vitality at every meeting. After all, they have created a miracle. But today, all of them are frowning and looking at the charming flower and moon sitting in the center!

Star entertainment company has a background of the underworld, which is no secret, but it is nothing. Nowadays, which entertainment company has no background of the underworld? But the problem is that the videos on the Internet and the photos published in the newspapers almost killed them.

For the man in the newspaper, although he didn't get a picture of his face, he knew who it was. He was the real boss of star entertainment company, ye Xiao!

Although Ye Xiao is impulsive in his heart, no one dares to say anything more. Of course, in their opinion, to make ye Xiao so angry, that childe Ming must have done something to make people angry!

But now is obviously not the time to study these, but how to solve this crisis!

In the past few days, none of them had a good sleep. Originally, they wanted to explain or explain, but Hua YUEWU didn't act all the time, just let them wait. Now, as the parties, Gongzi Ming and Liao Huazhong are going to hold a press conference to point to them, but Hua YUEWU has the leisure to daub her nails there!

Whether Zhu Yifeng or Tang Jiahui, even ye fan, who was the first to follow Huayue's charm, couldn't feel his head. Could it be said that Hua always had a strategy?

Wait until the Flower Moon charm will ten fingernails all daub, the Flower Moon Charm just slowly raised the head, looked to sit in the most corner Xie Xiaobu!

"Are all the media I want you to contact?"

"Well, it's all gone!" Although Xie Xiaobu doesn't understand that exposure should be avoided as much as possible in this matter, and how to spend it, he always actively informs the media to the scene, but Xie Xiaobu still handled what she ordered!

"That's almost the time. Let's clarify it." Looking at the time, it's almost time to start the press conference. Hua Yue's voice is soft and she takes the lead to stand up from the sofa!

Clarification? Is this all over the place? How to clarify? Now the vast majority of netizens think that they sign artists by star entertainment company. How can we clarify it now?

However, seeing her confident smile, all the people still stood up, followed her behind and walked out of the room. A moment later, a car drove from the parking lot of the Millennium Hotel to Jinghua square.

At this time, Jinghua square is still a sea of people. Gongzi Ming and Liao Huazhong sat in their seats and looked at the countless audience. Mr. Ming didn't feel anything, but Liao Huazhong felt nervous. He was just the boss of a small entertainment company, and the most famous stars under his command were just the second tier. When did you see such a big scene The large Jinghua square is full of people. At least there are more than 10000 people on the scene, right?

It seems that Yue Shao not only wants to make a big deal this time, but also takes this opportunity to completely suppress star entertainment company. Although star entertainment company is developing extremely fast, its foundation is unstable after all. How can such a group defeat Tianying company with a strong background?

Hua Yue is smart and intelligent. I don't think that she will be defeated by an international superstar!

Liao Huazhong's heart is full of laughter when he sees the young master Ming who is still wrapped in gauze. The heaviest injury of this guy is no longer on his face. If those female fans below know that his lifeblood has been abandoned, I don't know how he will feel!

The time for the press conference finally arrived. The host delivered a speech. All the reporters below can ask questions, but only those related to the beating incident!

Naturally, the reporters below have little opinion. They are here to report this incident?

This event, which almost swept all the major network forums in China, should also have a result!"Childe, I would like to ask, why did the staff of the president of Star Entertainment Company hurt you?" This is the name of all the fans!

"A few days before the incident, she had called me several times to try to find me in her company. But you know that Tianying entertainment company is my old employer. Besides the support of my fans and friends, the old owner also contributed a lot to my achievement. Under such circumstances, how could I agree to her request? Therefore, I refused Her request! Who knows she said that I would regret it. At that time, I didn't understand the meaning of this sentence. It was a loss and I would regret if I didn't go to their company. However, no one thought that she would take someone to my hotel and beat me up. Until then, I understood what she meant by regret... " Speaking of this, there was a throbbing pain at the bottom of gongziming, which made him gnash his teeth. However, in the eyes of the reporters and fans below, it was unfair treatment and filled with righteous indignation. One by one, they were eager to crush the man who beat gongziming into pieces!

"Mr. Liao, can I ask you a question?" Seeing that childe Ming seems to be excited, a reporter asked Liao Huazhong!

"Excuse me!" Liao Huazhong's injury has been cured for a long time. Naturally, he is not gnashing his teeth like childe Ming!

"I was beaten because I didn't want to sign a contract with star entertainment company. I don't know why you suffered personal attack?"

Liao Huazhong looked at the reporter who asked the question. He found that he was a beautiful reporter with a big chest. He laughed at the reporter and then said slowly, "it's very simple. Star entertainment company wants to expand its influence to the north, but they have no foundation in the north, so they can't compete with big companies like Tianying. Although my company is not big, it is at least In Kyoto, so they came to me to buy my company, so that they could take it as a base and march into the north. But although I am not talented, I don't want to lose all my hard work for many years. I didn't agree. Who would have expected that Xingyu's flower would find someone from the underworld to retaliate against me personally. I feel heartache for having such a company in the entertainment industry... "

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