Seeing Liao Huazhong's heartache at the end of the speech, and the crowd was in a commotion. Although everyone had guessed these reasons, it was still inconceivable when we heard this conclusion from the party concerned. Is it true that star entertainment company will do such a thing?

Whether it is acquisition or signing artists, all use such means?

Later, some reporters asked some detailed questions. In short, it was all about star entertainment company. With the answers of the two parties one by one, the hatred of Star Entertainment Company reached an unprecedented level!

Seeing the tumultuous crowd below, the smile on Yue Ziqiu's face not far away is even more brilliant. When such a thing happens, it's enough to play dead star entertainment company without the help of government departments!

"These are just one-sided words from you. How can you be sure that star entertainment has really done these things?" At this time, a reporter appeared on the computer screen in front of him. Yue Ziqiu's eyebrows raised. This is a special reporter of a wave network. This guy dares to speak for star entertainment company at the risk of public anger at this time. Isn't it for death?

Sure enough, with the question asked, the scene immediately sounded a voice of reprimand, if not for those people in black and the police on the scene stopped, angry fans would have rushed to tear it into pieces!

"Can't those pictures tell the story?" At this time, the young master Ming Leng, who had been holding a fire in his heart, hummed!

His injuries did not recover, especially below. It was painful. If Yue Ziqiu hadn't ordered him, he would not have attended the conference at this time. Now he just wants to finish his training as soon as possible, and it seems that it will be over. This son of a bitch still asks such questions. Isn't he deliberately against himself?

"Of course, it can't explain the problem!" At this time, the scene suddenly sounded a crisp female voice, all of us were stunned. Then, with the direction of the voice, we saw a beautiful woman in a bright red coat coming out of the crowd!

At the sight of this woman, the faces of young master Ming and Liao Huazhong are all changed. Some people have already recognized that the person who came here is another party to this incident. Hua YUEWU, President of star entertainment company, is a famous actress!

It was a very turbulent scene, but after the sudden appearance of Hua YUEWU, she became quiet. Even some people who were originally dissatisfied with her elegant temperament also quieted down. After the beating incident for so long, it was the first time that star entertainment company came forward, and they even chose such an occasion, Do they really have any difficulties?

Those reporters who were ready to leave, when they saw the appearance of Hua YUEWU, got excited one by one. Is there any hidden inside story about this beating incident?

Yue Ziqiu, who was not far away, felt uneasy when she saw her appearance. However, she thought that all the video evidence had been destroyed by herself. No one knew how Hua yueyun entered the Hilton hotel that day. Under such circumstances, what kind of storm could she turn over?

As for Liao huazhongna, he did not leave any control. What should he worry about?

Thinking of this, Yue Ziqiu gradually calmed down, but turned his head and looked at the Flower Moon Charm on the platform!

The host has long stood up, although the appearance of the Flower Moon Charm is not arranged in advance, but since she has appeared, the total can not ignore it, then what will the people below think?

No matter whether they have done it or not, they should always give them a chance to defend themselves, right?

"President Hua, do you have anything to say about this beating incident?" When Hua YUEWU sat down, a reporter immediately asked. Hua YUEWU took a look. She was not the reporter she had arranged earlier, but she didn't care. Instead, she glanced at childe Ming and Liao Huazhong and said coldly, "what they said is nonsense!"

A bunch of nonsense, these four words, the scene immediately a commotion, many childe Ming's fans have begun to curse, and some people want to rush forward to give Hua YUEWU a lesson, the scene has faint signs of out of control, but in the face of such a situation, Hua YUEWU is still a calm face, such a scene, in the eyes of Zhu Yifeng and others, is a face worry!

At this time, in a corner of the venue, ye Xiao, dressed in black, looked at all these things in silence. Seeing the gradually turbulent crowd, ye Xiao said faintly: "protect the moon charm, don't let these idiots rush past!"

"Yes With the fall of his voice, a man behind him respectfully answered, and then said some words to the earphone. Among the crowd, people from Tianmen had already been arranged. With these people, the disturbance was quickly calmed down, at least no one could rush forward!

"But Mr. Hua, are those photos fake?" At this time, a reporter raised a question again!

"No, those photos are real!" Hua YUEWU shook her head and affirmed the authenticity of those photos!

"In this case, how can president Hua explain the beating incident of your subordinates?" See the Flower Moon Charm admitted that those photos are true, and a reporter asked!"The man in the picture is not my subordinate..."

"He's with you, not your subordinates. Whose subordinates are they?" As soon as she heard that Hua YUEWU denied that the person who beat gongziming was not her subordinate, there was a sensation at the scene, and gongziming snorted coldly on the spot!

If it wasn't for that guy's foot, how could he be like this now! No matter how serious the injury on the face, it doesn't matter. Now medicine is so developed, even if you leave a scar, it's easy to remove, but the root of your life has been injured. This is not what the current medicine can cure!

At the thought that he might never be able to play with women again, he was full of hatred for ye Xiao and Huayue charm. He was eager to tear this pair of dog men and women into pieces!

"He's the boss of our company!" Hua YUEWU doesn't pay any attention to Gongzi Ming's dog barking and says again. With the fall of her voice, there is a short silence on the scene. All along, the boss of star entertainment company is like an invisible person, full of mystery. Many reporters want to inquire about the identity of the company's boss from various channels, but there is no way. No one has thought of it Charm will announce the identity of the company's boss on such an occasion!

Of course, a quick response reporter immediately came back to his senses and asked that even the boss shouldn't have beaten people. But before they could ask, Hua YUEWU had continued to say, "Mr. Ye's action on the day was not a bully as the young master said, but he did some things that people and gods were angry about..." Then, Hua YUEWU talked about the whole incident, even about some disputes with Liao Huazhong!

After hearing Hua YUEWU's explanation, many people's first reaction was that it was impossible. Liao Huazhong stopped talking about it for a while. He said that there had been no rumors about international superstars. How could such an actor make such a request?

Many people even started to scold Hua YUEWU and frame her up. Seeing the angry people below, Liao Huazhong and gongziming, who were already a little flustered, sneered at each other. Who would believe you if they said such things again at this time?

In the face of public abuse, Hua YUEWU takes a tape recorder out of her pocket and points the microphone at the recorder. When she sees the recorder, her face changes dramatically

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