Ignoring childe Ming's face, Hua YUEWU opens the recorder into the microphone!

"I don't know what you're asking for, though?" This is the voice of Flower Moon Charm!

"It's very simple. I just need to spend the night with me. From now on, my son Mingsheng is a member of star entertainment company, and his death is the ghost of star entertainment company!" Hearing such a voice, the whole scene was as silent as death. Everyone could hear it. It was the voice of gongziming. Many people's faces were full of horror. It's hard to imagine that he would say such a thing. However, seeing his pale face, some people already believe the authenticity of this recording pen!

"I'm sorry, I can't agree to this request. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." The voice of Hua YUEWU continued to come from the recording pen. Anyone could hear that her tone was slightly angry. I thought about it. She was kind-hearted and thirsty for talents. As a result, the other party even put forward such a request. Huayuewu didn't get angry on the spot. It's amazing that some people have already begun to sympathize with Hua YUEWU. A woman, no matter what her status, wants to It's not easy to do something big!

"Ha ha, Mr. Hua, where do you think I am? Come and go if you want to? " Childe Ming's voice continues to ring, all ears up to listen? Why is the voice so gloomy?

"You You've been drinking The medicine? " On hearing this, people's hearts jumped again and prescribed medicine? Is it that childe Ming should have used such a mean means?

"Ha ha, it's too late for general manager Hua to know now?" When gongziming came again, many people's hearts seemed to be broken by a hammer. Gongziming, an international superstar who has attracted thousands of people's attention, should be such a person?

If it is justifiable to make such a request just now, it is unforgivable to do such a thing!

That request is just to talk about it. It's just a matter of your love and my wish. It's nothing in the entertainment industry. However, he still drugged in the wine to bewilder Hua Yue. It's too mean, and it's not shameless to describe!

Many people are full of despair at the thought that the almost perfect idol in their mind would use such a vulgar method. However, some people still can't believe that all this is true, or that their reason has already believed, but their emotion is difficult to accept. Will the content of this recording pen be false?

As the recording pen continued to ring, there was the voice of gongziming calling. When he heard Yue Shao's two words, Yue Ziqiu, whose face was already very ugly in the box, became blue and purple. He never thought that Hua YUEWU would give him such a move!

More and more people have begun to guess Yue Shao's identity. In fact, there is no need to guess. Gongziming is a superstar under Tianying banner, and the boss of Tianying is called Yue Ziqiu. The only person who can tell him to do such a thing is Yue Ziqiu!

The identity of Yue Shao is not clear. When those fans who love gongziming hear the words behind, they believe the content of this recording pen. Their childe Ming is not such a despicable person. All this is just the arrangement of yueziqiu, the general manager of Tianying!

Of course, this is just childe Ming's loyalty will think like this. Many people have been disappointed with what he has done. As an idol attracting thousands of people, he should not have done such a thing no matter what the reason is!

At this moment, the scene was completely boiling, but the reporters arranged by Yue Ziqiu were not willing to get such a result. They came here to help Yue Ziqiu suppress Hua YUEWU with all his strength. Now it has become this way. How can they explain to Yue Ziqiu!

"Mr. Hua, can't this recording be a fake At this time, a reporter arranged secretly by Yue Ziqiu asked!

"Of course it is impossible. If you don't believe it, you can send it to the judicial department for identification. Moreover, if it is false, why hasn't you refuted it?" When Hua YUEWU said this, she took a look at the young master Ming not far away. She only saw that his face was pale and he had no face. Obviously, he also understood that all this was true. At this time, he would sophisticate again. When the judicial department made an appraisal, he would just hit his own face!

On hearing Hua YUEWU's retort, the reporter's face turned red. However, at the thought of Yue Ziqiu's advice, he forced him to ask: "Mr. Hua just said that he was sincerely inviting the young master. Since he is sincere, why should he carry this recording pen with him?"

When he asked this question, other reporters looked at him with idiotic eyes one by one. You all made this kind of thing that people and gods are indignant about. Can't people take some preventive measures? If it is not for this recording pen, it is estimated that the Flower Moon charm will not be able to wash the Yellow River!

"Shopping malls are like battlefields. Even if I don't think about myself, I have to think about the company. If I'm not careful, I'm going to lose my reputation this time!" In the face of the reporter's question, Hua YUEWU also does not defend what, directly and generously admits!

When everyone saw her so sincere, they also had a feeling of sympathy. Yes, this time the storm was so big. If she hadn't been more careful and prepared such a recorder on her body, now star entertainment company has been ruined. If it wasn't for this recorder, who would have believed that childe Ming would be such a person!Hearing that Hua YUEWU confessed her mistake, the reporter was stunned, but he obviously refused to give up!

"Well, even if this is not the case, what is the matter with Mr. Liao? Does Hua always have evidence to prove that it was Mr. Liao who made a statement to molest you At this time, many people have been unhappy with this reporter. Even a fool knows that he is sent by Yue Ziqiu!

However, in the face of one difficult question after another, Hua YUEWU is not in a hurry. On the contrary, Liao Huazhong on the other side is beating drums. What is the matter? Only he knows clearly in his heart. If Hua YUEWU really takes out any evidence, what can he do?

"No!" Originally, I thought that Hua YUEWU would really show any evidence, but who knows that Hua YUEWU shakes her head simply. Liao Huazhong's heart is happy. No matter how the contradiction between Hua YUEWU and Gongzi Ming is, as long as she has no evidence to prove it, at least her dark part is always unclear?

"But I have a few witnesses!"

"Who?" The reporter and Liao Huazhong almost asked at the same time. After Liao Huazhong finished asking, he had a burst of regret. Other people also saw that his face was abnormal. Could it be that Liao Huazhong molested him first?

Hua YUEWU didn't speak. She just looked to the left. People followed his eyes and saw a man with dishevelled hair and a face full of beards coming up from the crowd. When he saw this man's down and down look, if his clothes were not dirty, many people would have thought he was a beggar?

"This is Mr. Zhou Yuwen, the owner of the struggling bar in the picture. He was also present at that time. I think he will prove it for me!" Flower Moon Charm simple to do an introduction, and the boss of struggle bar is also confirmed the words of Flower Moon Charm!

"Mr. Hua, what if he is bought by you?" That reporter still does not give up asking!

Seeing this reporter so pestered, Hua YUEWU glanced at him with pity in her eyes. She seemed to be sighing for his incapacity

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