"Mr. Liao, do you think Mr. Zhou was bribed by me?" Hua YUEWU did not look at the reporter any more, but turned to Liao Huazhong!

Seeing Hua YUEWU's calm appearance and Zhou Yuwen's sneer, Liao Huazhong felt very uneasy and wanted to admit that he was wrong. However, when he thought of Yue Ziqiu's terrible background, he didn't dare to violate his words. He summoned up courage and said, "it's not normal for Hua Huazong to be rich, so it's not normal to bribe someone ?”

"Ah..." Hua YUEWU murmured a sigh. This sigh, like a heavy hammer, hit Liao Huazhong's heart hard and let him gasp for breath. He wanted to continue to explain what, but heard a loud voice: "Liao Huazhong, now, you still want to sophisticate?"

With the sound of this voice, people saw a woman in plain clothes coming out of the crowd. Liao Huazhong's face changed dramatically again. This is yuan LAN, who has always been obedient to himself. How did she come?

But what really shocked Liao Huazhong was not yuan Lan's appearance, but Meier, a half blood beauty who followed yuan LAN. Wasn't she from Yue Shao? How can I be with Yuan LAN? And it's here?

Don't mention Liao Huazhong. Even Yue Ziqiu, who saw mei'er in the box, was able to brush her once and stand up from her seat. How could he have never imagined that the actress, who had been discovered by himself, and now has become a new generation singer in the entertainment industry, would appear on such an occasion!

Now, Hua YUEWU has almost completely pulled back the situation. At this time, the emergence of Alain Meier and Yuan LAN is to

At the thought of that possibility, Yue Ziqiu's eyes even flashed a look of despair, Hua YUEWU, this is not a counterattack, but to directly push himself into the bottom of the valley!

Many people don't know yuan LAN, but as a singer who has become popular recently, a lot of people know her. When she and a woman appear, the atmosphere of the scene is aroused again. Many people are puzzled. What are these two people doing here?

Alain Meier and Yuan LAN stepped onto the platform. They didn't say much, but she took out the recording pen from her pocket and handed it to Hua YUEWU!

It is the recorder again, whether it is the reporters or the fans, at this time one by one the nerves have been tuned to the most excited point, many people guess, there will be more powerful news!

It's just that the news just now is strong enough. What can be more powerful than the news just now?

"What does Yue Shao need to do?" The first sentence of the recording is Liao Huazhong's voice. As soon as he hears this voice, Liao Huazhong's eyes are already lost. He knows that his conversation with Yue Shao that day has been recorded!

Yuan Lan's mind is simple, and she should not have such an idea. Then the only one who can do it is the one in front of her. Oh, has she planned for it? At the thought of this place, Liao Huazhong only felt himself in the ice cave, and his whole body was cold!

With the broadcast of the recording, many people have grown up. No one thought that it was arranged by Yue Shao. It seems that Yue Shao has spared no effort to crack down on Huayue charm!

And when they heard that they wanted to possess the charm of Huayue, many people were full of sympathy for her. It is really not easy for a woman to make a career!

When they heard that Yue Shao asked Liao Huazhong's woman to accompany him, many people had already started to scold Yue Shao. Nobody thought that the boss of Tianying entertainment company would be such a beast!

Later, Amelia sat in the position of Hua YUEWU and revealed the details of the incident. She even risked the world's big violation and exposed a lot of inside information in the entertainment industry. She even said the hidden rules she suffered one by one, regardless of her reputation!

After hearing so many shocking news, many people have been numb. No one expected that a press conference aimed at star entertainment company would end up with a complete victory of star entertainment company!

All of them are nothing but a conspiracy of yueziqiu, the boss of Tianying entertainment company, against star entertainment company. The purpose of this plot is not only to completely destroy star entertainment company, but also to get the charming people of Huayue!

If we say that attacking the opponent does everything possible, then Yue Ziqiu's actions have caused public indignation. This is not only limited to the market war, but also the moral corruption to the extreme. In particular, he even refuses to let go of Liao Huazhong's women. What makes people feel bloody is that Liao Huazhong has agreed to this almost powerless demand!

No one expected that Yue Ziqiu, the boss of Tianying entertainment company, would be such a beast in disguise. Those fans who supported her not only did not blame her for this, but also felt full of sympathy for her!

Who could have thought that, in front of people's infinite scenery, she would suffer such treatment, and she also promised on the spot that she would not be treated like this again, so she would rather bear the risk of breach of contract and leave Tianying company!

Hua YUEWU also expressed her original intention to sign Alain Meier in public. No one thought that after experiencing this hidden rule incident, her popularity was not reduced, but even more popular. Moreover, under the promotion of star entertainment company, within a year, she has become the first person in the music world. Of course, this is a later remark, but after Yuan Lanhe Alain Meier testified that the scene took on one side, and the reputation of Tianying entertainment company was lost at this moment. At least, Yue Ziqiu had no face!In the distance, seeing the scene of a fiery Ye Xiao's mouth, a faint smile appeared. He only knew that Hua YUEWU would have a back move, but he didn't expect that the latter move would be so terrible that Tianying entertainment company was doomed. After this recording gate incident, it is estimated that Tianying Entertainment company will suffer the most severe blow, but I don't know they can insist on it How long?

Of course, this is only on the surface. Yue Ziqiu, as the legitimate family of the Yue family, has such a bad character, which definitely has a serious impact on the high-ranking Yue family member. At this time, it is estimated that he is not easy, right?

At the thought of this, ye Xiao's smile on the corner of his mouth is even more brilliant. It is known to all that the Yue family and the Lin family make friends. Yue Ziqiu has always followed Lin's ruthless lead, which can be said to be one of Lin's most effective assistants. Now that he has pulled out this assistant, it must have been a great blow to Lin's ruthlessness!

Even if you're Lin heartless, what about being a lineage of the Lin family? No matter how high you are? After this incident, Yue Ziqiu is finished, and the Yue family's that time will never be better, and his political enemies will certainly not miss such an opportunity!

Maybe we can't pull that one down, but it's the most common thing for those politicians to crack down on their families from all aspects in order to obtain the maximum profits!

Now the one in the Yue family is the highest in the political arena of the Lin family. Once that one is attacked, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to the Lin family, which is more serious than directly attacking Lin's ruthlessness!

The so-called butterfly effect is so slowly formed

But let Ye Xiao feel puzzled is, all this early in the calculation of Flower Moon charm? Is that what she came to Kyoto for?

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