Flander had known for a long time that the group of people in front of him was not simple, but when ye wumianzhen began to use powers in front of him, he was still shocked. Flander never realized that there was a group of people in the world who had the supernatural abilities of the protagonists in Superman movies.

Ye Wuxiang mobilized his whole body's powers and set a black car ten meters away from him as his target. Pulling by gravity, no one in the black car got up automatically. Four black wheels rolled quietly on the ground. First, they retreated a few meters toward the leaves.

"You want us to go in that car?" The God of gambler frowned and said, "it doesn't work. If the zombie finds out. We can only escape in that car at the most

"You're only half right." Ye Wuqi controlled the car to slowly step backward behind him and said with a sneer: "but you forget that zombies are also things without brains."

At the end of the speech, in the case that all people don't understand, ye Wuqian uses gravity to push the black car to the direction of the building slowly.

"Why did you let it go back?" The black wolf king asked curiously.

"Take your time."

Gradually, the unmanned car attracted the attention of some zombies. The zombies around me were suspicious. They slowly approached the black car. Some zombies in the distance rushed towards the black car grinning as if they had seen a living person.

But as a pile of zombies surrounded the black car, unable to move forward, a group of zombies through the front windshield found that the car is indeed empty. The faces of those zombies actually showed a confused look.

For about five minutes, all the zombies seemed to confirm one thing, that is, there were no living people in the car. Slowly, the zombies surrounding the car are scattered naturally, repeating their aimless walk.

At this time, ye Wumian uses his ability to control the black car back again. The attention of a group of zombies was attracted by the car again, and rushed to surround the car with grinning teeth again. The car was surrounded again and was hard to move. But the results were repeated. When the zombies were sure that there was no one in the car, they scattered again.

Ye Wuqi controls the car to the building. This time, the God of gamblers finally found a different place. Although there were zombies to surround the car, the number was obviously reduced by half. Although the rest of the zombies did not understand why the car understood it, they at least confirmed that there was no one in the car.

Ye Wuque controls the black car one after another, but each time it can travel a little farther. For the most recent time, the black car is only three meters away from ye Wumian. At the same time, the five or six zombies surrounded by him are only five meters away from ye Wumian. Fortunately, they have not been found.

Until the car repeated more than 20 times, no zombie would care about the car's movement, and no zombie was curious about the car's pulling distance. Almost all the zombies around think that this is a natural thing. You don't need to check it, and ye Wuqian's purpose is achieved.

Ye Wuque didn't say it clearly, but the God of gambler also understood the meaning of Ye Wuque, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you, this boy, looks like a fool, but in fact, it's quite clever."

Ye Wuqi ignored him and concentrated on controlling the power. In fact, what the gamblers don't know is that in order to control the front and rear of the car, ye Wuqian has almost reached the limit of the strength and precision of the ability. Fortunately, he has improved his control of the power during this period, otherwise he can't do it.

"For the last time, I'll take control of the car and move it in front of us, and you're going to get in the car as fast as you can. Be careful not to be found by the zombie, or we will lose all our efforts. " Ye Wuhuo's forehead was covered with sweat granules, and his face was serious.

"Good!" Frand replied excitedly. At this moment, he never imagined that he could enter the "or mall". He actually had a way to be managed by the people in front of him. Frand's heart began to beat with excitement. Another bold thought came out of his heart. Excited, he almost blurted out, but it seemed that he remembered some sudden picture, which made him just open his mouth and didn't speak, and his face slowly became silent from the excitement.

Ye saw all this in his eyes, but this is clearly not a good time to ask questions.

Three meters. Under the control of the leaf, the black car slowly rolls backward, and it is about to reach the dark layer. No zombie will pay attention to this at this time.

Two meters.

One meter. The rear half of the black car has been submerged into the corridor mezzanine.

"You can't sit in the front seat, or you'll be found. Get in the car Ye Wuque growled in a low voice.

The black wolf king grabbed out the rear door. Fortunately, the door itself was open, so there was no need to make too much noise. The door opened, and frand and Elena first entered the back seat, and the black wolf king squeezed in. The God of gambler looked at it awkwardly, leaving only a space for a child at most, and he laughed awkwardly. Black wolf king in the car urged the low roar: "come on, gambling God, you giggle what.""This Even if I go in, he won't have a place. " The God of gamblers said embarrassed. In fact, he didn't want to squeeze into such a narrow space.

"Don't mind me. You go first. " Ye Wuque said, "quick

However, the God of gambling began to drill into the back seat of the car. After drilling for a long time, he only went in half of his body. Finally, the black wolf king stretched out two long and thick arms and pulled the God of gambler into the car. Close the door gently. Take a deep breath.

"Back and forth so many times, just for this time. Well, you zombies don't have brains Ye Wuxiang thinks in his heart that he starts to mobilize gravity again. The naked eye can't see it. A blue power is sending out strangely from ye Wuque's hand, surrounding the four wheels of the black car.

The car began to roll forward again. In order not to attract the attention of the surrounding zombies, ye Wuqian still used the relatively slow speed to control the car. At the same time, ye Wumian also tries to choose the best route, so that the car can avoid the wandering path of zombies. At least, those zombies will not see the inside of the windshield at will.

Back and forth more than a dozen times, leaf without lack of early adjustment out of the best route.

Zombies were constantly passing by the car, but as before, they did not take a look at the driverless car.

Suddenly A zombie changed his route inexplicably and went to the front of the car!

Ye Wumian quickly controlled the car to stop, so as not to let it hit the zombie. It's like the red light goes out and the green light is on. Ye Wuqian can only hope that the zombie who happened to change the route should go away quickly. As usual, don't look in the window!

However, there must be special reasons for the sudden change in inertia, even if it is a slight change.

The zombie was originally walking sideways in front of the car, which may be strange to realize that the car did not hit it. After all, in the process of Ye Wumian's control, the reason why the vehicles stopped was because they were blocked by zombies, so they couldn't move forward.

The zombie in Ye Wuqi's nervous waiting, even showed a confused face. His head, which had no normal brain, was extremely uncoordinated and turned towards the car

Ye Wumian didn't know if he could see anything, but the Zombie's eyes were really staring at the windshield of the car.

Fortunately, there was no one in the front seat, but the black wolf king, who was nearly two meters tall, was crammed into the back seat of the car. How could it be difficult to hide?! Is it a failure!

As the zombie stops in front of the car for a long time, ye Wuqian feels nervous that every hair on his body is standing up. He starts to slowly intensify the mobilization of the power. The crazy power rolls and strengthens in Ye Wuxiang's body. Ye Wuqi feels that the fluid is frantically bumping in his body, which has already made him feel some visceral pain.

but not so much, ye Wei has already sat in the car, they are prepared by the zombies found, and then mobilize the ability to quickly pull the whole car back.

But at this time, the zombie suddenly all over the body, as if nothing to see the same, according to the original road deformity away.

Ye Wuxiang was a little surprised. Although he knew that the vision of the zombie was not very good, he could not find that the back seat of the car was full of people under the transparent windshield in broad daylight. What's wrong with your eyesight? You're blind.

According to the behavior of this zombie, ye Wuque is suspicious. Maybe he doesn't have to work so hard to go straight to the mall opposite. Maybe these blind zombies may not be able to find them.

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