The commercial building in the center of Nancheng covers an area of at least 700 square meters, with a total of five floors. The first floor is an international supermarket chain, the second floor is mainly engaged in clothing, the third floor is electrical appliances and sanitary ware, the fourth floor is the most luxurious cinema in Nancheng, and the fifth floor contains a series of health care places such as massage, spa, foot bathing, etc. This whole building covers almost all the needs of the former residents of Nancheng.

Fortunately, with such a large-scale building, the front door of a building is so large that a car can safely enter. Black car also finally in the surrounding zombie did not find the circumstances, smoothly into the first floor of the orr supermarket.

At the same time, there are still a lot of zombies walking through the shelves aimlessly, just like in front of them, wandering in front of a pile of goods. Thanks to these shelves, Flanders could find a hidden place and get off the bus.

The gambling God got out of the car and hid under the shelf. He gasped and yelled at the wolf king in a low voice: "you guy, how come you have such a strong Sao smell on your body? It's almost suffocating me!"

"Do you have any?" The black wolf king raised his arm, sniffed under his armpit and said, "No. I can't smell it. "

"You ask them!" The God of gambler pointed to Frank.

As he got out of the car, frand's face was still frightened. He can still remember the moment when the zombie in front of the car locked his eyes. He thought he would die there all his life. But what scares him most is Elena around him. If her daughter died here No, there is no such if.

But strange things happened after that. He clearly remembered that the black wolf king's eyes were like the wolf's eyes at night, shining with the zombie. After that, the zombie left the car silently as if nothing had been seen.

The lethality of playing cards is like a god of gamblers who can make cars move from space, and Black wolf whose eyes shine like wolves. What kind of gods are these people.

Frand felt that it was beyond his comprehension to fight for the right of his daughter's survival in the hands of zombies in his life. But compared with this group of people I'm afraid it's not worth mentioning.

Frand stood still, looking at the black wolf king and the God of gambler. His heart beat violently again. His desire to say something became more and more intense. Frand's voice kept telling himself, "maybe they can! Maybe they can! My daughter, you are saved! "

He was so distracted that he didn't even hear the dialogue between the God of gamblers and wolf king.

The wolf king went up to frank, patted him on the shoulder, took him back to reality from his fantasy and asked, "Hey, Flander, does it smell?"

"What's the smell?" frand asked, stupidly

"He said that Lao Tzu has a coquettish taste. Why can't I smell it when you help me smell it? " The wolf king seems to care about it. Although he is a South African, after he left the forest, he still learned to take care of himself like a man and often took a bath. But before his side of the people, can never say that he has any smell. He thought he had broken away from the scruffy appearance of the forest wolf and had become a real human gentleman. The word of God of gamblers is not so important, but it is a bit of a blow to wolf king.

In the car just now, Flander was so scared that he couldn't notice the smell in the car. Now he sniffed at the wolf king, and he really smelled a little bit of wolf. Frand had often smelled it when he was hunting in Russia. He didn't dislike it, but he absolutely didn't like it. Generally speaking, it was a sign of extreme danger.

But Flander said, "no It's not very tasty He didn't want to offend the man with the wolf eyes.

The wolf king laughed and patted frand on the shoulder, turned to look at the gambler and said, "you see, it doesn't taste good. He said it was stale. Laozi said that I had been in B city for half a year, and had been in the United States for two years before. No one has ever said that Laozi has a taste. Your nose is special. "

"I'll go. How can you open your eyes and tell lies. You can't smell that smell. I think your nose is similar to that of a zombie. " Said the God of gamblers, looking at frand angrily. Frand couldn't answer back and looked at the God of gamblers with a dry smile.

The God of gambler knew that Flander was worried about making wolf king angry, so he went to Elena with a smile and asked, "come on, Elena, my good apprentice, you are the most honest, you tell this uncle wolf. Is he ugly? "

The wolf king looked forward to looking at the little Elena. Perhaps she had been getting along for a long time. Elena knew that this was a group of people standing on his side, and was not afraid of him. She looked at the wolf king with simple eyes and revealed a heartbreaking answer: "ugly."

The wolf king even stepped back two steps in disbelief.The God of gambling said with a smile, "you see, children are the most honest. Do you think you really don't smell? It's all because of the people around you before. They are afraid of you and dare not say it out. "

The wolf king felt that he had stepped on it all day. He thinks he has been well integrated into the human environment. He once joked to Elena that he grew up in a wolf's nest. In fact, this is a true story. Although the wolf king looks like he is in his thirties, it is only ten years since he learned to speak. This seemingly powerful wolf king is actually the one who knows the meaning of loneliness. He has been trying to integrate into the society.

His appearance, the thick growth of his hair, he couldn't change it, and he didn't want to change it. That's the direction of his powers. It's the external manifestation of his strength. But he's always trying to change the smell of his body that doesn't belong to the human environment. Before that, he thought he had succeeded, but

For wolf king, it's not just the smell on his body.

All of a sudden, the wolf king also felt that he had a strong smell of wolf. He suddenly thought of the forest where he had lived for 20 years, the strange swamp where countless wolves were drowned, the huge flies like baseball on the rotten corpse, and the saber toothed tiger as big as a baby elephant that almost killed him The wolf king felt as if he was going back to the nightmare place.

"I want to take a bath..." Wolf king Zheng Zheng Zheng said. His face presents a kind of panic expression, standing in the same place, the slightest taboo everywhere to check the direction of the supermarket bathroom.

Hello! You are crazy! Squat down and be careful to be found by the zombie. " The God of gambler roared sternly.

"I don't care! I want to take a bath Wolf king began to walk out of the shelves without any taboo and headed for the direction of the bathroom marked in the supermarket. In the supermarket, dozens of zombies immediately found this extra, normal walking behemoth. Those zombies immediately wriggled and rushed towards the wolf king!

"Hello The God of gambler couldn't believe to see the wolf king so exposed in the field of vision of the group of corpses, but it could not be retrieved. Wolf king is like a sudden infatuation, for the supermarket bathroom, has to go firmly.

"I want to take a bath. Don't stop me The black wolf king growled in a low voice. His eyes again burst out that kind of photographic light, all the zombies dare not rush forward at this moment, they are surrounded by the black wolf king, but no one dares to rush forward. When the black wolf king takes a step forward, the whole encirclement moves one step. But the wolf king did not have a trace to change the idea, he just walked towards the direction of the bathroom, unshakable.

Flander saw the eyes of the zombies, which the wild dogs in the forest, who ate the carrion, showed when they were surrounded by a single wolf king, and were reluctant to give up and dare not rush to attack.

But fortunately, the black wolf king's inexplicable move attracted all the zombies in the supermarket and opened the distance between them and frand.

"What's going on?" Ye Wuwei unconsciously stood behind Flander. Of course, Flander was very surprised at his sudden appearance, but the God of gambler knew that this guy had the ability to move one kilometer in a flash. The distance of 30 meters was not a small matter.

"I I don't know, he just said, he wants to Take a bath Frand was a little confused.

"What's going on?" Ye Wuque asked with cold eyes at the God of gambler.

The gambling God was surprised to see the black wolf king with a group of zombies away, and said: "I just said that he has a wolf flavor But his reaction, too fierce

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