"It's gone again!" The black wolf king shouts nervously.

Ye Wumian quickly looks around to check, but Yafei is also very flexible in addition to his extremely fast speed. He walks around the shops on the second floor flexibly, and can disappear in the sight of Ye Wuque in a blink of an eye. This ghostly figure looms from time to time. Every time it appears, there is also a new wound on the black wolf king or Ye wubu.

This kind of high-speed dead object, which completely exceeds the limit of human speed, brings a kind of too weird but normal human behavior for human from the very beginning.

In the tense atmosphere, ye Wuhua looks down at at at least seven wounds all over his body. He is not sure. Yafei's paws and teeth seem to have the same zombie virus. He is more uncertain whether his body can resist these zombies, and in two or three hours, he will become a monster like her.

"It's not the time to think about it!" Looking for every clothing store, Yafei looks up. But everything is the same as the beginning, Yafei disappeared in the surrounding dummy again, will create a new wound.

"Hee hee hee..." All of a sudden, Sophie was standing in the window of a casual dress, with fashionable mannequins like her companions. She gave out a creepy laugh, a pair of zombie eyes with no look at ye Wuque.

"There it is!" The black wolf king felt like he was going crazy. He rushed towards the clothing store, but just after taking a step, Yafei moved quickly and disappeared again.

"Hee hee hee..." That kind of desolate and horrible laughter appeared again, but this time, the position was behind Ye Wuwei?!!

They quickly turned around, and Yafei appeared at the door of the children's clothing store behind them. The faces of those children's clothes dummies, which originally showed the appearance of happy smile, seemed strange at this time.

For a moment, ye Wuqian and the black wolf king felt as if they had stepped into a terrible hell. Every dummy around them seemed to be able to emit Yafei's "hee hee hee..." Around them, they can never grasp the nightmare itself, and they can only let their bodies be eaten by the nightmare!

Each of the body's more irresistible wounds, that kind of wound covered with black dirty blood, that kind of wound produced inexplicable pain like countless ants biting, that kind of dream and reality disorderly interlaced, that kind of human and hell repeated alternation, each trapped in it, all felt their spirit in a little bit close to collapse!!

"Hee hee hee..."

"Hee hee hee..."

"Hee hee hee..."

”Don't be kidding! Laozi is a wolf king! How can you be frightened by your low-level laughter? Come out to me! If you have the kind, you can have a good fight with me! I will let you see the real power of wolf king! Damn it! Come out to me The black wolf king roared hard at all sides.

Without a response, Yafei seemed to be unable to speak except for a ghostly smile. No, Yafei is responding to the black wolf king

"Hee hee hee..."

Just for a moment, ye Wuqian catches the gap between Yafei's stay. That's Yafei's whole body bending over and holding on the black wolf king's back like a monkey. Her weird smiling eyes stare at Ye Wuqian from a strange angle. Her big mouth like a wild animal is biting on the shoulder of the black wolf king, and the black blood flows down from the shoulder of the black wolf king

"Ah..." The black wolf king screamed out unbearably!

He stretched out his thick right hand, trying to grasp Yafei's head from behind. As long as he could touch her, the black wolf king believed that his own strength could crush her head in an instant. The black wolf king couldn't bear the gloomy laughter, the pain of ants biting on the wound, and the clean and tidy clothing store with dummy all around. The black wolf king couldn't stand it any more. What is this place. market? Infernal?

He held out his hand. He had to hold on to Yafei. He could no longer allow this twisted pain to cannibalize himself. He knew that for the beast, mental breakdown was far more fatal than a broken body.

But Yafei disappeared again

The black wolf king's right hand caught a void behind his back, and Yafei had instantly jumped between the black wolf king's legs. A strange head was pasted on the floor. A young girl's face was transformed into a zombie face. The empty and big weird eyes were staring at the black wolf king from the floor. The opened mouth was still big and frightening.

The black wolf king saw with his own eyes Yafei opened her mouth and bit her ankle with a sly smile. Ten thousand ants climbed up the black wolf king's feet.

"Ah..." The black wolf king kicks off, and Yafei is thrown in the air, making a perfect arc and disappearing again.

When Yafei was thrown in the air, those big eyes with a funny smile changed their weird angles, such as locking Ye Wuxiang, staring at him. Ye Wuqi felt the emptiness and loneliness in his big eyes. He felt that he was suddenly in the huge playground where the whole picture was gray.Huge playground. All the entertainment facilities are running, and there are all kinds of mechanical sounds around. And And Giggle. But there is no one around, only ye Wuque, a person standing there helplessly and lonely. But the laughter around, the fun around, continues.

In that pair of big and weird eyes, ye Wuqi seems to feel that he is standing in another layer of space in this world. That space is so close to the real world, but it can never be crossed. Countless ants from any corner of the world climb out, such as piles of zombies, they crazily climb towards themselves, but despair of their own can only stand in place, allowing countless ants to climb their own body, until the whole body is surrounded by ants.

Eyes Ears Mouth Nose Countless ants are crawling in

Ye Wuqi felt that he was going crazy. He twisted his neck rigidly and saw the black wolf king beside him. He could no longer make fierce resistance. The whole man squatted on the ground, holding his head in his hands, and his face, which was originally domineering, presented a crushing and strange expression of fear.

The sound continues.

"Hee hee hee..."

"Hee hee hee..."

"Hee hee hee..."

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