Ye Wuqi seems to be back in his childhood, when he was still a child.

He stood in the vast playground, surrounded by constant joy and strange laughter, all the entertainment facilities are rotating. But he couldn't see anyone. Only loneliness and helplessness surround him. Those strange laughter seems to be the voice of children of the same age when they are having fun, and they seem to laugh at him.

"Hee hee hee..."

Only loneliness and helplessness surround me.

Small oneself only squat on the ground, watching the ground ants move, those ants line up in a line, moving in a direction. Ye Wuqi only looked at it like this. He felt that in this space, only ants could accompany him. He did not know when there was a piece of bread in his hand. The leaf did not want to skim a piece of bread and put it on the edge of the ant. The ant immediately found the bread and climbed on the bread chirping. It was like a happy sound to find food.

Lonely ye Wumian is very happy. He brings bread to ants. He brings happiness to ants.

He dropped more bread to the ants, and more and more ants gathered around him. The ants were crawling on the bread and chirping happily.

"Hee hee hee..." All of a sudden, ye Wuqi felt that the voice was very familiar, like his own voice, or not. All of a sudden, ye Wuqian saw that he was surrounded by ants, dense ants and endless ants. All the ants raised their heads and looked at the tall leaf, making a "hee hee hee hee hee" sound. Just as ye Wuque was frightened to escape, some ants had already climbed onto the foot board of Ye Wumian.

Little Ye Wuqian kicks away the ant in horror. He suddenly feels that his hand is itchy. He raises his hand. On his small palm, an ant is biting the skin of his hand

Then, in "hee hee hee hee..." In the sound of the sound, countless ants scrambled to climb to the leaves of the whole body. Ye Wuque screams in panic. He wants to ask his mother to save him, but the word "mother" can't be seen from his mouth. When he opens his mouth to call for help, the ants scramble in.

Then before the ant got into his eyes, he saw his mother, no, not his mother, a French woman with brown hair. But subconsciously, ye Wuxiang thinks it's his mother.

Open your eyes again, the leaves of childhood appeared in a French villa, surrounded by expensive appliances, covered with high-grade blankets. A very rich family, but ye Wuxiang felt that he was not happy at all, and even felt endless loneliness.

On the wall is a portrait of a middle-aged French man. Ye Wuqian knew that was his father who had already died and had no memory. He knew nothing about his father except that picture. In his world, it seems that there is only one mother who will never be around him.

There are also piles of beautiful clothes left by my mother. Those gorgeous and beautiful clothes, like the mother's love, surround themselves. Only when you stand in the pile of clothes can you feel that your mother still loves you.

But where is his mother? I don't know if there is no lack of leaves.

Only clothes, piles of expensive and beautiful clothes, piles of painful and lonely maternal love.

Ye Wuqi even reluctant to wear them, he carefully picked up every piece of clothes to see, just like looking at his mother's praise for himself, just like his mother at his side. He wants to immerse himself in this pile of clothes. Although he is painful and lonely, he doesn't want to leave. Only here can he feel his mother's love and the value of his own existence.

Even if you have to endure endless loneliness.

Even if we have to endure the pain of Wanma piercing the heart.

Ye Wuqi just wants to stay like this Until I die.

Until ye Wumian saw a very familiar dress, a white one shining in the pile of clothes. When I picked up the dress, I was surprised that there was no piece of clothing for adults.

All of a sudden, this shiny white floral dress floated up on its own, floating on the top of the leaves. Ye Wuqi seems to have seen the beautiful girl in this dress. She is a Chinese girl, simple and brave, kind and gentle. Ye Wuqi looked up at her, she was smiling at himself, smiling so bright. She was radiant, like the Virgin Mary.

"Tian Yishu!" Ye Wuqi suddenly thought of it.

He suddenly opened his eyes, everything around him disappeared, the big house, playground, ants, clothes, all disappeared. He went back to the second floor of the commercial building, which only bought clothes.

There are so many wounds on my body, such as being tied to the beam and whipped with a whip. There is bleeding everywhere, and the pain of tiny ants biting is everywhere. Ye Wuqi frowned and turned to look. The black wolf king was still crouching on the ground. He still held his head. His eyes were empty and frightened, and he opened his mouth numbly. There were more wounds on his body than on himself, all from torn nails. Ye Wuqi looks at the black color on those wounds."It turned out that it was a wound aggravated by loneliness." Ye Wuqi finally understood what this was about.

It turns out that the zombie named Yafei is imposing his own pain on others. As for the means, I'm afraid it is through the black substance on the wounds that people have hallucinations, right? Of course, I don't know what these black substances are. I'm afraid that's the answer only yati, who is a doctor. What's more, ye Wuqian finally understands why the missing afai suddenly appears in this floor, surrounded by beautiful clothes here. This is really a hard thing to extricate myself from. After all, ye Wuque had just experienced it personally, and almost didn't want to come back.

It's good to have that skirt.

"Why? Don't you have a giggle? Are you angry that the plot has been uncovered? " Ye Wuque said in a cold voice, sneering and turning his head, looking at the one who stood a few meters in front of him, staring at himself with jealousy on his face, Yafei.

At this time, Yafei's eyes were full of hatred. It seemed that she was very angry at Ye Wuxiang's ability to break away from the illusion. She seemed to be very angry that other people didn't have to bear her pain. The rotten flesh on her face trembled, and her big mouth tearing open on both sides could no longer laugh. She opened the skin of her mouth to reveal the sharp fangs. Ye Wuqi saw that there was still black liquid on her fangs.

"Those disgusting things again..." Ye Wumian shuddered unnaturally. For all that he had just experienced, even if he was dead, he didn't want to do it again.

"But this time, you don't want to meet me again!" Ye Wuque calmed down his emotions. Though he was still in pain everywhere, he could bear it. Moreover, as the pain stimulates the spirit, ye Wuqian seems to feel more crazy about his ability mobilization.

Yafei disappears from the original place, like a high-speed racing car rushing to the end of the line, angrily rushes towards ye Wuque. She opens her big mouth with her fangs. At the moment when she is about to bite ye Wuque, ye Wuque disappears.

Yafei's mouth bit empty in the air, the whole person is a little unbalanced forward All of a sudden, the voice of Ye Wumian came to her ears.

"To compare speed, I am the king."

Yafei turns her head in the process of forward attack in the air, and just sees ye Wumian's fist suddenly towards his face.


The fierce bombardment, a sudden burst of force to fly out, Yafei's whole body was hit in the window of a clothing store, the dummies inside were hit one after another, the glass was broken on the ground, and the original clean and glossy clothing store looked in a mess.

Yafei stood up from the ground, and was beaten with blood on her head, but she didn't care. She looked at the dummy models who were hit by herself and fell to the ground. Suddenly, she was extremely flustered. She doesn't care about the leaves that will be instantly transferred, looking at her in the distance.

At this time, Yafei looks very panic Zhang, her eyes are only those beautiful dresses on the dummy body, she quickly lifted the dummy up to stand up straight, inserted some glass slag on the skirt, Yafei panic and careful, with his hands to take those glass slag down one by one.

But the blood on her hands dirtied her skirt, and Yafei was even more flustered. She went to wipe the dirty places with her hands, trying to wipe off the bloodstains, but the more she wiped them, the dirtier she became. The dirtier she was, the more flustered she was. But she couldn't do anything. She yelled helplessly and wiped the bloody and dirty clothes with her bloody hands.

Ye Wuqi looked at all this silently, and a sense of sadness rose in his heart.

"A poor man, too..."

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