In a dark carriage of a subway station, Zhang Tianluo was tied in the air by the rope on the top of the carriage. All his body was bloodstained by the whip. The blood dripped from the wound. The whole carriage was covered with blood. All the whips were whipped on Zhang Tianluo, leaving traces of blood.

He opened his eyes weakly, his bloodshot eyes fixed on the front.

Five meters in front of him, on a stool, a comatose Tian Yi bundle is firmly tied to it. Zhang Tianluo looks very weak, and the blood still flows from the wound drop by drop. He wanted to wake up a bunch of Tian, but tried to open his mouth, but made a weak voice that only he could hear.

Tian a bundle of confused wake up, opened his eyes to see Zhang Tianluo a bloody face.

Zhang Tianluo squeezed out an ugly smile. Tian Yishu wants to struggle but finds himself tied to a stool. She was a little flustered. Looking around, she recognized that this was the carriage where Yamazaki and the woman were intimate. But now there is no one around.

Zhang Tianluo opened his mouth and spoke weakly. Field a bunch can't hear, anxious with the stool forward a little bit of peristalsis. She finally understood what Zhang Tianluo was saying.

He said, "yes Yamazaki, he's in For me In the food It's time to Overpowering drug Tian Yishu Sorry I'm sorry Ye Wuwei No Protect You... "

"No more! Don't say that again Field a bunch of panic toward Zhang Tianluo, she knew, Zhang Tianluo is dying, his body is full of scars, drop by drop of blood from his body, blood stains all over the ground show that Zhang Tianluo has lost a lot of blood.

Tian Yishu's tears began to flow down. She tried harder to get closer to Zhang Tianluo and wanted to bite the rope tied to Zhang Tianluo with her teeth. However, it was only a few meters away, but it was like several kilometers long. Tian Yishu could not reach it. She cried in tears, "come on! Somebody! He's dying! Please! Help him! Yamazaki! I know you're around! Come out! Help Zhang Tianluo! He's dying! There is no lack of leaves! Where are you! Come back! Come back soon... "

The empty carriage, Tian a bunch of lonely and helpless for help, the voice is getting smaller and smaller


On the second floor of the commercial building, ye Wuqian is suffering from severe pain all over his body. All the wounds are the masterpieces of Yafei. He didn't know when he was going to become a zombie, but he had to finish what he was doing now.

He quietly walked to Yafei, who was still in a panic to wipe the skirt, but the more dirty the more you wipe, the more blood you wipe. At this time, Yafei no longer looks like the devil. She is more like a flustered child, more like a child who is afraid of losing her only maternal love. She tries her best to wipe her dirty skirt, as if trying to save her mother.

"You can't live well. Why it must be this skirt. " Ye Wuwu had no choice but to smile bitterly.

However, why is this one of the first flowers for him.

Ye Wuqi reaches out to take the skirt. Yafei suddenly turns her head and stares at Ye Wuqi with a pair of eyes full of resentment. She holds the skirt tightly in her hand, as if questioning Ye Wuqian: "why do you want to take away my mother's love?"

Ye Wuqi looked at Yafei calmly and said, "I can make it clean. Believe me. "

Sophie hesitated, but at last she slowly let go of her grip on the skirt.

In fact, ye Wuqian has never tried such a thing with a power. Ye Wumian's power is the control of gravity. He can control anything he can see and use gravity to attract. When he saw the dress which was touched by Yafei, he suddenly had a strange idea in his mind. He thought that he should be able to use gravity to control the separation of the dirty blood from the skirt. He didn't know why he had this idea, but he thought he should be able to do it.

Ye Wuxiang takes the skirt from Yafei's hand and throws it into the air. The power is mobilized and surrounds the broken flower skirt. The foreign skirt floats in front of Ye Wuxiang. Then, ye Wuqian concentrates on making the gravity attach to the bloodstains as much as possible, and then pulls the fabric between the skirt as far as possible.

Then, Yafei saw a magical and dreamy scene. Those bloodstains on the skirt that could not be wiped off by themselves actually condensed into blood beads in the process of floating in the air, and naturally peeled off from the skirt.

Yafei can't believe to watch all this happen, those foreign skirt on a blood bead, as if accompanied by her life's pain and loneliness, is with the separation of the foreign skirt, and a little bit of falling off. She felt that at this moment, she felt an unprecedented peace.

That from small to large, always restless heart, for the first time to get other people's comfort.

Slowly, all the blood on the skirt fell off, and finally fell naturally in the hands of Ye Wuwei.

Yafei was distracted and said to her with a smile: "give me the necklace."

Hearing the necklace, Yafei immediately reacted and did not make any struggle, or she was eager to get rid of the chain on her neck. She quickly took off the crystal pendant and handed it to ye Wumian.Ye Wumian took it and gave her a smile. Then he said, "I'm sorry, Sophie. I'm going to give this dress to my virgin."

Yafei tilted her head and didn't understand, but when she heard that the skirt couldn't be given to her, she pursed her mouth and locked her eyebrows like a little girl.

"You were a lovely girl, too." Ye Wuwei laughs.

Ye Wumian's praise, Yafei understood it, and then he began to laugh.

"The virgin, it is The one that glows, oh yes, the opposite of your zombies. I'm going to give it to a girl like that. " Ye Wuwei said.

Yafei is a little depressed. Because she knew she was just a zombie in front of the man who calmed her troubled heart.

”But you believe me, one day, I will make you human again. I've probably found a little antidote on my brow Ye Wuxiang pointed to the black wolf king, who was still crouching in situ and holding his head in pain, said: "you know, that man's blood can naturally resist the virus of your zombies. I believe that if you send out his blood samples, a great scientist like your mother will be able to develop an antidote that can cure you."

Yafei listened carefully and honestly, her eyes shining with hope.

"So before that, promise me to wait here. Although I don't know, I can't wait to get to that time, but you, will certainly become human again Without a smile.

In Yafei's eyes, he saw the kind of people who would shine, like the Virgin Mary.

"Goodbye, lovely zombie." Ye Wumian turns and walks away.

Yafei didn't give up, but at this time, all the beautiful skirts in the surrounding clothing stores floated up, like a child coax, gorgeous magic, flying towards Yafei. All the skirts fell on Yafei's body, and Yafei felt the unprecedented warmth surrounded. She lay on the ground naturally, letting the skirts all over her body.

Ye Wuqi looked back and said with a smile, "lie down, Yafei. When you open your eyes again, you will see the real light."

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