After we finished the meal, we made a more detailed plan for the following things.

Ye Wuque and they agreed that in the morning ye Wuque, Tian Yishu, the God of gamblers, the black wolf king, and frand and Elena, they went to the north city together. Zhang Tianluo, who was seriously injured, will stay here for the time being. When Zhang Tianluo's injury is almost good, he will lead the people here to move to the cruise ship they came to.

Although there are plenty of weapons for them to return to the south port, there are still enough weapons for them to return to the port. Of course, there is a risk. But for the refugees here, this is undoubtedly the quickest way to return to the human world.

And they have already forcibly taken blood samples and strange black liquid samples left by Yafei on the black wolf king. Gambler hopes that when these refugees go back, they can contact the South African government and ask the government departments to take these precious samples back for scientific research.

After all, Zhang still agreed that it was more dangerous for Zhang to fall asleep in the sky. Let him go back early is also ye Wuqian's consideration of his life safety.

As for a bunch of fields with the same meaning, ye Wuwu could not drive her away.

There was an episode that night.

In the dead of the night, when everyone was asleep, frand came to find ye Wumian and the black wolf king. The purpose is to invite them to take themselves to the commercial building again, not for food, but for the love and admiration in Elena's eyes when she looked at the floral dress. Frank likes and can give his daughter a small skirt.

The black wolf king also said with a smile that what he had said to Elena during the day was really going to come true.

Flander knew that he was not strong enough, but these two men could certainly lead him to it.

There was no danger all the way. The dark night in the city was much safer than that in the daytime. Of course, it had to be under the back of the two mountains, ye Wuqian and the black wolf king. Otherwise, frand would surely die if he startled a corpse.

On the second floor of the commercial building, Flander hesitated to choose a skirt. Finally, he chose a blue and white children's dress. He imagined that Elena would look like a dreamy fairy when she put it on. A sense of pride belongs to his father, especially born, countless times of happiness, he has a daughter like Elena.

Ye Wumian, in the gap between Flander's skirt selection, went to see Yafei, who had become a zombie. He was obedient in his imagination. Until now, Yafei is still lying in the dress shop selling only skirts. One by one foreign skirts cover her body. She sleeps peacefully with her eyes closed, with a warm smile on her face. It seems that after ye Wuhao leaves, she starts from I haven't got up before.

Ye Wumian smiles, and the idea of saving her in the sea of fire is even more serious. They also hope that the refugees in South City can arrive in city B smoothly, and the blood samples of the black wolf king can be handed over to the South African government, so as to develop an antidote to cure the zombie as soon as possible.

When the three of them returned to the subway station again, it was already slightly light, and two people, one big and one small, could be seen in the dim subway entrance.

Flander was a little surprised. Last night he came out quietly after Elena fell asleep. There was only one figure like that in the whole subway station.

The other is Tian Yishu.

Ye Wuque and they approached, only to find that a big and a small two women's faces are some bad, Elena is obviously crying, red eyes, small hand tightly holding a bunch of field. Tian Yishu is also a stuffy face, but let Ye wubu have some regrets that today's Tian Yi bundle didn't put on the skirt he sent him yesterday.

"You went there! Elena woke up in the middle of the night and found her father was missing, crying like a teardrop Tian a bunch of angry said: "if not for us to stop, the little girl almost rushed out to look for you!"

"Dad..." Elena, seeing fland, trotted towards him and fell into his arms.

Flander doted on Elena and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Elena, you're worried."

"Where have you been, dad?"

"I went to find the present for Dad." Said frand with a smile, worried about his beloved daughter, and he could not bear it.

"Gift?" Elena was a little curious.

"Dangdangdangdang!" Like a cheap magic trick, frand pulled out the blue dress from behind. Elena looked at the beautiful blue dress as if she had seen something rare. Finally, she took the skirt and threw it to the ground in surprise.

Flander was a little flustered and didn't know what to do. Elena cried and said to him, "Elena doesn't want any more presents from her father. Elena as long as her father is always with her. This is the best gift that dad gave Elena. Elena wants her father, nothing else. ""You are not the best gift God has ever given to Dad."

Flander stroked Elena's back and said, "don't be silly, son. You'll grow up and leave me. I'm just the one who leads you to this world. The world, after all, needs you to face it alone. "

"No, Dad. I'll always be with my dad. "

"Elena, when you've grown up, dad will be old, and he can't stay with you forever. I know you are a brave child, and you will be able to face the world after losing your father. I always firmly believe that you have your own, happy and happy life

Elena stopped crying and looked at frand silently. Fland bent down to pick up the skirt and handed it to Elena. It can be seen that Elena still likes this dress very much, and she can't put it down in her hand. Frank said with a smile, "shall we go back?"

"Well." Elena.

A group of people went back, Tian Yibu was beside Ye Wuqi and complained: "it's true that you two are not children anymore. You should say hello there. We are all worried about it. "

"According to Laozi's opinion, sister Shushu is worried about ye Wuqian alone." Said the black wolf king, throwing his eyebrows and eyes.

"No way." Tian Yishu turned red again and said, "I'm worried about you, the gorilla."

A bunch of Tian touched his head and thought of something, saying, "where is the God of gambling? How can he make you two stand here without fear of being found by zombies? How dangerous it is. "

Tian Yishu said nervously: "it's really strange. After we found that you were missing, gambler God and I almost searched the whole subway station with Elena. Originally, the God of gamblers guessed that you might go to the commercial building again. Originally, he wanted to go to find you by yourself, but when the God of gamblers went back to his tent to get things, he found that something very important was missing. "

"The crystal pendant you gave him last night." Tian a bunch frowned and said.

"What!" The leaves are intact.

The black wolf king also looked confused and anxious. Although he didn't know what the crystal crane was for, according to the data that gambler had given them before, it was likely that the pendant was related to the important research and development clues of nano missiles. And such weapons as nano missiles are likely to affect the delicate balance between these countries. It is no exaggeration to say that if the country gets this technology first, it will naturally be more threatening to other countries.

In fact, ye hoped that the Chinese government could get this important technology, but after all, it was not under the jurisdiction of the Chinese government. However, ye Wuqian still vaguely remembers that before he came to South Africa, it seems that the Longhua group had sent personnel to sneak into city A. I don't know how they are now.

Several people returned to the subway, Flander first took his daughter back to his residence to collect things, ready to follow Ye Wuqian and they went to the north city. Ye Wumian also plans to go back to the tent to pack up their own things.

At this time, the God of gambler was standing outside the tent, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Did you find the pendant?" Ye asked.

The God of gambler shook his head, his face dignified and pulled Ye Wuqian aside alone. After hesitating for a long time, he whispered: "it must have been taken, but there are not many people who know that I have this pendant in my hand. Only the few people we ate last night. I know the background of the black wolf king. He won't take it, and you won't. Tian Yishu was with me all the time last night, and she didn't have a chance. There's only one left. "

"Do you doubt frand?" Ye asked.

Gambling God looked at Ye Wuqian, nodded seriously and said, "only we know about the pendant. When he came to you last night, I actually woke up and followed you for a long time. At that time, I happened to put the pendant in the tent. When I came back, I met Tian Yishu and Elena looking for you. So... "

"So you suspect that Flander was trying to distract you and let Elena steal the pendant from your room?" Ye Wuqian said.


"Anyway, we don't have enough evidence right now. And even if they take it, we may not be able to forcibly retrieve the pendant from them. Besides, I don't believe they did it. But one thing is certain, that is, the pendant must still be on one of us. It's better to take a look at it first. "


It was at this time that Zhang Tianluo came over from a long distance. He called out as he walked: "Ye Wuwei! You are going to leave without me. Do you want to get rid of me

"Why are you here? Isn't it hurt? I think about you, too Ye Wuwu said helplessly.

"No! I said, I come with you just to be stronger! I want to see the other side of the world. If you let me go back like this, what's the difference between me and a walking corpse! I don't want to live in ignorance! I want to have a real soul! I have to take risks with you Zhang Tianluo said vividly, as if to risk the spirit of overnight let his injury all right."Then your injury..."

"It's no problem at all. You see, as soon as I heard that you were going to leave, I ran over immediately. You see, nothing has happened. " Zhang Tianluo forced to endure the pain of the wound and said with a smile.

Ye Wuqi even saw Zhang Tianluo's wound, which had not stuttered, and had invaded some blood. But helpless, but how can not refuse this just full of passion youth.

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