The party finally started to go to Beicheng, but things were not as smooth as planned. For example, Zhang Tianluo, the unfortunate man, still took him with him. As for the rescue work of the group of people in the subway station, they have to leave it to them to solve it. In fact, ye Wuqian also thought about it. In terms of Zhang Tianluo's ability, whether these people can successfully return to city B depends on themselves.

All along the way, ye Wuxiang avoided the attention of zombies in order to avoid unnecessary war. However, different from the past, the God of gamblers did not take special care of Elena as before. It seemed that she was a lot unfamiliar overnight and did not even say a redundant word to Flander.

The black wolf king didn't know that the black wolf king had a conversation with the gambling God last night. Naturally, with the heroic character of the black wolf king, they did not find that the God of gambler was different from the previous performance. They all thought that everyone was harmonious. But the black wolf king did not understand why the God of gamblers did not mention the disappearance of the pendant.

Elena was very happy all the way. She also put on the blue dress and rode on the black wolf king's neck like a little princess. Since her first trip, Elena has loved this feeling. As soon as she comes out, the black wolf king will squat down and let her ride on it. Of course, the black wolf king also enjoys it. The sound of Elena's laughter, for a time, seemed to make everyone forget that their next destination was a dangerous city that needed to be more careful.

Beicheng, a place several times more dangerous than Nancheng, is not full of zombies like Nancheng, but Beicheng's zombies are more severe than Nancheng, almost all of which are pathogens directly infected by the virus.

Even if not mutant zombies, there are different strength gaps between ordinary zombies. Zombie virus is something similar to low-level abilities. It destroys and transforms the human body, but it also fails to perform special functions of the human body, such as the strength of the zombie after being strengthened, the zombie has no obvious perception of pain, the zombie can survive without eating, and so on. Among them, the zombie virus can be transmitted by biting people, which is also a very special feature. However, the zombie transformed by biting the infected virus has a certain decreasing effect on the virus effect to a certain extent. Naturally, the infected zombies are not as strong as those of the original pathogen zombies.

The biggest difference between pathogen zombies and infected zombies lies in the proportion of components infected by viruses in the body. For example, if 50% of the zombies in Nancheng are infected by the virus, they are likely to have some human characteristics after they become zombies. For example, ye Wuque saw the corpse of an old woman guarding the grocery store, such as those zombies in the mall who knew how to fear.

The infectious components of pathogen zombies can reach at least 80% or even 100%. Apart from the stronger characteristics of zombies, these high-content zombies will not have any feelings of being human. They are the purest zombies, and they will only have the desire to devour human flesh.

In the dream that ye Wuqian once had, those zombies who jumped down from more than ten floors and could still get up from the ground intact were pathogen zombies. This kind of zombie is not as easy to deal with as those infected zombies in Nancheng.

In other words, if Yeh and the black wolf king were dealing with a group of pathogen zombies instead of infected zombies in the commercial building yesterday, they would probably stay there forever.

On the day of the disaster in city a two years ago, the origin of the virus was only in Xicheng. In fact, most of the people in the city were not infected by the virus. Almost all of them were infected. At that time, most of the people fled to the southern city. The city defense army of city a also made corresponding countermeasures. A large number of power grids were set up on the border defense line of Nancheng to prevent the attack of pathogen zombies, Thanks to the response made at that time, most of the pathogen zombies were left outside Nancheng. It's a pity that those who fled to Nancheng didn't realize that as long as someone was scratched or bitten by a zombie, even though it looked like a normal person who had been wounded at that time, they would still be infected with zombies within half an hour. Finally, no one could escape from city a, a city of more than 100000 people and become a zombie overnight The only people who can really survive in the city are those 30 people in the subway station

Unknowingly, ye Wuque, they have come to the edge of the southern city, and saw the power grid built overnight. These power grids are three meters high. Even today, two years later, they still carry strong current. Anything touching the power grid will still be hit by high-voltage current. Although this current can not kill zombies, it also has good defense effect.

Ye Wuqi looks along this row of power grids. The empty north city is more wasteful than the southern city. There are dilapidated buildings and garbage everywhere. The only advantage is that the number of zombies is much less than that of Nancheng. At least within the visible range of Ye wuincomplete, there are no zombies everywhere, as in Nancheng.

At this time, ye Wuqian was in front of them, on the other end of the power grid, there were only seven or eight zombies. The appearance of these zombies was more retching than that of Nancheng zombies, and their skin was more rotten. They obviously belonged to the category of pathogen zombies.

At the same time, they also found that ye Wuqian, these living people, ended their aimless walk. They walked with abnormal steps, but the speed was extremely fast. Almost every zombie had the explosive power and speed of national sprinters.Seeing these zombies rushing closer and closer, ye Wuqian and each of them stood in the same place indifferent.

No accident, all the eight zombies rushed to the power grid, and the high-voltage current immediately hit the bodies of these zombies, and they were all bounced off. Ye Wuqi even heard the sound of "crackling and crackling" electric current on their bodies.

The zombies who stood up again did not seem to realize that they were facing a power grid that could not be broken by power. They were still as before, grinning and rushing towards the leaves. Then, they rushed to the power grid again.

Two zombies, even forced to endure the high-voltage current on the power grid, with their teeth biting the wire of the power grid, in an attempt to destroy this annoying barrier.

Looking at these zombies who are so "hard" to eat their zombies, ye Wuqi suddenly feels that those zombies in Nancheng are really gentle and lovable.

"If those zombies in Nancheng are mad dogs, then these zombies are a bunch of crazy dogs with rabies!" Looking at the corpse of the wolf, I can't help sighing.

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