"There's no entrance for this son of a bitch?" The black wolf king looked along the power grid in front of him, and even a straight line was stretched far away, as if he could not see the end.

"At first, there was an entrance, but the zombie broke in that night. The entrance is sealed. " Said frand.

"How the hell are you going to get in there?" The black wolf king touched his head and roared at the zombies opposite the power grid.

"Here." The God of gamblers did not know when, had already run to a power grid ten meters away from their station.

Ye Wuxiang and they went to the power grid one after another. They found that there was an obvious interface at the power grid. It felt like someone had cut the small grid in front of them and released a channel, which was later welded on.

"Has someone entered the North City before us?" Ye Wuqi looks at this interface and asks.

"We're already late than those sent by secret organizations trying to get the results of city a's research. The South African government has its own secret service. The last time we contacted them through the satellite positioning system, they were in the West City, behind the north city. " God of gamblers.

"What more ink! Let's get there. I can't help killing! I would like to see how much better these so-called pathogen zombies are than those infected with them. " As far as the game is concerned, it's just like a fight for death.

"To avoid bringing in more zombies, get rid of them before the past." Suddenly, seven more cards were thrown to the God of zombies. Each card rotates rapidly in the air, like a ninja's dart.

Ye Wuwei feels more and more that the God of gambler is stronger than he imagined. From the very beginning of the extremely accurate, even can use the reflection to throw a card, to now simultaneously throw seven extremely powerful cards, no matter which way, the God of gambler seems to be very casual to complete these actions, it seems that it does not cost too much energy. As if for the God of gamblers, this is only the most superficial part of his strength.

With the sharpness to break the air, seven cards were inserted into the heads of seven zombies at the same time. People are used to this move of God of gamblers, and are also used to the picture of the zombie falling down in response to the sound. But these seven zombies surprised everyone.

None of them fell.

Although a playing card has been inserted into each Zombie's head, almost every playing card has only been inserted into the very shallow part of the Zombie's head, which is like a lack of strength. It is stuck in the head of the zombie and does not really hurt the Zombie's brain.

The seven zombies just pause for a moment, and then without any hesitation, they rush straight towards ye Wumian. Then, they hit the power grid again, feel the impact of high voltage current, and then they are bounced away and rush again. After this, they don't even take time to take down the playing cards on their foreheads. Their eyes are only human flesh , nothing else.

"It's a terrible bunch of guys." Zhang Tianluo looks at these zombies. They are completely different from the zombies in Nancheng. By contrast, they are more like the purest zombies. When I think of what I'm going to face in the future, I can't help but open my face with some fear.

"If you want to go back, there's still time." Ye Wuque said with a strange smile.

"Who said I was going back!" Zhang Tianluo looked at Ye Wuqi seriously with some anger and said in a cold voice, "I know you want to drive me away. But from the moment you jump from the 18th floor with me without my permission, you have to take full responsibility for my life. This is your duty and my right! "

"It's like you're his father." The black wolf king felt that the theory was a little puzzling.

But ye Wuque has been used to this unfortunate child's strange thought and waved his hand. However, it is also true that people will always have some strange and crazy ideas after surviving a disaster. Zhang Tianluo's insistence on following his own death is not too much. As long as he doesn't think he has the ability to face zombies alone.

Ye Wuxiang tries to mobilize the gravity and entangle them around the supposed soft necks of these zombies. As before, he wants to use the power to make the necks of these zombies explode in the air. Without the connection of their heads, these zombies become real corpses.

But to Ye Wuxiang's surprise, the hardening degree of these zombies completely exceeded Ye Wuqian's expectation. It was much harder than those zombies in Nancheng. No wonder the gambling God's cards could not be inserted into their heads.

"It's hard enough. These mad dogs with rabies. " The leaves are intact.

"This is a troublesome thing. I have to take out my real weapons." Suddenly said the God of gamblers.

"Real weapons?" At the same time, langtian, the king of gambling, is almost at the same time. Because for a long time, the God of gamblers used to pop zombie heads, only playing cards. No one has ever seen the God of gamblers use weapons other than playing cards. As mysterious as his God of gambling, what is his weapon, unconsciously, also makes everyone very curious.Then, the God of gambler smile, a face full of mystery, filled with extraordinary confidence. His hand was waving in the air like a symbol, beautiful and strange

"Are real weapons also made by invention? Like playing cards before? " Frand looked nervously at the God of gamblers and thought.

Everyone was curious about the real weapon of the God of gamblers, until the God of gambler's hand appeared A deck of cards!

A deck of cards? Or playing cards?! It looks like the same playing cards as the Zombie's head?

Of course, the God of gamblers could see the disappointment on the faces of all the people, so he said with a smile, "don't you always suspect that the playing cards I use to attack others are not ordinary cards? I can tell you frankly that the playing cards I used before are indeed ordinary cards, which can be bought in any convenience store in foreign countries. And the card I'm holding now... "

"How are you?"

"It's a" Pisces "card that can only be bought in convenience stores in China Said the God of gamblers, proud and mysterious.

“……” All the people who were full of longing felt that the God of gamblers was nothing more than that. Even the weapons were alone and terrible. There was no high-tech and precious property. They just changed the soup and changed the dressing, but changed the manufacturer.

"What's the matter The difference? " Tian Yishu asked cautiously.

"The difference I'll show you in a minute. " As soon as the God of gambler laughed, seven pieces of Pisces cards flew out of his hand. Each card took over the track of the original cards, almost exactly repeating the crack on the forehead of those zombies.

Almost all of the seven zombies stopped rushing towards Ye wubu at the same time, such as being used to immobilize themselves. In the next second, all the seven zombies immediately fell down. The zombies, which had fallen sideways, had half a Pisces playing card on the back of their head bags, and some brain brains were stained on the cards.

"Great "Pisces" card The black wolf king looked stunned. He did not know whether he was praising cards or God of gamblers.

The God of gambler's mysterious smile is to draw a perfect end to this small battle.

Ye wumi mobilized his gravity and pulled the power grid with interface in front of him. A gap of 1.5 meters high appeared on the power grid. People walked through it carefully, trying to keep some distance between their bodies and the power grid. After all, they could feel a little voltage near these power grids.

This is pitiful for the black wolf king, who is two meters tall and has a very strong body. When he bends down to pass the power grid door, the crazy current around him seems to find a target to attack. Every hair on the black wolf king's body is straight, and the whole person has to work hard to get through it.

Ye Wuqi felt that after passing through the power grid, the black wolf king became more and more black for a time. It's like being struck by thunder.

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