Huge monsters like crazy general, disorderly waving hands, countless high-rise buildings in its arm swing between the fragmentation, disintegration, for a time everywhere, dust and smoke everywhere, as if the whole world is in general collapse.

No matter Ye Wuqian's side or the "black crow" side, everyone wakes up from the fear of facing the monster first, and runs around the monster quickly, avoiding the falling stones while looking for the weakness of the monster.

At the same time, of course, no one forgets that there are other opponents besides this monster. Everyone is on guard against this. Perhaps because of the existence of this huge monster, everyone knows that their primary task at this time is not to kill each other, but to deal with the monster first! Otherwise, everyone will die, and the whole North City, perhaps, will be destroyed by it. Judging from the performance that it can destroy a building at will, no one doubts this.

"It's crazy! Bee sting, let it calm down Countless huge stones fell from the sky. The blood monkey jumped in the air, jumped from a falling stone to another wall, and roared at the bee stinger standing on the roof of the building in the distance.

"That's what I mean!"

The bee sting stands on the top of a high-rise building which is still far away from the monster and has not been destroyed yet. Two arrows are aimed at the monster's eyes. The bee sting is like an excellent long-range sniper with a calm face and sharp eyes. He is waiting for the best opportunity. Everyone knows that his arrow is coated with a high concentration of anesthetic, and even the most powerful one will sleep in the past and let him kill him.

For a sniper standing at a distance of more than eight hundred meters, the distance between the sniper and the normal sniper can't be more than one hundred. But for the Spurs, it was the best distance to shoot. His eyes were bright, his ears were sharp, and he concentrated all his energy. Even though the building was shaking so badly under his feet, it didn't matter.

The bee sting's eyes suddenly take on the honeycomb like appearance of a bee's eye. Each independent part can accurately lock every unstable rock. All objects play in slow motion in his eyes. The bee sting patiently searches for a perfect arrow line at this extremely difficult distance.

Wind speed, smoke, and then falling obstacles, the monster's head shaking violently, all the changing factors are slowly blooming in the eyes of the bee sting, and he patiently waits for the fatal moment.

At the moment, before the monster's head, a cloud of smoke slowly dispersed, revealing the monster's huge, disgusting and rotten zombie face. Its two yellow eyes were as dazzling as the arena's round target.


Two sharp arrows shot from the hands of the bee sting, accompanied by a strong wind breaking force, like two hypersonic missiles, shooting at the two eyes of the giant monster!

"Yes." Said the sting ahead of time.


The two arrows are almost the same time, accurate hit the monster two eyes. The sound of a violent explosion was heard as if two grenades had been dropped.

For a time, the monster also stopped, pestle in the dust did not move.

A huge stone plate hit the Firestone. The flint didn't panic and didn't hide. He stretched out his fist with fire and aimed at the stone slab. The power of the burning fist smashed the stone. For a time, a small stone rain fell around the flint.

The blood monkey jumped down from the second floor and landed on the shoulder of flint precisely. A pair of slender eyes looked at the motionless giant monster and said in doubt: "bee sting, success?"

No, it didn't work. The bee sting's bee like eyes and every tiny pupil locked the monster's position. For example, 100000 lenses were focused at the same time. Under the dense smoke and dust, the face of the bee sting is more and more scared. His pupils slowly enlarge and his mouth opens slightly. A threat of death oppresses every cell in his body

A huge damp hand, like a tongue that can be extended, reached him straight, as fast as his arrow.

Cold eagle flying alone in the sky, he was the first to see this scene, he tried to fly toward the bee sting, but the speed of that hand extended far beyond his flying speed.

Beehive has always known that its arrow is very fast, and few people can escape from it. The people who are locked with the arrow in the state of sniping are almost dead. But he never thought about whether he could escape one day when he was locked in by an attack with the same speed.

What are you doing here for so long? Are you locking that monster, or The monster is locking itself in?

Finally, the bee sting realized that she was extremely dangerous now. Her desire to live drove her to run away. She just turned around


The beehive disappears from its original place and is replaced by a huge hand that has just been squeezed in its place. The crevice of palm, squeeze out the bright red blood of bee sting

All the people were staring at this scene. A bee sting at least 800 meters away from the monster was infinitely extended by the monster's hand. For a moment, it was held in the hands alive. The splashed flesh and blood seemed to indicate the final end of the bee sting.How abnormal is this monster's body?

The next moment, the monster's arm quickly retracted back in front of it, it spread out the palm, hands in the form of a human without the sting, only a pile of mud. The monster's fat face actually showed some pity expression? Finally, the hands of a pile of flesh and blood into the huge mouth, "collapse, collapse" chewing up.

A member of the "black crow" was buried instantly.

The bee sting is not a member of the "black crow" who can only get into the "black crow" by virtue of his special ability. He is a real "black crow" with absolute strength. But at the moment when this monster is locked in, there is almost no possibility of survival. Even though Leng Ying had already reacted and wanted to save him, the result did not change.

Ye Wuqian, black wolf king, gambling God, they hide in a broken floor, looking at this scene, also feel infinite depression.

The black wolf king lowered his voice and said to the leaf without defect: "you say This monster It's our Opponents? "

Ye Wuqi is also silent. The two arrows that the bee sting shoots at the monster's eyes finally have no effect on the monster. It's huge and incomparable strength, can withstand the huge attack of the huge fat body, can rapidly extend the arm that sends out the fatal blow. Isn't there any weakness in this monster? no There are absolutely weak points. No matter how powerful the monster is, it must have its own weakness. But at least now, ye Wuwu can't find it at all.

"Hello God of gamblers, you say You're definitely going to blow it up, this big guy? " The black wolf king turned his head and looked at the gambler.

The more powerful this giant monster is, the more firm the belief of God of gamblers will be. The thought that such a thing will be used by a certain country and put into the battlefield is a disaster that human beings can't accept!

"Absolutely It's going to blow it up. " The God of gambler bit his teeth and said fiercely.

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