After eating the bee stings, the huge monster became more irritable. His two huge arms destroyed all the buildings in front of him. There was a lot of ruins around him. There were flying sand and stones everywhere, and a piece of smoke and dust.

But at the same time, we also found that although this monster has impeccable defense, and no one can resist the strength. But at the same time, after all, he is too big. As long as ye Wuxiang keeps using the building to hide his body, he will not be attacked by this monster.

Like the bee sting, thinking that standing far away can be safely exposed to the monster's vision, now it seems that it is the most stupid to die.

In addition, the monster also has a feature, which makes Ye Wuxiang feel very strange.

"This monster is a little strange. I don't know if you found it." Ye Wuqi looked at the monster and said.

The monster seems to have found a trace of Ye Wuwei, the three of them hiding in the building. A giant hand is infinitely extended, and then raised high, like a huge arm falling from the sky. It smashes down the whole building and destroys it instantly.

Fortunately, ye Wuqian's reaction was extremely fast, and they had already hid elsewhere. If they knew later, they would be buried in that pile of ruins.

The God of gambler jumped to ye Wumian and said, "you mean, this monster has never really moved"

"that's right."

Looking at it carefully, it is true that this monster has only revealed its upper body, which is seven or eight stories high, and the lower part has been hidden under the road, which is like an abyss of cracks. Although few buildings within 100 meters around the monster were destroyed by it, almost all of them were caused by the monster's extendable arms.

In this way, although this monster has the power to destroy everything, it seems that its movement is also greatly limited. Its farthest attack range is probably the limit of the 800 meters of the bee sting? This is not easy to say, but the only thing that can be confirmed is that the monster's body has not moved, its lower body, there must be some secret! Maybe it's its weakness!

"God of gamblers! You cover me! I'm going to see it. What's under the fault? " Ye said, then patted his backpack full of bombs on his back and said, "if I have a chance, I will blow up the underground life research room first! We're trying to deal with this big guy

"Good!" The God of gamblers jumped down from the window on the fourth floor. At the same time, more than a dozen "Pisces" playing cards were released. Zhang Zhang aimed at the monster, like bombs dropped one after another!

"Bang bang bang!"

Playing cards on the monster's stomach and arms, bursts of sparks, but after the smoke and dust, the monster actually did not have a trace of injury. It was covered with disgusting and dirty rotten meat, and became its most powerful fortress. At least so far, ye Wuxiang has not seen any attack, which can cause damage to its rotten body!

The more irritated monster, a pair of eyes constantly searching for the position of the God of gamblers, to see the signs, its arms in a rapid form of extension, where it is full of broken ridges and broken walls, flying sand and rocks. But the God of gamblers has been ready to escape from the monster's palm. Although it is extremely dangerous every time, he has not been caught by the monster once.

If you miss a little bit, you'll be a thousand miles away. If you run a little slower, the final decision is no different from not running. It's all death.

The God of gambler has just escaped a monster's attack. He is hiding behind the wall and gasping, but the monster accidentally smashed the bottom floor of the nearby building! The God of gambler looked at the building next to him!

"No! You have to hide! Or you'll be crushed to death! " The God of gambler looked around, but the surrounding high-rise buildings have become ruins, and there is no place nearby for gambling God to avoid! If you just jump out like this The God of gambler thought about the end of the bee sting.

Looking at the building hit, the top of the moon is covered by the building, casting a huge shadow!

"No way!"

Almost a survival instinct, the God of gamblers jumped out of his original position and jumped to the open space where the building could not be hit. At the same time, his body was completely exposed in front of the monster. When the God of gambler jumps in the air, he looks at the monster. It happens that the monster has a pair of huge eyes, such as finally locking the target, and the God of death's gaze makes the God of gambler more clearly aware of the end of the bee sting, as if It's also their own fate.

"Is it over?" But the God of gambler was not afraid at all. In the chaos, he saw Ye Wuqian still running towards the monster's huge body. "As long as you can successfully complete the task, even if I die, it's worth it. It's up to you Ye Wuwei... "

At the same time, the monster's right hand extended infinitely. It seemed that he finally found the position of the God of gamblers. The huge palm rushed towards the God of gambler at the speed of bullets. Almost instantly, he came to the God of gambler. The extremely strong smell of stench will never be forgotten by the God of gamblers.

It was more intolerable than the wolf Sao on the black wolf king.

Black wolf king?The God of gamblers even closed his eyes and accepted the final end of his life, but his hand did not close as scheduled. The God of gamblers heard a huge dull sound.


The God of gambler opened his eyes and looked at the black wolf king in disbelief. In front of him, his magnificent posture still showed a wolf king's domineering spirit. He tried his best to blow out the right fist right in the center of the monster's huge palm!

I don't know what kind of power the black wolf king broke out. The huge power can even compete with the monster's palm!

No! It's not just a fight!

The God of gambler saw that the hand of the monster was stopped in the air after being hit by the black wolf king, and then suddenly retracted!

The black wolf king stood in front of the God of gambler, and his face was sneering. The God of gambler saw that his right hand was shaking slightly after giving out that fist, and even blood was oozing from his shoulder!

"I thought you were so strong that you couldn't fight at all." The black wolf king said with a sneer, showing the wild side of the beast.

Although the black wolf king reluctantly blocked the hand, but the God of gambler knew that the monster's arm in the extension process, the strength would be relatively weakened. It seems that it is not as invincible as they think! In spite of this, the shaking right hand of the black wolf king is probably the limit.

Hello! I don't have many friends. One of them is dead. Zhang Tianluo is dead. Don't die again. " The black wolf king turned half his face and grinned strangely at the God of gamblers.

"Of course Gambler suddenly realized that no matter how strong the opponent is, he doesn't need to be discouraged, because his two teammates are also abnormal strong existence!

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