At one end of a long conference table in the Council Hall of Westlife church, the minister and the urchin sat at one end, while at the other, a young man in a neat blue suit, white skin and bleeding, was sitting.

The young man has a purple short long hair, which is very delicate, especially a pair of blue eyes, which is slender and has a smell of evil. He looked at the pastor sitting opposite him with a grin on his face.

"But What shall I do? My master is an old man. He is dead. " Said the young man with a wicked smile.

"Pa" a sound, the urchin slapped on the long conference table, angrily rebuked: "what?! Dead?! Edward Rosen. He's dead? The two of us came all the way from the United States to kill him. Now tell me? He's dead?! Isn't a vampire immortal? "

"I'm not lying." The young man also looked worried, waving his hand and saying, "he died two years ago."

"Two years ago? The year when zombie virus spread in city a? He will not Is this the virus that killed you? I remember the body of a vampire, but it's more powerful than the body of a normal power. It shouldn't be infected with a zombie virus, is it The minister was not as excited as a urchin, and even kept a polite smile on his face.

"Master, he did die because of the zombie virus, but not because of some disgusting zombie virus. But that disaster seems to have spawned a monstrous monster. So far, I haven't come back to the master. "

"Monster? It's not the big guy in North Town, is it The priest smiles.

"Nonono, that big guy is also very strong, but even for you, he is not a particularly difficult opponent. What's more, it's my master... "

"You mean, we're not as good as you, Edward Rosen?" The urchin stood up, with an angry expression on his face, and his whole body was flowing with high-energy powers. It seemed that he was ready to rush to the young people at the next moment to show his strength in tearing human bodies apart.

"Naughty boy, don't be impulsive." The priest also stood up and pressed the urchin's shoulder.

"Ha ha It is said that the tenth Masonic master has always been a "child" with immature temperament. It seems to be true young people.

"You You I I will kill you The urchin seemed to be very angry and said, biting his teeth. The priest's hand has been pressing on the urchin's shoulder. In fact, the priest's hand has released a lot of powers to suppress the child's impulsive emotion. However, the urchin is still very angry because of the other party's two or three words.

"Don't say that's useless. Tell us where Edward Rosen went two years ago? How do you know he's dead? We'd better give us some evidence, or I can't go back to work. I can't sit down to earth as the ninth leader. " Although the young people repeatedly provoked their anger, the priest's face still maintained a polite smile.

"Two years ago, in addition to the disgusting zombies in the city, there were also many deviant monsters, among which the most powerful one was in Dongcheng. And the place my master never returned to two years ago was Dongcheng. As for the evidence, you go to Dongcheng and see the monster's strength in person, and the evidence will be there. Don't blame me for not reminding you. You will never want to leave city a at that time. " The young man said with a wicked smile, and his eyes were always looking at the priest.

From the beginning to the end, even in the face of the two masons, the eyes of this eye have never been taboo, and even said provocative words intentionally or unintentionally.

"It's too much trouble to go to the east city." The priest also looked at the young man with a smile and said, "well, I heard that Edward Rosen had a seven-year-old daughter before he became a vampire. It is said that he later turned her into a vampire. Although there has been no news of her daughter, I believe Edward Rosen must have hidden her daughter in the west side all the time. You were his only disciple, probably Do you know that Edward Jennie exists? You hand her over, and then hand in the "Bible" that Freemasonry gave to Rosen. I'll take these two things back to make a better exchange. And I don't have to bother you anymore. Don't you think we're impatient to leave

"Edward Jennie? The daughter of a vampire? That thing has a daughter, too? Why didn't I know in advance? " When the urchin was angry, he looked at the priest curiously and asked.

In fact, the pastor is not sure about this. For Edward Jennie, Rosen has always protected her very well. Few even the Freemasonry knew her existence, let alone where she was hidden by Rosen. A chance to let the pastor know that Edward Rosen and his daughter, as to whether she is hiding in the west side, this is just a guess of the pastor, there is no actual evidence.

But when it comes to Edward Jennie, the young man's face is deliberately repressed with anger, and the priest knows that he no longer needs the so-called evidence. Edward Jennie, it's in the west side, probably even, in this church.

Maybe it's time to let go of the hand on the urchin's shoulder."You confuse the owner with the thing?" The young man seems to be very angry. The cold blood flowing in his blood vessels is speeding up. Even on his thin white skin, some blood vessels can be seen. The whole appearance looks particularly frightening.

"Delusion! What a delusion! You lowly human beings! I want to take away the master Jeanie with the noble blood of vampire! I don't think such human beings are allowed to exist! I won't let you step out of here! You will never see the Bible

"Oh, I'm already very angry. Then I just need to let go of this hand and let you two children have a good vent Said the minister, smiling, releasing the hand on the urchin's shoulder.

The urchin slowly turned back and laughed strangely. After the minister nodded his head, the urchin disappeared from the spot immediately. Then, when the young man reacted and looked around, a bloody hand had penetrated his chest from behind. In the other hand, there was a beating, bloody, heart?

As a vampire, for the first time, I saw my heart, which belongs to human body.

The naughty boy pulled his hand, and the young man fell to the ground with his eyes closed. The urchin looked at the heart in his hands and threw it aside impatiently like a dirty ball.

"It's too weak, too weak. Isn't Edward Rosen a high-level vampire? Why is the vampire he bit so weak? I used a more serious move the first time The urchin seems to be a little unhappy, depressed said.

"Because Edward Rosen didn't turn his only disciple into a vampire through himself, and he wasn't the real one either." The priest said, went to the corpse of the vampire, bent down and stretched out his hand, slowly pulling it on the face of the corpse until a human skin face was opened. At this time, they could see the real ordinary appearance of this man. He was not really the Ionian, but an ordinary vampire dominated by people.

The priest slowly turned back and looked at a red eyed bat squatting in the corner of the wall. As if he said hello to people, he began to smile again and said, "the real high-level vampire has the ability to control bats, and the real eshionia, I'm afraid, is looking at us through this bat's eyes. The ordinary vampire in front of him is just a gift from him It's just a meeting gift for us. "

"I'm worthy of being the only disciple of Edward Rosen. I just used a double to completely disclose our own mission, and maybe we can spy on our strength. I don't know what the urchin did just now. Are you satisfied? "

"Make a scene, naughty boy, we But being played by others as a monkey. " Said the minister with a smile.

On the naughty boy's excited face, the smile magnified more and more.

"Ha ha ha I'll wait for you to say this, I can finally He killed. "

After that, the urchin has disappeared from its original place. The priest, still smiling, looked at the bat's blood red eyes.

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