Orange with leaves, they rushed to the outside of the church. Now there are a lot of ordinary zombies gathered outside the church, but these zombies are more like the so-called "cleaner". Under the neat clothes, they are still wrapped in the corpse's body. It's not the zombies with vampires that ye Wumian could see before. And these ordinary zombies also took the initiative to open a road for those Vampire Zombies to make way for the church gate.

"Orange" is the name Ye Wuqian gave to the girl before. The girl can't remember her name as a human being. According to her, her memory began two years ago when she was bitten by the first eschians, and from that moment, all previous memories seemed to disappear from her mind. Girls forget their parents, what kind of life experience, even their own name, can not remember.

But he did not immediately turn her into a vampire, or even deliberately, careful not to let her die. From then on, the girl became the "food" and the servant of aeionia. As long as she did not die, she had to take care of the daily life of her. At intervals, she would present her neck for her master to eat. Hence the name of "food".

At the same time, there are eight girls named "food" by the "master" eshionia, and four of them have died. He was lucky, perhaps because of his meekness in the past two years. Instead of letting himself die before he got anaemia, he finally turned himself into a vampire and fell into an endless track, living like a puppet.

Perhaps it is the girl's desire to escape this fate that makes Ye Wuqian feel that she is really similar to lemon, so she also gives the girl a similar name, "orange.". After all, it's not polite to say "Hello, Hello, hello" all the time.

In the last part of her life as "food", orange met a little girl with golden hair, who was also called "food". The little girl was so small that she could only hold an orange chest high. Only seven or eight years old? Although the host has been sucking his own blood, the orange doesn't hate the master at all. He doesn't have any memory. It seems that life should be like this. Until the little girl appeared, no matter what, the orange still felt that the host, eshionia, was too cruel. After all, the little girl was too small. But the owner told her that if the little girl did not become his food, she would face death directly. If the decision was left to orange? How would you choose?

How can you be a slave, or a slave?

Although the life of oranges before they become "food" is a blank, oranges always feel that it is better to live than to die?

Orange made a decision for the little girl to turn into "food". She would never forget. The little girl looked at her smile quietly. From that day on, orange quietly recognized the little girl as her sister. Since she had this sister, her life has been more interesting than before. At least they have playmates. Orange has been taking good care of the little girl to make up for her big wrong decision. Although she knew that it was the master's thought that the little girl would become "food" or die directly, but the master asked her to make the decision. In fact, the orange felt that she had harmed the little girl.

Originally, the time they spent together in church was quite pleasant. The changes of all this, orange's heart that suddenly wanted to escape this fate, and the heart that once regretted for the little girl's wrong decision, all began from the moment when orange became a vampire.

Orange finally understood that this kind of eternal life, lonely and helpless to live, according to other people's designated route, like a puppet, is a more painful experience than death. After leaving the little girl again, orange committed suicide three times in a month, but the body of the vampire, whether it was wrist cutting or hanging, could not die at all. He would wake up one helpless night after another and face the world that wanted to die again.

I knew that at the beginning, it was better to commit suicide in the time of "food".

Orange thinks of the little girl more. What if the little girl has the same idea as herself after becoming a vampire? What if the original decision, let the little girl completely hate themselves? I don't know. The orange doesn't know until the hand appears.

Until the appearance of the leaves, orange saw a turning point, there may be a chance to save the little girl's turning point.

Every Sunday is the day when all the Vampire Zombies in the West City go to the church to worship Jesus. At the same time, it is also a day for eating. The owner can always find some living people and tie them in the church. After all the Vampire Zombies recite the Bible, these living people will provide them with food. Oranges have seen such scenes more than a dozen times. Although the mutated zombies look more rational and human than ordinary zombies, they still show a cruel side in the face of "food". Those living people's "food" will be eaten, not only the blood, but also the body, viscera, bones, and finally As a result, usually only a pile of bloodstained clothes is left.It seems that she is lucky to see a little girl in the church next week, even if she is lucky enough to see a little girl in the church for more than a year They should be sent to the church by their owners as food for everyone.

Orange remembers, it was like the first time she had water coming out of her eyes, crazily.

Thinking about the final result of those who are "food" on the day of sacrifice, can't the little girl avoid this tragic fate? Are you going to be eaten by those Vampire Zombies with no bones left? no Did it hurt her? The real killer is himself!

The next week's sacrificial day is today. The orange was numb and blank. There was only one thing left, which was to rescue the little girl. This matter, after seeing ye Wuwei, seems to be more like the firmness of the whole body.

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