The door of the church is like a deliberate gathering of countless zombies. In the West City, which used to be fresh air, it is still full of the smell of carrion corpses. Even if the ordinary zombies are dressed in human clothes, they still can't cover up the disgusting smell on them.

In particular, when all the zombies in Westlife gathered here, the smell was extremely strong.

Ye Wumian, standing in the woods outside the church, looking at the group of ordinary zombies, surrounded the church completely. It seems that they have no intention to let ye Wuque sneak into the general.

"Do you want us to beg your little girl from such a large number of zombies?" The God of gamblers sneered.

"No, No Orange is also very confused, she said anxiously: "in the past, only Vampire Zombies would participate in the sacrificial day, which would not lead to these ordinary zombies. Moreover, it is still such a large number. Even I have never seen such a situation. "

"Interesting." Ye Wuqi, with a sly smile, looked at several circles of zombie walls surrounded by zombies, and said, "you said before, your master's name is" eshionia "


"And Edward Rosen?" Ye Wuqi has always been very strange about this. According to the God of gamblers, the only vampire in the west city is Edward Rosen. Naturally, whether these later born vampires or Vampire Zombies, they should finally listen to Edward Rosen. However, during the period when orange described itself as making "food", it seemed that all the people in the church were just around one another, but the name of the person was "aeionia". Besides, it seemed that orange had not even seen any other vampires in the church except for eschia?

So What about Edward Rosen?

"Eshionia was Edward Rosen's disciple, the only one." Suddenly said the God of gamblers.

"So it is, is it the disciple of that fellow, that this aeionian is also a vampire of noble blood? It makes sense to take these guys and follow his orders The black wolf king carefully watched a group of zombies in front of him. Suddenly, he thought of something and said, "it can't be this guy. We're going to find him, so we deliberately drag the whole city's zombies here to surround the church. In fact, it's to protect himself."

"What treachery! Vampires are not good fuckers The black wolf king roared angrily.

At this time, the leaves do not lack their mouth, dark woods, a group of red eyed bats fly by, making some sound. Ye Wumian looked up and looked at the eyes of those red eyed bats, and he always felt that these bats were also looking at themselves.

Ye Wuqi turned back and looked at the layers of zombies outside the church and said, "maybe aeionia really found us, but these ordinary zombies he summoned will never come to deal with us."

"Why?" The black wolf king asked strangely.

"Look at these zombies, all the zombies, their heads are always looking inside the church. If it's to defend against foreign enemies, shouldn't they pay more attention to the surroundings? This alone shows that their real enemy now is in the church. " The leaves are intact.

"I grass, who is so fierce that I can run to the headquarters of these vampires without any movement?"

"This You should know better than me. Think about it, who else will be in Westlife besides us? Who else cares about Edward Rosen Ye Wuqi looked at the black wolf king and said with a smile.

"The ninth Lord minister? Yes The black wolf king seemed to think of something, and said in a daze: "although the priest is not a vampire, but that guy's power is also very special. If he wants to sneak into the church quietly, he can certainly do it!"

Are there other powerful people coming into the church? Orange's heart is more worried, the host will be in danger? My sister, is there any danger?

Ye Wuqi smiles and touches the head of the orange and says, "don't worry? I'm afraid today's sacrifice will not be held normally. If I'm right, there's bound to be a scuffle here later. I'll sneak you into the church and look for your sister

"As for the fact that I can enter the church quietly, although I have never seen that priest, and I don't know how he did it, I can do it easily." Ye Wumian smiles confidently. He is confident of his instant transfer, even with an orange.

"Well." The orange nodded. I don't know why, orange is willing to inexplicably believe that there is no lack of leaves. Although she has never seen the power of Ye Wumian, she seems to have no choice but to believe him.

"Boom With a loud noise, the wall of the church was suddenly blown open. For a time, it was full of explosion smoke. Several Vampire Zombies were thrown out of the big hole in the wall and fell to the ground. Leaves across the distance smell of blood, as well as those fell on the ground of the Vampire Zombies, incomplete bodies.The corpses of those vampires either had their hands torn off or their heads twisted off. They were like a huge force, like the body of a doll.

Ye Wuqi suddenly realizes that the situation of these Vampire Zombies is very similar to the black wolf king who was in B city before.

Sure enough, the black wolf king looked at these fallen Vampire Zombies, frowned tightly, held his left shoulder with his right hand, and his eyes showed a sense of hatred and said, "it's a naughty boy! That's right! It's them! In the church, it is the priest and the urchin

In the smoke and dust that exploded the wall, a series of crazy laughter came out: "ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha... "

As the laughter approached, more and more Vampire Zombies stepped back from the church's main door and the large hole in the wall.

The voice of the naughty boy in the dust: "ha ha ha Too weak, too weak! This is the low-level vampire, it is, too weak! Aeionia! Get out of here quickly. If you don't come out again, I will kill all your disciples and grandchildren! "

Then, under everyone's eyes, out of the smoke came a golden one with a height of only 1.5 meters. It seemed that he was not very old child?

"Naughty boy..." The black wolf king looked at him from a distance and clenched his teeth.

Ye Wuqian also looked at the so-called Masonic tenth leader with a little interest. He didn't expect that the naughty boy with the top name was really a child. What's more, this child like man actually forced dozens of Vampire Zombies out of the church. Although the picture is funny, it is enough to prove that this "urchin" is powerful!

"Oh There are many more? " The naughty boy's laughing face gave out a terrible and greedy glow in his eyes. He did not seem to be afraid because he was surrounded by countless zombies. On the contrary, he seemed more excited, and the greedy killing interest in his eyes was more vigorous.

"I thought it was almost over, but I didn't expect it was just coming out. It's a good play. It's just beginning."


In the depth of the church, the inexplicable bell rings. With this low bell, it seems that all the Vampire Zombies are like fighting chicken blood, and there are countless ordinary zombies. At this moment, it seems that all of them are playing hormone, and they rush to the little urchin crazily.

The vast zombies, surrounded by urchins, one by one devil's face, opened a disgusting mouth, as if to eat the little man.

But the naughty boy's face is a pair, from hell, the real devil, giggle.

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