Huang Zhonghe is the general manager of a catering company. His wife is the section chief of an office of the Kyoto Health Bureau. His power is not too great, but he has brought a lot of convenience to Huang Zhonghe. Because of his wife's help, Huang Zhonghe has become more and more prosperous in Kyoto over the past few years, and his business is getting bigger and bigger. Now his family wealth is tens of millions, so he can be regarded as a rich man, However, he knew that his family property was nothing in the big city of Kyoto. Even if it was said that it was not too much to say that he was barely out of poverty!

Huang Zhonghe's lifelong wish is to be able to enter the upper class society of Kyoto. Not only he, but also his wife Zhang Yaling, thinks so. However, he knows that if he has his own ability, it is difficult to really set foot in the upper class society of Kyoto in his whole life, so he hit his own daughter!

Huang lingyao's appearance inherits all the advantages of Huang Zhonghe and Zhang Yaling. When she was very young, she was like a lotus in the water. She was beautiful and could not be fragrant. This is an exciting thing for Huang Zhonghe who wants to enter the upper class!

Since Huang lingyao was very young, the couple has been instilling the idea of interest first for her daughter. No matter what Huang lingyao wants, they will try their best to be satisfied. In making friends, the couple will also take care of her daughter's words and deeds. If the other party's family background is relatively good, they will try their best to encourage Huang lingyao to associate. If the other party's family is poor, they will not hesitate to stop her Zhihuang lingyao and her relationship, as for her boyfriend, they are extremely strict!

They are deeply aware of the truth that rare goods can be found. They also understand how high the value of virginity is in today's world. Therefore, they always take strict care of Huang lingyao. They are afraid that Huang lingyao will be robbed of her virginity. If she is a child of an ordinary family, it will be fine Lost!

Fortunately, Huang lingyao has never let them down. Although she has made boyfriends over the years, she is determined to let go after knowing each other's family background. She has never spent the night with anyone. Now she is still a big girl of Huanghua!

Of course, they don't know what happened to Huang lingyao and ye Xiao that night. They only know that it's time to harvest!

Cao Wanxing is the eldest son of the Cao family. Perhaps compared with Shangguan, Yue's and Lin's, Cao's family is nothing. The biggest official position of Cao's family is just the vice mayor of Beijing. However, even such a deputy mayor is too high for Huang Zhong and his family!

Most importantly, although Cao Wanxing's family background is not strong, their husband and wife heard that Cao Wanxing had an abnormal relationship with Lin's lineage Lin. they also knew that although Cao Wanxing was not born in a big family, he was brilliant. He had already taken the post of director at a young age and was capable of himself. He might also be supported by the Lin family, which was in the eyes of Huang Zhonghe and others Of course, he is a golden tortoise!

Although they also understand that Cao Wanxing's identity does not necessarily mean that they will marry their own daughter, but as long as they send their own daughter, with the charm of their daughter, Cao Wanxing will really marry? Even if you don't marry, if something happens to your daughter, you can always get involved in this relationship, isn't it?

Therefore, Huang Zhong and his wife always wanted to sell their daughter to Cao Wanxing. However, Cao Wanxing refused because of his busy work. When they thought that this road would not work, they suddenly received a phone call from Cao Wanxing, saying that they would like to meet them in time and ask them to take their daughter to Mitian private club in half an hour!

Huang Zhonghe and Zhang Yaling rushed to the parking lot to drive, while Zhang Yaling ran to his daughter's room!

Tomorrow is the new year's day, school holiday, if in the past, Huang lingyao and a group of friends go out to hang out, but today she quietly stay at home, lying on her bed, staring at her mobile phone, a good text on the mobile phone, it is sent to Ye Xiao, written "Ye Xiao, I like you, I am your girlfriend, OK?" ?” Huang lingyao's thumb is constantly hovering on the send button, but it is always difficult to have the courage to press it down!

If in the past, this is absolutely impossible, because she has received special education from her parents since childhood. For men, she knows very well and the true meaning of trying to capture the old people. She knows how to make a man fall in love with himself, how to infatuate with a man, and what's more, it's like a gamble. Whoever confesses first will die!

In the past, she could never have confessed anything to a certain boy, but now, she not only wants to confess to a boy, but also dare not!

Yes, she really dare not. She is afraid of Ye Xiao's refusal. She is afraid that they will not even have to make friends from now on. But she wants to Tell ye Xiao that even though she knows that doing so will only make ye Xiao more indifferent to her, she is hard to stop her mind!

This state of worrying about gain and loss makes Huang lingyao deeply understand that she has fallen in love with Ye Xiao. Yes, unconsciously, she has fallen in love with him!

She admitted that she was curious when she approached Ye Xiao. She was curious about the man who killed him suddenly. Then, in her eyes, Shi Yuanlong and others were easily defeated by Ye Xiao, even without the thought of revenge. She knew that ye Xiao's identity was unfathomable!At that time, her parents taught her to approach Ye Xiao with all her strength and launched an offensive against him. However, although her offensive was fierce, she was not too active. She only provoked Ye Xiao by trying to capture the old people. She believed in her own charm and ability. She believed that as long as ye Xiao was a man, she would sooner or later go to bed, and she believed that ye Xiao was a responsible person As long as what can happen to him, he will never abandon himself!

However, she also understood that all she had done was due to Ye Xiao's mysterious identity, which had nothing to do with love. As long as she became a woman of Ye Xiao, she could bring great benefits to her, and she could take advantage of it to enter the upper class!

She believes in her own judgment and her own vision!

However, what she couldn't believe was that she actually fell in love with Ye Xiao, which had nothing to do with her identity or background.

for the first time in the parking lot, when she was about to be humiliated, ye Xiao appeared in front of her like a God and saved herself from the gangster. At that time, her heart was shocked violently!

But she told herself that she could not indulge in feelings like this. Any feelings were floating clouds. She wanted to be a woman of Ye Xiao, but she could not sink for him!

Later, on the night of Li Shiqin's birthday, she thought that she would take this opportunity to have something with Ye Xiao. Who knows that the fire interrupted her steps, but she finally understood that it was directed by Li Shiqin. Their purpose was to kill Ye Xiao and burn themselves together!

At the moment of the fire approaching, she really thought she would die, but ye Xiao wrapped her in a quilt and jumped down from the stairs!

At that moment, although breathtaking, she felt that she was the safest woman in the world!

Later, when ye Xiao rolled over again, he completely protected himself in his arms, but he was stabbed all over by the fragments. At that moment, Huang lingyao was moved. At that moment, she suddenly felt that even if ye Xiao had nothing, she might love him, right?

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