When she saw that ye Xiao was besieged and almost attacked, she could not help but greet Dao Guang. Huang lingyao never thought that she would have such a brave moment. But she understood that at that moment, she didn't think of anything. The only thought was that she didn't want Ye Xiao to have anything!

Why did she have such an idea? Even she didn't know, but later, she finally understood that it was love. She really fell in love with Ye Xiao!

Do not care about his identity, do not care about his background, just simply love him such a person, even if he is just a street beggar, as long as he likes himself, now Huang lingyao will not hesitate to be with him! But does he really like himself?

Huang lingyao doesn't know. For the first time, she has shaken her charm!

"Click..." When Huang lingyao hesitated whether to send a text message, the bedroom door suddenly opened from the outside, and then saw her mother appeared at the door. Huang lingyao panicked and pressed the Cancel button directly. The message did not go out after all!

"Mom, can I help you?" Seeing her mother suddenly came to her room, Huang lingyao was a little flustered. Why was she so flustered that she didn't even know that she was afraid that her parents would know about herself and ye Xiao? Can their parents' ideas, they should not object to it?

"Of course something has happened. It's still a big wedding. My dear daughter, change into the dress that mom bought for you, and your parents will take you on a blind date!" Zhang Yaling did not find her daughter's inappropriate, full of excitement said!

"Blind date? With whom? " Huang lingyao is stunned. She still doesn't understand that her parents have arranged everything for herself!

"Of course, it's Cao Wanxing, the eldest son of the Cao family. Hurry up. Mr. Cao is still waiting for us in the private club of Mitian." Zhang Yaling is full of excitement, while telling Huang lingyao, she personally takes out a sexy low cut dress for Huang lingyao from the wardrobe!

She thought her daughter would be very excited, but when she took out her clothes, she found her daughter was still sitting on the head of the bed and frowned: "what's the matter with you? Don't you change your clothes soon? "

"I'm not going!" Huang lingyao didn't look at her mother at all and said coldly!

"No? Why don't you go? You know, he's the vice mayor's son Zhang Yaling was stunned for a moment. In her opinion, Cao Wanxing is definitely the highest status person Huang lingyao has ever contacted. She should be happy to find such a good man for her daughter. How can she be so depressed? Even say no?

You know, these years, Huang lingyao has never refuted their meaning!

"I have a boyfriend!" Facing her mother's enthusiasm, Huang lingyao just said a word coldly!

"What? Do you have a boyfriend? Why didn't you tell mom? What does their family do? " Zhang Yaling was stunned at first, but then asked about the other party's family situation. If the status is really higher than Cao Wanxing, the relative has no appearance!

"I don't know!" But who knows Huang lingyao shakes her head. To her present position, she really doesn't know what ye Xiao does. She only knows that he is very mysterious and knows many princes in Kyoto!

"I don't know? I don't know. You said it was your boyfriend? I don't know what my mother has never seen. Don't count. Hurry up and change your clothes first. Mr. Cao is still waiting for us! " Zhang Yaling didn't know. She was disappointed and said that she had already rushed to change clothes for Huang lingyao!

"Why do you have to meet? It's not you looking for a boyfriend!" Huang lingyao saw that her mother didn't listen to her words, so she was very angry, but she didn't pick up the clothes she handed her!

"I'm your mother. Of course, you need my permission to find a boyfriend. Besides, I told you that men are the backing of women. If you think that your boyfriend's is stronger than Mr. Cao, your mother won't force you to go on a blind date. Otherwise, you'll meet Mr. Cao with me." Zhang Yaling snorted coldly!

For the first time, Huang lingyao felt that her mother's words were so harsh. However, if she wanted to tell her how strong Ye Xiao was, she couldn't say it at all. She only knew that he was not simple. She just said that herself. Would her mother believe her?

Seeing that her daughter didn't speak, Zhang Yaling's face softened: "Yao Yao, don't worry. What her mother has done is for you. She doesn't want to talk about her family background. I'm also very capable. I've been in the position of director with my own efforts. She's decent. She's definitely the husband's choice of the number one And just let you go on a blind date. It's not that you have to marry him. Go and have a look first. If you really don't like it, shall we talk about other things? "

Seeing his mother's light with a little eagerness, he thought that he was just going to see him. If he didn't like it, he nodded gently!

Seeing her daughter nodding, Zhang Yaling was also very happy. She dressed up for her daughter. In just a few minutes, she had already taken Huang lingyao out of the villa, got on Huang Zhonghe's Audi and ran to the private club of Fantian!Soon, Audi appeared in the parking lot of Mitian private club. Huang Zhong and Zhang Yaling took the lead in jumping off the car. Zhang Yaling ran to the back seat to drive for her daughter. She looked respectful as if she were waiting on the princess!

Before waiting for Huang lingyao to open her mouth, Huang lingyao had already been pulled up and walked towards the club. A young man stood at the door waiting for him with a haughty expression. When he saw Huang Zhonghe and others coming late, his face showed a displeased look!

"Why are you here now? Mr. Cao said for half an hour

"Secretary Li, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. There's a traffic jam on the road. I'd like to ask Secretary Li to say something nice in front of Mr. Cao!" Huang Zhonghe rushed forward and handed over a red envelope without any trace. It seems that he is already familiar with these things!

Secretary Li pinched the thickness of the red envelope, and then he said with satisfaction: "Mr. Cao said that it doesn't matter if it's a few minutes in the evening. Come with me!" Said the manner arrogant turn around to walk, that looks like a proud Rooster!

Seeing her parents' servile appearance, Huang lingyao was full of no taste. She wanted to say a few words, but she was held by her mother!

Under the leadership of secretary Li, three people came to a room door together!

"Well, you can go in!" Secretary Li stood at the door, but stopped Huang Zhong and Zhang Yaling, just said to Huang lingyao!

"Shall we not go in?" Huang Zhonghe originally wanted to get close to Cao Wanxing. However, Secretary Li didn't let them see Cao Wanxing, so he asked!

"It's not a blind date. What are you doing in there?" Secretary Li snorted coldly. Huang Zhonghe didn't dare to say anything more, so he turned to his daughter and said, "Yao Yao, you go in, we'll wait for you outside."

"Go ahead, Yao Yao. We'll wait for you here!" Zhang Yaling is also that low voice persuasion way, Huang lingyao is not afraid of stage, just want to see a face to go, immediately opened the door and went straight in!

Seeing his daughter walk in leisurely, Huang Zhonghe and Zhang Yaling are relieved at the same time. Huang Zhonghe comes to his wife's side and asks in a low voice: "no problem?"

"Don't worry, I gave her that drink, the raw rice can cook cooked rice!" Zhang Yaling gently nodded, her eyes are full of burning light, where there is a bit of mother's appearance

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