When ye Wuqi wakes up again, he finds himself standing on a gray hillside. To be exact, it is not gray, but everything in front of him is black and white.

At the foot of Ye Wumian is an endless green grassland, which is extremely green. There are some scattered flowers on the grassland. However, because the whole world is black and white, ye Wuqi can not tell whether those words are blue or red or yellow.

Ye Wumian immediately turned his head and looked around. Ye Wuque was standing on a small green hillside. Under the hillside was a winding river, and behind Ye Wuqi was a bamboo forest. There was also a very small thatched cottage in the bamboo forest. On both sides were towering mountains, which looked magnificent and beautiful.

At this time, a clear female voice suddenly rang out in Ye Wuqian's mind: "are you in the dream now? Can you hear the voice of Ye Wuwei? "

Hearing this voice, ye Wuque was stunned. He thought secretly that the old beggar had already stripped the soul of Ye Wuque? Why would there be such a voice? Ye Wuque immediately opened his mouth to the sky and asked aloud, who are you and why you can transmit the voice to ye Wuque here.

"I'm the sister of number seven. I've lost my ability to practice martial arts, but I've got another ability. God always opens another window for you when you close one door. It's a secret. I have never told anyone the secret, even my sister does not know, but even you are so adventurous as to call my sister. I think ye Wuque can't harm her because of this secret. I should also do something ye Wuque should be able to do. I have a special inborn function, ye Wuque can walk into other people's dreams. You can see what happened in other people's dreams and even touch each other. If ye Wuqian kills each other in the dream, that person will die in the dream. But it's strange that I try to enter your dream many times after you fall asleep, but I find that I can't get in no matter what. So I try to ask if you can hear my voice. I can only see the darkness in front of me now, but I feel you must be in it

"I'm not a dream, but you have this special function, which makes me feel very strange. It's normal that you can't come in. It's hard for me to explain to you what kind of state Ye Wuxiang is in now."

Ye Wuqi then explained.

"Well, it doesn't matter. Can you see anything around you?"

Seven's sister immediately asked.

"I see a small hillside, and there are mountains on both sides of the river. There is a bamboo forest behind me. There is a bamboo house in the bamboo forest island. Do you know where this is?"

Ye Wuque immediately asked, since it is ye Wuque who links up the soul of No. 7, what ye Wuque now sees should be all that No. 7 sees. So it must be a scene familiar to the seventh. Now with the help of the new sister, maybe you can know what's going on.

"It's actually here. This is a small mountain village where I and No. 7 lived when we were very young. Our guwu family was divided into many valleys to settle down, which is the most remote one among all the valleys. Many years ago, there was a very special assassination in our cereal family. This assassination was aimed at all the girls. No one knows why. In order to save our lives, our parents sent ye Wumian and ye to this most remote small valley. The small bamboo house you see is the place where ye Wuqian and No.7 lived before. We lived here for about half a year. It was late that the assassination case disappeared completely, and ye Wuque came out from here. You might as well go to the small bamboo house to see if No.7 is in there. If No.7 is in it, hurry to put it Bring it out. "

No. 7's elder sister's words in incomparable anxiety, ye Wuwei also did not have the slightest hesitation, immediately ran along the hillside.

The distance between the hillside and the bamboo forest is one or two kilometers. Although Ye Wuxiang is running with all his strength, he seems to be stepping on the swamp at his feet. He can't make any effort to run. However, half a mile away, ye Wuque already feels out of breath and out of strength.

At this time, ye Wuqian saw a black figure flickering in the bamboo forest, and his heart immediately lifted up. He immediately asked in a loud voice, "Ye Wuqian now sees a black shadow in the bamboo forest. Do you know who that person is?"

Hearing ye Wumian's question, Qin Hao's sister became nervous in an instant, saying that you should take a look at the figure of that person and see if you can recognize it.

Ye Wuque immediately slowed down his own pace, carefully wanted to identify the person's appearance. After a few eyes, he could barely confirm that it should be a man with a bigger body. However, her whole body was shrouded in black sand, and even her face seemed to be wearing a mask, so ye Wuque couldn't distinguish its appearance at all.

"No. He's wearing a mask, and he's wearing a black dress. I can't confirm what she really looks likeYe Wuwei immediately replied.

"Is it a man, and there is only one man? Do you have anyone else to see? "

No. 7 seemed to have expected something, and immediately asked.

Ye Wuqi immediately and continue to run forward, careful not to disturb the man. After approaching the bamboo grove, ye Wuqian sees a man moving towards the pig again. At this time, there are two girls playing happily in front of the bamboo house.

Ye Wuque is close to the man, but the man can't see it. Now ye Wuque is about three or four hundred meters away from the pig. There are two girls playing in front of the Lord. It should be you and number seven.

No. 7's sister was a little stunned and said, "can you see what they are playing with? I'm not playing hopscotch. "

Ye Wuque immediately fixed his eyes and saw that one of the girls was holding a stone in her hand, threw it forward, and then jumped forward two steps. Ye Wuque was shocked and quickly said, "yes, it's jumping the house. How do you know?"

Well, No. 7's sister, with a kind of almost trembling voice, said with a bitter smile: "I didn't think it was this day, it happened a lot of things. For the seventh, it was a very painful memory for me. Was she trapped in this memory and couldn't come out? Go and see what she's trapped in. Oh, by the way, at that time I wore perfect and double horsetails, while my sister wore one

Now that he had a way to change from seven to seven and seven's sister, ye Wuqian immediately walked forward a few steps. He saw that the black man had already touched the back of the house with the hoe through the bamboo grove. At this time, the two little girls seemed to be tired of playing. They held hands and sang nursery rhymes together and walked happily towards the room. At this time, at the other end of the bamboo forest, a man with a vicissitudes of life came, carrying a bamboo basket in his hand, and watching the two sisters come over with a smile. The three men walked into the room together, and ye Wuqian immediately pulled out his legs. After a few steps along the path in the bamboo forest, I ran to the door of the house. As soon as I saw that the man with the basket had put the basket on the table, opened the lid on the pigsty, and took out several dishes and some rice on the table. It turns out that this man is here to deliver food to both of them.

The two little girls looked at the delicious food, and their faces showed a naive and brilliant smile. They talked and laughed with the man and ate the food happily. At this time, the man suddenly turned back, as if he had noticed something. His hand was toward the basket like lightning. When she went to wait for her hand to take out of the basket at the weekend, his hand was already in his hands Two short silver daggers were added.

Then the man turned his head very alertly, looked at the two little girls, opened his mouth and said something. The two little girls immediately crouched down nervously and hid under the table. The man did not dare to leave the table, but held two short daggers tightly in his hand and looked around with great vigilance. At this time, the wall beside him was on the wall The windows of the house burst open.

A black bead rolled out of the crack of the window, and the man immediately yelled. When she opened her mouth, it was late. The bead instantly exploded the mouse, and countless gray smoke instantly filled the whole room with smoke. Then the side bottom of the window was opened, and the underwear to the long-standing dark shadow was instantly worn out of the window When he came in, the man seemed to be ready. He closed his eyes directly to protect himself from the influence of the black gray fog. He held two silver daggers in his hand, one of which had been thrown out instantly. In the gray fog, ye Wuqi saw the killer in black. The whole body trembled. It was obvious that the shoulder was hit by the silver dagger thrown out by the man. Maybe he also made a scream, which made the man determine the location of the killer at once, and the other silver dagger in his hand was also thrown out in an instant. At this time, the black killer was ready for the arrival of the second dagger, so his body was just like this The silver dagger was about to stick into the wall behind her.

That is to say, at the moment of her side, the man has already flashed behind the killer, raising his hand is a blow to the killer's neck.

In this way, ye Wuque looked at them. After more than a dozen moves, the man couldn't beat the killer even though he was injured. The killer's shooting speed was very fast and extremely vicious. The man closed his eyes, and many moves could not be taken down. After more than ten moves, the man's whole body was dripping with blood. Finally, the killer pulled out the short on his shoulder The dagger, the hand grasps that man's neck, waves the dagger once, will her. Her trachea was cut off and the bright red blood gushed out in an instant.

Ye Wuque's heart was slightly stunned, and a creepy feeling got up from behind. The world in front of Ye Wuqian is gray and sprouting, but the blood burst out from the man is bright red. Why can ye Wuque see the color of snow, but can't see other things and faces.

Ye Wuqi's answer was too late to get an answer. The killer had already rushed to the table, immediately opened the table, raised his dagger in his hand, and stabbed the two little girls.At this time, the little girl with double horsetail immediately stood out and blocked the single horse tail behind her. The little girl's delicate body seemed to want to protect her.

Ye Wuqian knows that this is No. 7's elder sister. When she was young, she wanted to protect the appearance of No. 7. Such a scene immediately makes ye Wuque feel warm in her heart.

Just as the dagger in the man's hand was about to fall, her body suddenly trembled. She stepped back several steps. She turned her head, and her eyes were full of unbelievable light. It turned out that the man who had been cut off his neck was full of vicissitudes. I don't know why she picked up the mural on the wall and threw it at the killer in black again Go, and that is, this dagger instantly hit the key of the man in black, wet through. Pierced her heart, in the moment that the man in black fell down, a bite of teeth will be his hands of the dagger thrown at No. 7.

That is, in this moment, the sister of No. 7 rushed out again to block the dagger for her sister.

See here, ye Wumian's world is suddenly a twist, ye Wumian's side immediately recovered the darkness.

"What's the matter? Is it all gone?"

Hear ye Wuque call words, the sister of the seventh immediately asked what you see now, so there is No.

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