Ye Wuqi immediately described what he had just seen to the sister of No. 7. The sister of No. 7 suddenly trembled and knew that her sister had been unable to wake up because this demon was always in her heart. Maybe No. 7 felt that she had hurt her sister.

That is to say, the serious injury caused by the dagger made my sister lose the possibility of practicing martial arts. This is probably in the heart of the seventh has always been a knot in the heart, a knot can not be opened well, ye Wuxiang knows what's going on, you can come out. No. 7 sister's tone with a bit of sadness, and also with a little moved, ye Wuqi immediately took a deep breath, and came out of the world.

When ye Wuqian got up from the bed, he only felt that his limbs were cold, as if he had been sleeping in an ice cellar for a night. Naturally, the sister of No. 7 also noticed this. He immediately asked the staff to bring a bowl of hot coffee to ye Wuque, and also brought a cotton padded jacket to Ye Wuqian. Ye Wuque immediately shrank into his cotton padded jacket, drinking hot coffee, shivering all over his body 。 This kind of soul leaves temporarily, the body taste is really very uncomfortable.

Ye Wuqian has just gone down. He has just taken a sip or two of coffee. He immediately sees that No. 7's elder sister has put on the kitchen amulet, finds his sister's side, bows his head and says something to No. 7. Then he turns around and walks out.

Then ye Wuwei saw the horizontal line on the life monitor that had no movement for half an hour. Finally, it shook slightly. It was a sign of life.

"It's a success. It's great. It's a real success."

Ye Wuqi immediately stood up, shouting excitedly, and then the seventh sister came out of the laboratory, with tears on her beautiful big face. I didn't know whether it was moved or excited.

At the beginning, the vital signs were not very stable. After a few minutes, the heartbeat became more and more regular. No. 7 was completely pulled back from the edge of death by Ye Wuqi.

Look, number seven has recovered basic vital signs. The lab staff immediately brought ye Wumian's medicine from Africa, and began to prepare to inject No. 7.

Ye Wuhuang looks at the blue potion that ye Wumian brought from Africa. With the injection of two syringes into Qin Hao's body, the blue enchantress is like dyeing. With the blood vessels of No. 7 constantly pouring into the heart, at first, you can even see that the places where the blue drugs need to flow will turn the whole blood vessel into blue, and with the blue drugs soaked into the seven The blue of No. 1's body has gradually become lighter.

After about five minutes, all the blue had entered the body of No. 7 and disappeared completely. Looking at the color constantly beating on the life recorder, the horizontal line was extremely stable, and ye Wuqian's heart finally breathed a sigh of relief. He immediately turned to look at the sister of No. 7, who was also very excited, and asked.

"Is that all right?"

The smiling sister smiles, looks at Ye Wuqian with her head on her side, and says in a very grateful tone: "theoretically speaking, this time, if you can come back on the 7th, ye Wuqian thinks that Longhua will surely make a great contribution to you. Ye Wuqian's sisters will also be very excited about you. Next, it is a stable period. She may need to take a rest for some time, There may also be its side effects, which are immeasurable for the time being. There is no shortage of herbs that you can control, but this blue potion is associated with viruses. There are too many variables in the relationship. No one can say anything good about the future, just that she has a 70% chance to recover as usual

No. 7's elder sister, before her voice fell, ye Wuqi saw No. 7 sleeping on the platform. Her whole body trembled. Originally, her long black hair was gradually becoming lighter, and soon it turned into a light blue, just like a fairy. It was very beautiful.

Ye Wuque just wanted to praise two words, but saw the seven sister's face more and more ugly, immediately bowed his head and pressed the alarm button, shouting into the horn, four doctors rushed out.

This time is only two or three seconds, and the reaction speed is quite fast. Four doctors heard the voice of No.7's sister sounded in the middle of the laboratory. Suddenly, Tao wanted to rush to the door of the laboratory without hesitation. But at this moment, No.7 suddenly sat up, his limbs were stiff, his eyes opened, and his pupils trembled slightly. In an instant, he turned blue as the medicine.

After the accident, ye Wuxiang's heart is cluttering for a moment. He immediately turned to look at the sister of No. 7 and asked, "what is this? Is it a virus mutation?"

No. 7's sister smiles bitterly and nods and says, "the virus has stayed in the body of No. 7 for too long. It should be a story that No. 7 itself is taught. The human body has such a strong resistance to the virus. These viruses can make No. 7 become this way, and it has undergone mutation in her body. We don't know how strong the blue agent is to kill the mutated virus. It is obvious that after the virus mutation, it has a special combination with the blue agent, but it is impossible to predict what will happen next

No. 7's sister's words had just finished, four doctors rushed to the door of the laboratory. Ye Wuqian saw that No. 7 stood up like a drift. His body flew out in an instant. He reached out and patted the four doctors together in an instant, hitting the wall of the laboratory and hitting the glass plate in front of Ye Wuqian and No. 7.Dong a huge sound, scared Ye Wuqian and No. 7 are shaking at the same time. Then ye Wuque sees a strange smile on the face of No. 7. What does this mean? Is it that she has lost her mind and entered the mode of killing?

Although she may have lost her sense on July 2, and there is no possibility of using martial arts, after so many years of operation, her physical resilience has been far beyond ordinary people. From the slap just now, it is easy for her to kill the gynecologist. It is not so difficult for lotus to kill an ant.

"No, ye Wuxiang has to go in and stop her."

Although Ye Wuqian knows that he is not the opponent of No. 7, this is the first thought that ye Wuque flashed by. Ye Wuque was about to rush out, but her sister, No.7, immediately stopped ye Wuque and shook her head. Obviously, she knew better than ye Wuque that ye Wuque was just taking one more life.

Almost only for a moment, the glass plate in front of Ye Wuqian was dyed red with blood. Ye Wuqian could not see what was happening inside. They could only hear the screams inside and the whole laboratory was shaking.

Dong was on the iron plate in front of Ye Wuque, and suddenly a light sound came. Ye Wuque saw a fist shaped dent.

"Let's go!"

No. 7's sister immediately took ye Wumian's hand to go out. According to the strength of No. 7, trying to break the 10 cm steel plate in the laboratory is just a matter of a few punches.

"You go first!"

Ye Wuqi immediately pushes his sister No.7. Jiang Tao pushes out the observation room next to the laboratory, while he rushes to the door of the laboratory.

After opening the door of the laboratory, ye Wuxu sees a world of red blood, with broken limbs, flesh and bones everywhere. The four doctors are like being thrown into a meat grinder, and they are gathered into countless pieces. No one's body is complete. His heart is very clear. Ye Wuqian's rash entry may be the end of them It's the same. The lungs of Ye Wumian's body will mix with them quickly, and you can't even distinguish her from you.

As soon as ye Wuqian went in, she saw No. 7 standing in the corner of the old room. Her originally white hospital clothes had been completely dyed red. Her original blue hair and red blood mixed together and turned into a strange purple, and her white skin was completely dyed red by blood. Her present appearance is clearly a murderer, not the lively and lovely little beauty No. 7 that ye Wuqian saw at the beginning.

With the thump of a dull sound, ye Wuqi closes the heavy door of the laboratory, and his eyes are in line with the cold blue eyes of little beauty No. 7.

In an instant, like a wild animal, she rushed over. Ye Wuxiang could not see her moving track. She only felt a gust of wind in front of her. The next second, a fist reached Ye Wuqian's forehead. With a slight sound, ye Wuque only felt a sharp pain on her forehead, and the whole person flew out.

After all, ye Wuqian's physical fitness is much better than those so-called doctors. Such a blow is not fatal to Ye Wuqian, but it makes Ye Wuqian feel dizzy inside his head.

See a punch, after ye Wuqi can barely support the wall to stand up again, No. 7 little beauty also ignore the eyes immediately become incomparable surprise. Now she has lost her mind and only has the most basic animal nature in her body. Ye Wuqi has never seen such a wild little beauty No. 7, and her heart is even more surprised.

Seeing that she didn't knock down ye Wuque with one punch, No. 7 little beauty seemed to be angry. She opened her mouth immediately and burst out a deep roar in her throat. She immediately launched a second charge towards ye Wuque. Ye took a deep breath, and in an instant, she used her mind to form an air wall in front of her. Ye Wuque only heard a thump. No. 7 was small Beauty did not see the wall, so directly hit it, that powerful force hit the wall, the shadow leaves without missing, the whole head is a burst of pain.

Although Ye Wuqi successfully uses the air wall to block the attack of No. 7 little beauty, the reverse attack that this brings to Ye Wuqi is also incomparably powerful.

Be in front of a transparent air wall to block, No. 7 little beauty immediately showed a forced expression on her face. Ye Wuqian knows that she is absolutely irrational now. If she is rational, then she must know what happened. Now she must control little beauty No. 7, otherwise ye Wuqian will not know what happened.

Ye Wuqi immediately raised his hand and formed a handcuff in the air. In an instant, he trapped the hands of No. 7 little beauty, pulled them aside directly, and hung it in the air.

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