How could he reply to my words without hesitation? It was obviously arrogant to the extreme, and even there pretended to be a gentleman to apologize.

July was angry to the extreme, however, just when she was about to break out, ye Wuqian was the first to start. He grabbed the fruit knife by the side, went around her back, and put the knife against her neck.

The cold feeling spreads from the neck instantly, the whole body of July is stunned, stunned to open a mouth: "leaf is not short, what do you want to do?"

"Borrow your body." Ye Wuqi sighed, "I didn't want to do this, I tried to communicate with you, but you were too emotional. In order to save No. 7 and Zhang Hao, I had no choice but to do so. I hope you can forgive me."

Just now, he had tried to communicate with her to find a way to get the best of both worlds, but in July, he was so autocratic that he was not willing to cooperate with him or even to drive him away. There's no choice but to take risks.

"What do you mean by that? Ye Wumian, let me go July said angrily, biting her teeth.

In July, as the eldest lady of the guwu family, she was born weak and could not join the Dragon Flower Club. However, as the Pearl of the guwu family and the future successor, she has always enjoyed a position that few people can match. Even if he had no defect, his position was below her.

In short, where she went is not pursued by thousands of people, unlimited scenery? Where have you been so angry? Being held by a knife was something she had never thought of, but it happened in a flash.

And not from others, but from a friend who was eating at the same table an hour ago. An hour ago, she was still holding him with the gesture of treating the benefactor, but after an hour, the knife in his hand was across her neck. How ironic? How unreal? But it clearly exists.

The chill around her neck was real, too real for her to ignore.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I will let you go, but not now." Listen to her words anger clear, ye Wuque did not do more care, his behavior is forced to helpless. He did not ask for her understanding, but hoped that she could help him achieve his goal.

"Now, you come with me!" Words fall, leaf does not lack a little relaxed some under the knife, another hand grasps July's shoulder, took her out of the room.

At the end of the corridor outside the room, two servants were delivering fruit here. They screamed with surprise at this scene.

"Mr. Ye, what do you do? Let go of my eldest lady

Among them, the young one first opened his mouth, and then the older one followed, but he was ordering the servant next to him to do something.

"Hurry to call someone to come and say ye Wuqian has taken the eldest lady."

The servant immediately turned around and ran downstairs in a hurry.

"Do you hear me? It won't be long before the story of you holding the eldest lady will be known to all. Where you go, the guwu family will chase after you, and you will not be able to fly. " July saw, slightly sideways, on the side of the leaf without lack of cold voice issued a warning, "if you don't want to die very ugly, immediately put this big miss."

"You just don't want to die ugly After hearing this, ye Wumian frowned, "so this sentence means that I can understand it as letting you go. Am I also doomed to die?"

"You should have expected it!" July, with a cold face, said angrily, "you should have thought of such a result before you are ready to take this lady."

Did he do it because he didn't expect such a result? But he had expected it before, and asked her tentatively. And she also gave him a very positive answer, if he dares to do so, the end will be very miserable.

Therefore, he knew what would happen to him, but he still made it clear that he was such a person. It is not worth dying.

"If so, why should I let you go?" Leaf does not lack Shu to open eyebrow, amusingly asks her a sentence.

She wanted to frighten him with such words. If he was such an easy person, he would not have done so. In other words, even if he was really frightened by her, knowing that no matter how he did it would be a dead end, why did he still let her go and why didn't he use her to escape from here?

July Xiu eyebrow a frown, is obviously aware of the words just now, did not play a threatening role, for ye Wuqi, on the contrary, it is more like a kind of stimulation.

He now makes such a thing, the behavior is already close to madness, if stimulate him again, I'm afraid it will be very disadvantageous to himself.

"If you let me go now, before you do any harm to me, I can be extra generous and spare you from death!" In the heart of July, no leaf of persuasion.

There is no problem with this, but the arrogant tone of July is really a problem.

"So you can still make the decision?" Ye Wuqi said with an unexpected tone, "I always thought that all the affairs of your guwu family had to be decided by the owner. So you can make up your mind!""Ye Wuxiang, what do you want to say July heard confused, very do not understand.

"I don't understand? Then I'll tell you! " In fact, she did not have to worry about not understanding, because she did not understand, he is the most anxious one.

"Originally, I thought that you were in charge of the family, so I didn't stop the servant just now. I wanted her to call back and ask for instructions. But now, since you can make up your mind, you should ask them to release Dr. Zhang

If he wants to stop the servant from leaving, he only needs to take July's life as a threat, and then no one dares to move. But he didn't do it because he didn't think it was important. On the contrary, he thought it was too important. But he couldn't contact the owner of the guwu family in person, so he had to borrow the servant's call to go back.

The purpose is to ask the leader whether he cares about July when he is taken hostage. If he cares that July is OK, then his next goal can be successfully achieved. But if the man in charge doesn't care about July, it doesn't make sense for him to hold July.

But now listening to the tone of July, her status in the guwu family is not so important. She can do it completely. Since this is the case, there is no need to go around so much trouble, just let her come?

"So you did so many things to save Zhang Hao?" July was surprised and angry. After all, he still thinks that Zhang Hao's life is more important than her, so he can do such a thing.

Fortunately, she almost believed him at that time, thinking that he would care about her life safety, but it was not the case at all. Ye Wuque didn't care about her life at all. In order to save Zhang Hao, he didn't hesitate to treat her like this.

"I used to treat you as a savior of the guwu family and as a friend. I really misread you!" July bite teeth, words are full of hate.

She really hated Ye Wuqian. She treated him as a friend and benefactor, and treated him politely. However, he treated her like this for a Zhang Hao. He had no friendship for her at all!

"In July, you are definitely wronging me by saying such words, because I am going to be the benefactor of your guwu family." Ye Wuxiang, with a smile on his lips, said, "quick, let them let Zhang Hao out!"

In order to let July cooperate, ye Wuqian took out a frantic attitude. But I didn't think about it. After hearing this, July said fearlessly: "if you have seed, you can kill it. Anyway, after my death, you will surely bury me. As for Zhang Hao, he must be dead!"

Does he think that in this way, she can compromise? no This time she wanted to tell him that even if he thought of it, it would be useless to threaten her life!

"You Didn't you fear death before Isn't she the one who can push Zhang Hao to death in order to save herself from punishment? She has done such a selfish thing, and now how can she suddenly act so afraid of death? It's not like her at all.

"I'm not afraid now, all right?" July twitch the corner of the mouth, leaf is not missing, you just look down on me, think you can make threats to me with this?

"Are you afraid of death? Are you afraid of disfigurement? " Ye Wuque doesn't know why July suddenly has such a big change, but since she is no longer using her life as a threat, she can only change her strategy and say things with disfigurement.

For her arrogant young lady, face should be more important than everything? If not, she would not even be afraid of death for the sake of face.

Since she thinks this face is important, he will threaten her with it. As long as she is afraid, it can be done.

"Disfigurement?" On hearing these two words in July, his face suddenly changed.

"Yes, if you don't do what I say, I'll carve words on your face with a knife, so that you can't go out to see people in the future." Ye Wuque noticed that July cared about this matter and immediately pursued the victory.

"Dare you July roared, "Ye Wuqian, if you dare to touch my face, I will let you die without a burial place."

"Afraid?" Listening to the anger in her words, I knew that she cared about her face and didn't want to be destroyed. After guessing, ye Wuwei complacently smiles, "if you are afraid, you should do as I said. If you are still not afraid, I will move a knife in your face?"

At this point, ye Wuqian pressed July's shoulder and transferred it to her neck. One clasped her neck and tilted back. Then the knife on her neck was pasted on her face.

Full of threatening breath of cold touch instantly transferred from the neck to the face, July feel clear, immediately flustered.

"Ye Wuxiang, you can't do this, or I'll I will hate you all my life July opened his mouth angrily and flustered.

Originally, what she wanted to say was how he would die, but what she said was the hatred in her heart. If he really dared to do so, she would never forgive him in this life.

At this time, July's neck is facing back, so the hate in her eyes can be seen, but now she can only pretend to be blind and indifferent."To be honest, I really don't care about this! But if you don't want to do something that you regret all your life, you should let Zhang Hao go quickly! I have no patience Ye Wuwu gnaws his teeth and pretends to be ferocious.

July hate to bite teeth, ye Wuqi, this is to force her to compromise, she knows very well, she does not want to compromise. But what we are facing now is not death, but more terrible disfigurement than death.

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