July in support of the last line of defense do not put their own compromise, ye Wuque see in the eyes, no way to force down, can only be so consumed. Now it's up to the first to make a compromise.

However, when they were in a stalemate, the servant who ran to report the news to the head of the family came back. As she ran from the end of the corridor, she called to the leaves.

"Don't mess with me! Ye Wuqian, the master said, as long as you don't hurt the eldest lady, you can promise you what kind of request you have! "

The servant brought what ye wanted to hear most, but it was also the last word in July, because she saw the smile on ye Wuque's face immediately after the words.

He must be very proud at the moment, isn't he? Because even the owner of guwu family has fulfilled his wish, what can he be unhappy about?

"Very well, I want you to put a doctor now!" Ye Wuqi soon put forward his first request.

With the master's order, the efficiency of the servants was extremely high. Soon Zhang Hao was brought to him. Zhang Hao was shocked at the sight of this situation.

"Mr. Ye, what do you do? Why do you want to hold the eldest lady

"Not to save you?" "Zhang Hao, do you really think you can run away with such means? Stop dreaming! As you know, the people of our guwu family are not only forces in this city. Our family's influence is spread over 13 provinces. Anyone who dares to fight against the guwu family will come to a bad end. "

What she said was not only to Zhang Hao, but also to Ye Wuqian. No matter who tried to escape or those who held her hostage, they would pay the corresponding price for their actions.

"This..." Zhang Hao was stunned by this, "I didn't want to run away. Mr. Ye, you'd better let the eldest lady go. I really didn't want to run away. Don't help me any more, so as not to drag myself into it in the end."

After hearing this in July, he lost his voice and laughed: "Ye Wuqian, what do you think you have done? The people you try your best to rescue don't need your help at all. You're just wasting your time and fighting against our guwu family in vain. "

Does Zhang Hao mean he doesn't want to escape? In fact, he just didn't want to involve him. Of course he could hear it.

"I know you don't want to escape. You want to save number seven." What is Zhang Hao's mind? Can he not see it? He exposed his mind, nothing more than to confess the feelings between the seventh and the seventh, so that the seventh can be treated.

"Now July is in my hands. If you want to do something, you can do it directly. No one dares to stop you!"

"Mr. Ye, what do you say?" Zhang Hao opened his mouth in surprise and doubted whether his ears had heard anything wrong.

"Do you think I did it just for you?" Ye Wuque raised his lips and said with a smile, "No. 7 is my friend. The purpose of my coming this time is to help her get rid of the disease. So when you say that all your treatments have been denied, I am very angry. After asking the reason again, I decided to help you and the 7th to fight for this opportunity. Now the opportunity is given to you. It's up to you whether you want to grasp it or not! "

His words have already said here, if Zhang Hao has not put forward the action, then he can really be in vain.

"This..." Zhang Hao listened to this words, immediately surprised on the spot, he really did not expect Ye Wuqian would choose to use such a way to help him and No. 7.

After he confessed in front of the public and in July, he was ready to die. He had never thought that things would change like this.

"But I'm really not sure I can cure number seven." Zhang Hao hesitated to open his mouth. When he chose to give up, he didn't just want to maintain the relationship between him and No. 7. There was another reason, that is, No. 7's illness had been delayed until now, and he was not sure that he could cure him.

So he chose to let go and wanted to fight for more treatment opportunities for No. 7.

"Since you don't have this assurance, don't move number seven!" July went on saying this, and soon issued a warning to Zhang Hao.

No matter in the face of Zhang Hao, or Ye Wuqian, her heart is full of hate. These two abnormal people have to work together to "cure" No. 7. She really doesn't think it will be a good thing for No. 7.

"Who can?" Ye Wuqi said calmly, "the condition of No. 7 has been dragged to the present, where has it deteriorated? Dr. Zhang, you know better than me. If you don't trust yourself to cure number seven, can you trust others to cure it? Besides you, who else knows so much about the condition of No. 7? "

He finally thought of this way, for Zhang Hao to continue to save the opportunity to love. However, I didn't expect Zhang Hao to be so confident. In his current state, he was frightened by July, and his morale was definitely lost.

"Yes! Mr. Ye, you are right. " Zhang Hao was awakened by Ye Wuqian's words, "now, in addition to me, who knows more about the condition of No. 7 than me? If I don't have this confidence, who should I give it to? ""So you'd better come by yourself." Looking at Zhang Hao who finally found his self-confidence, ye Wuqi breathed out a sigh of relief, "don't worry, I'm here, I will help you get enough time."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye." Zhang Hao's heart suddenly filled with infinite gratitude.

"You all listen. From now on, no matter what kind of needs Dr. Zhang has, you must meet him unconditionally." Ye Wuque first gives orders to a group of servants around him, and then looks at Zhang Hao, who is full of gratitude. "If you are grateful, stay down and talk about it. Now go and save No.7."

"Good!" Zhang Hao answered and turned quickly.

Because July was still held in hand by Ye Wuwei, the servants around him did not dare to stop him, so they had to follow him. Ye Wuqi also brought July to the door of the seventh room. Whether Zhang Hao's treatment can succeed depends on him taking July here.

Ye Wuqi asked the servant to move a chair and let July sit on it, so that she could not stand hard. However, in the face of his kindness, July did not show any gratitude.

"Ye Wuxiang, you are so insidious and cunning that you think of saving people in this way." July stares at ye Wuwu, his eyes full of anger.

She denied Zhang Hao's treatment plan and wanted to give Zhang Hao, who violated the orders of the Gu Wu family, to the master of the family. However, ye Wuqian chose to use this method to destroy all her plans. Not only did she want to release Zhang Hao, but now she still let Zhang Hao, the bastard, treat No. 7. It is unforgivable.

"It doesn't matter what method to use. It's important to be able to save people." Ye Wuque laughed contemptuously, "in July, maybe you hate me now, and think I am unscrupulous, but when you see the safe wake-up on the 7th, you will understand that I choose to do this is right."

"Do you really think that bastard Zhang Hao can save number seven? Ye Wuwei, you are too confident July clenched his teeth and swore. It's hateful that he should say so much about his unscrupulous means.

"I just believe in my judgment!" Ye Wuqi said with a light smile, "you can also stick to your opinion. It's better for us to make a bet now and see who wins in the end."

"You bet on it?" On hearing this in July, he couldn't accept it, and all his anger rushed into his face. "That's my sister. It's a human life. Don't you think you're going too far?"

"No!" Ye Wuqi almost did not hesitate to answer, "I now give No.7 a chance to get treatment, is better than you? Always denied Zhang Hao's treatment plan, even a chance to get treatment was not given No. 7. Do you think she really doesn't need any treatment, just lying in bed like this can get better? "

"I let her lie in bed like this, better than Zhang Hao's drug abuse treatment? If you didn't listen to his use of serum for treatment before, you wouldn't have nearly put your life in it. " July looks up, toward the leaf does not lack angry roar way.

Her voice is very loud, but what really shocked Ye Wuqi is this. Is the reason why she is so angry that she almost killed him? But now the knife in his hand was on her neck, and the anger and hatred in her heart could be imagined.

Almost, he couldn't hold the knife in his hand. Fortunately, he woke up at the critical moment.

"I'll make amends to you when I come down. In July, can we stop fighting now?" Leaf without lack of pressure on the chest of emotion, control the voice of calm.

July's words did change his mood, but now is not the time to be emotional. Zhang Hao is in the treatment of No. 7. It is precisely when he needs to maintain the current scene and strive for more time for him. Therefore, he can not be disordered or change the situation because of any words. He has to maintain it.

"I don't need your apology!" July was silent and confronted with him for a moment, biting his lips, pressing his voice, and saying coldly, "Ye Wuwei, no matter how much you do in the future, you can't make up for it. You have to take your life to make up for it."

The words that are so cold that there is no temperature can make people wonder how determined they are when they say this in July.

Ye Wuwei turns his head and no longer looks at July. Since it is useless for him to say anything now, there is no need for him to go on. Now he only hopes that Zhang Hao can save No. 7, which is a good thing and proves that he is meaningless.

Now all the fate has been handed over to Zhang Hao. It's up to him to turn around. He must be in a very heavy mood now, and his sense of pressure is doubled. While he stood outside the door, he could only maintain the scene in a calm posture for him, which was the greatest support he could make to Zhang Hao.

Time passed by, because of waiting, so it became very long.

In addition to the initial account of medical equipment and drugs, Zhang Hao did not open the door and did not ask for any more.

The time went on for two hours until the sound of warning came from outside.

"Listen, you are surrounded now. Let Miss July go." It was a loud roar with a trumpet, which, together, immediately seemed like flat thunder, exploded in this quiet place for two hours."Did you call the police?" Ye Wuqi angrily stares at all the servants standing on the side. For the past two hours, he has been staring at them to keep them from moving, in order to buy more time for Zhang Hao. But I didn't expect that someone was out of his sight and leaked out the situation inside.

"Now that the police have been involved, ye Wuqian, do you think you can still withdraw?" July said with a cold smile.

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