Seeing that it was Huang lingyao calling, ye Xiao frowned. Although she had a good relationship with her, she sent her own SMS for a long time. It was the first time to call. I didn't expect that she would call herself at this time! Huayue charm is next to Ye Xiao. Naturally, she can see a few words on the phone screen at a glance. She looks at the name of a woman. Seeing ye Xiao's hesitation, she thinks he is worrying about herself. At the moment, she says softly, "take it, it doesn't matter!"

Ye Xiao nodded and answered the phone!

"Ye Xiao, help me!" As soon as the phone was connected, Huang lingyao's voice came from the other end of the phone!

Ye Xiaoyi Leng, what happened? Before I could ask, I heard an angry male voice ring out, "you bitch, no one can save you!" Then I heard a click, it seems that the mobile phone fell on the ground, and then I heard the sound of "Dudu Dudu"!

Ye Xiao's face keeps changing, and his eyes are full of horror. It seems that he has heard the man's voice somewhere, in the recorder. It's Yue Ziqiu's voice, but how could Yue Ziqiu be with Huang lingyao? In other words, how could he find Huang lingyao in trouble?

When ye Xiao calls the phone again, there is a prompt tone that can't be connected. Once here, ye Xiao's eyebrows have been tightly wrinkled together. Huang lingyao's voice doesn't seem to be faking. What danger should she really encounter, but where is she now?

"Is something wrong?" See ye Xiao tight frown brow, the flower month charming considerate ask a way!

"Well, there seems to be something wrong with a friend!" Ye Xiao nodded. He was not sure whether the man's voice was Yue Ziqiu's!

"There must be more than one situation. I hear a call for help? Why don't you go and save people? I listen to the man behind me, it seems that it is Yue Ziqiu's voice! " See ye Xiao don't want to because of their own worry, and make a light look, Flower Moon Charm heart moved, but the mouth is gentle said!

"Do you think that's Yue Ziqiu's voice?" Ye Xiaoyi Leng, originally thought only oneself has this kind of feeling!

"Well, I had a face-to-face conversation with him, and the voice was very similar to his!" Flower Moon Charm nodded!

"I'll be back when I go!" Ye Xiao some apologetic morning Flower Moon Charm said, originally had said to accompany her tonight!

"Well, be careful!" Hua YUEWU smiles and nods. Her eyes are full of encouragement. Ye Xiao doesn't talk nonsense any more. She turns and rushes to the outside. Soon she gets on the silver BMW of Huayue charm, starts the motor, and flies away!

After thinking for a moment in my mind, I found it difficult to find out where Huang lingyao was in the shortest time. I took out the phone directly and got through the seductive mobile phone!

"Oh, what day is it today that you are willing to call me?" There was a lazy and enchanting voice coming from the other end of the phone, but ye Xiao didn't care about it at this time. Instead, he said directly, "help me locate the position of 139xx mobile phone number just now!"

"For what?" Seductive doubt way!

"Help At this time, when human life is at stake, ye Xiao has no time to use the power of the country!

"Good!" Although know ye Xiao is favoritism, but at this time the seduction also does not have the slightest hesitation the meaning, directly agreed to come down!

Ye Xiao doesn't say anything more. He drives at full speed. Half a minute later, Huang lingyao's address is sent on his mobile phone. As soon as he sees the words on the text message, ye Xiao has already swung the steering wheel and rushed up at full speed!

At this time, two people were sitting in a not too large box in the private club of Mitian. One was wearing a black suit. It was Cao Wanxing, the eldest son of the Cao family. Opposite him, there was a man slightly younger than him. It turned out that Lin Qingqing, who was supposed to be in Changyun City, was sitting opposite him!

Two people's room is next door to that hall, when heard the crackling sound next door, the corner of Lin's merciless mouth appeared a faint smile!

"They didn't let me down."

"Merciless, is it too late? After all, Ziqiu is our brother See Lin heartless smile, Cao Wanxing only feel a cold for no reason? This time, it seems that Yue Ziqiu wanted to do it all the time. In fact, Lin was always calculating. Otherwise, how could he really do such absurd things for Yue Ziqiu? What he didn't expect was that Yue Ziqiu was like this, and he even wanted to plan him!

"Brother? Hehe, Wanxing, the people of lianyue family gave up on him. Do you really regard him as a brother? " Seeing Cao Wanxing's appearance, Lin mercilessly sneered at him, which was an unspeakable irony in his smile!

Cao Wanxing is silent. Lin Wuqing is right. Yue Ziqiu has been put into the cold palace by the Yue family now. He is no longer a high-ranking son-in-law, but a god of pestilence. Such people are not qualified to be brothers of others, but they have known each other for many years. Now that Yue Ziqiu has reached this point, he has to calculate how much he is in his heart Some can't bear it!

"Merciless, do you think that boy will really come?" Knowing that there was no retreat or no room for maneuver, Cao Wanxing asked again!"Didn't you hear that bitch call just now? That's why the boy will come! " Lin heartless almost gnashing teeth said!

"But even if he wants to save people, he doesn't know the location? Is it... " Cao Wanxing suddenly thought of something!

"Yes, I'll leave him enough clues, but when he gets here, the woman must have been given by Ziqiu? What do you mean to see your woman being abused by other men? " Lin heartless smile more ferocious!

At the thought of this possibility, Cao Wanxing's face changed dramatically. With Ye Xiao's character, he might kill Yue Ziqiu directly, right? Is this Lin's ruthless purpose?

"But Ziqiu, after all, is the grandson of the old man in law. If he dies, it will be a big event. If old Yue finds out, will it involve us?" Cao Wanxing said with some trepidation!

"No, it's all voluntary. Even you can get rid of it. Don't worry. I'll talk to my grandfather about you after this. In a few years, you will be able to enter the Beijing metropolitan political commissar." Seeing Cao Wanxing show a slightly worried look, Lin mercilessly smiles and pats him on the shoulder. It is clear that he is smaller than Cao Wanxing, but his manner is just like Cao Wanxing's elders!

Although Cao Wanxing was talented and highly skilled, he did not have a strong backstage. He was careful in doing things. Even though he was seemingly a brother to Lin, he knew that he could not be the real brother of Lin, but he had already decided to be himself In the identity of his subordinates, he didn't care about Lin's ruthless attitude. However, when he thought of Yue Ziqiu's experience, he felt a sigh in his heart!

"But she's not his woman. Maybe he won't come!" When things got to this point, Cao Wanxing knew that he could not stop him. Even if he tried to persuade him, Yue Ziqiu would not agree. His only hope now is that ye Xiao won't come, so maybe Yue Ziqiu will be OK!

"He will not come!" However, Lin heartless shook his head gently. His eyes were full of affirmation. He seemed to know ye Xiao very well, and he seemed to be very sure of his own judgment. Seeing Lin's confident eyes, Cao Wanxing sighed softly. He wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything

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