Yue Ziqiu didn't know that he had been schemed by his brother. Maybe even if he did, he couldn't care so much. For others, the recording gate incident might not be much. At most, it was a bit of moral corruption and was despised by others. But it should be his own thing or his own, but he was different. He was the legitimate lineage of the Yue family People, his grandfather is one of the most powerful people in China. Everything he has done has attracted the attention of tens of thousands of people. He can't make any mistakes, and his behavior can't have any mistakes. Even if he has, he can't let him know!

However, because of a small recording door, his story was known by people all over the world. Although the report did not reveal the relationship between him and the old man in law, all those who were entitled to know knew it. Because of this, he was put into the cold palace for the first time. He knew that his life was over, and he would never have a chance to make a comeback again!

In this case, what else should we pay attention to? What else do you need to care about? As long as you do what you want to do, now, what he wants to do most is to retaliate Ye Xiao, to revenge the man who will break himself into an irrefutable situation!

Now, hearing Huang lingyao's appeal to Ye Xiao for help, Yue Ziqiu's anger is completely ignited. The whole person rushes directly to Huang lingyao. Seeing Yue Ziqiu rushing towards herself, Huang lingyao is filled with hatred. Unwilling to be humiliated, she tries to escape. In the condition of soft limbs, she struggles to get up, but Yue Ziqiu just catches her Skirt corner, under such a struggle, the skirt "Shua" split open, split a long gap, and the mobile phone in hand also flew out directly, hit the wall, issued a crisp sound, the battery board was smashed out!

But Huang lingyao finally fled from Yue Ziqiu's claws and ran to the other side in a panic!

One foot of the evening dress was torn off, and her slender, white and tender thigh was exposed. Under the light of the light, she was so dazzling. Seeing that pair of slender legs stimulated Yue Ziqiu's animal nature. Her eyes turned into strange red. The whole person rushed to Huang lingyao. Now he has only one idea, that is, to occupy this woman and completely possess her!

After all, Huang lingyao had taken the medicine, and her whole body was weak. Although she had escaped a robbery, she only ran a few steps and then "puffed!" Once again fell to the ground, this time she has come to the edge of the tea table!

Yue Ziqiu's face appeared a ferocious smile. The whole person had come to her. Seeing Huang lingyao, whose face was frightened and whose eyes were flustered, the smile on his face was even more brilliant!

He has had many women in his life, but he has never had a woman panic like this. Originally, he just wanted to vent his anger on Huang lingyao, but now with Huang lingyao's resistance, it has aroused the flame in his heart!

He had never experienced such a feeling!

"You Don't come here Huang lingyao was sitting on the ground, trying to move backward, but four of them were soft. Even though it was hard to move, her face was full of panic. Her black hair was spread out, her legs were slightly bent, her thighs were white and smooth, and even her evening dress was hanging down. Such a posture and expression could wake up the most terrible devil in the man's heart!

The devil in Yue Ziqiu's body is completely awakened. No matter what Huang lingyao's words are, the whole person has already jumped on Huang lingyao's body!

Her hand is about to grab Huang lingyao's chest. Now Huang lingyao doesn't even have the strength to kick him. How can she resist?

"Bang..." When Yue Ziqiu was about to seize Huang lingyao's chest, Huang lingyao suddenly grabbed the wine bottle on the table and smashed it directly on Yue Ziqiu's head. Yue Ziqiu only thought Huang lingyao was a lamb to be slaughtered. How could she think that she would struggle so hard that she was accidentally smashed into a wine bottle!

The bottle was not a grape wine bottle, but a thick red wine bottle. Huang lingyao's hands were also very weak. When she smashed the bottle on Yue Ziqiu's head, she couldn't hold it. The bottle didn't break on the spot, but it flew out and landed on the stall. However, such a blow still made Yue Ziqiu have a sharp pain, and there was a blood hole on her forehead That's how it flows down!

Yue Ziqiu was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect that this woman would dare to attack him. He touched his forehead and found that it was full of blood. The whole person suddenly became angry!

He is so big that no one dares to beat him. Even though he has suffered such a big blow this time, no one has beaten him. Now this woman, this humble woman, dare to smash him with a bottle of wine. Isn't it for death?

"Bitch..." The furious Yue Ziqiu slaps Huang lingyao with a slap. Hua YUEWU's ability to grab the wine bottle is her greatest strength. Now, where can she escape, she hears a "pa" on the spot!

Although Yue Ziqiu often mingles with women, his body is not strong, but after all, he is a man. The angry hand still stirs Huang lingyao's face with five clear fingers, the corners of his mouth is overflowing with blood, and his eyes are full of tears. However, Yue Ziqiu doesn't mean to stop and slap her in succession Go out, straight fan Huang lingyao head a burst of dazzle, the whole face is about to swell up!Yue Ziqiu didn't give up. She didn't start to Huang lingyao immediately. Instead, she didn't know where the strength came from. She lifted it up with one hand and threw it on the sofa!

Then he picked up the bottle which had not been broken and threw it to Huang lingyao's side. He roared, "aren't you going to hit me? Come on? Keep hitting me? Keep hitting me with this? " Yue Ziqiu's face was ferocious in his rage, so terrible!

Huang lingyao wants to grab the bottle and give it to him again. However, her limbs are weak. The slaps just now have made her head dizzy. Where can she do something about Yue Ziqiu!

"What's the matter? Stop it? Still can't do it? Now do you hate your parents? Are you full of disappointment with them? Ha ha ha... " Seeing Huang lingyao standing still, Yue Ziqiu burst into laughter, then opened the bottle cap and drank it fiercely!

"I tell you, you are the first woman in the world to do something to me. You are very kind! By virtue of this, I'd like to propose a toast to you! " Yue Ziqiu said with indignation on her face. Then she picked up the bottle and poured it directly towards Huang lingyao. The red wine fell down and all fell on Huang lingyao's face!

Huang lingyao's heart is sad, but there is no way to avoid it. She can only close her eyes tightly to avoid being splashed with wine. However, her hair and clothes are all wet with wine, and all of them are covered behind her head, revealing her beautiful face. However, the evening dress is all wet and tightly attached to her body, which outlines the perfect figure and constantly pricks Excite Yue Ziqiu's nerve!

Seeing Yue Ziqiu's almost crazy eyes, Huang lingyao's heart is full of fear. She is not afraid of him beating herself, she is not afraid of him tormenting herself, she is afraid that he will possess himself!

She already had Ye Xiao in her heart. She just wanted to give her everything to him. She didn't want her chastity taken away by others!

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