"Please let me go, please let me go!" Seeing Yue Ziqiu's more and more crazy eyes, Huang lingyao was completely afraid. Now she humbly begged for mercy. Although she knew that it might not be useful at all, she had no other way!

"Let you go?" Yue Ziqiu was stunned. He seemed to hear an incredible thing. Then he saw his action stop. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it on his mouth. Then he took out a lighter to light it. He took a pleasant puff. Then he continued to ask, "do you want me to let you go?"

"Well, please let me go!" Seeing that Yue Ziqiu didn't take the next step, Huang lingyao thought he was soft hearted. She really wanted to let go of herself. She continued to ask for mercy!

"Well, I can let you go, but you have to burn a scar on your face with this cigarette end. As long as you do it, I'll let you go, OK?" Yue Ziqiu, who was still crazy, quickly calmed down and handed her cigarette butt to Huang lingyao!

Seeing the twinkling sparks and feeling the high temperature on it, Huang lingyao's face turned pale. He even wanted to burn a scar on his face with this cigarette end. How could he?

It is the nature of every woman to love beauty, not to mention Huang lingyao. It can be said that appearance is the best thing she can do. Now that he wants to destroy her face, what is more cruel in the world?

Once he is really disfigured, will ye Xiao be interested in himself? What else do you want to pursue him? To have him?

But if you don't do this, you will be forcibly occupied by him. At this time, no one can help him out. Even though he called Ye Xiao, he didn't have time to tell the place name here. How can ye Xiao find it in a short time?

Even if he saved his face, but if he possessed his body, what qualification did he have to stay by Ye Xiao's side? Do you still have to meet Ye Xiao with your face?

"Why, no?" Seeing Huang lingyao's hesitation, Yue Ziqiu sneered. He wanted to see what kind of choice Huang lingyao would make?

"Is that true?" Looking at the red cigarette end, Huang lingyao once again set her eyes on Yue Ziqiu's body!

"Of course, as long as you burn a scar on your face, I'll let you go!" Yue Ziqiu sneered and said that he didn't believe Huang lingyao would leave scars on her face in order not to be possessed by herself!

But to his surprise, Huang lingyao actually reached out to take the cigarette end in his hand!

Her hands were shaking and her eyes were full of fear. Seeing such a scene, Yue Ziqiu laughed. After all, she couldn't start!

It is at this time that Huang lingyao's eyes are awe inspiring. She even presses the cigarette butt directly on her left face!

"Hiss!" The cigarette end and skin contact, issued a hissing sound, more bursts of white smoke, intense pain is to let Huang lingyao's teeth tightly bite together, directly to the lips were bitten, the red blood permeated out, and her brow is also tightly wrinkled together, obviously is bearing the great pain, but this biggest pain is not in the face, but in the heart!

When the cigarette end was extinguished, her original beautiful face even had an index finger size brand, which greatly reduced its charm value!

"May I be released now?" Huang lingyao almost spit out this word with tears. She knows that from now on, she will have no relationship with beautiful women. From then on, what she is most proud of will no longer exist. From then on, she may lose the right to pursue happiness!

Seeing Huang lingyao with her own brand on her face, Yue Ziqiu was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect Huang lingyao to be so cruel. Such a beautiful woman has the courage to put a brand on her face. What strength makes her have the courage to do so? What's the reason?

"Why? Why would you rather ask me to let you go? Why? Is it because you like Ye Xiao After a moment of astonishment, Yue Ziqiu is completely angry, he really can't understand, Huang lingyao will make such a choice!

"Yes, because I like him, I only have him in my heart! Only he can possess me, from body to mind Although I don't know why this person knows that she likes Ye Xiao, Huang lingyao still says firmly in her voice at such a time. Maybe in her opinion, this is her first and last time to say what she thinks?

"But now that you are ruined, do you think he will still like you?" Hearing Huang lingyao say such words, Yue Ziqiu's anger in his eyes is more prosperous, but he still forced down the anger in his heart and continued to ask. He did not understand why this woman would rather do this than obey herself!

Is it really that much worse than ye Xiao? Even now, I haven't seen him once, and I've been defeated. He's not willing to!

"It doesn't matter whether he likes me or not. As long as I like him, I've done what you said. Can you let me go now?" Huang lingyao has tears in her eyes, but her mouth is extremely firm!"Let you go? Ha ha I let you go. Who let me go? Ha ha ha, today you are mine, you must be mine Originally thought Yue Ziqiu would let himself go, even if it was for nothing else, just the brand on his face could make him uninterested, but who knows he didn't care at all, instead, he laughed wildly!

Then she reached out and grabbed Huang lingyao's evening dress. Seeing the magic hand reaching out to herself, Huang lingyao was shocked. She didn't know where the strength came from. She pushed back with all her strength to avoid his claws. However, she still did not avoid it. Instead, she grabbed the collar of the evening dress!

"Hi..." The collar of the evening dress was torn in half!

Seeing the tender white flesh, Yue Ziqiu's eyes were burning with fire, and the flames in her body were constantly surging up. A ferocious smile appeared at the corners of her mouth, and she rushed to Huang lingyao again!

"Don't..." Maybe the pain on her face stimulated her nerves and restored some strength to her limbs. Seeing Yue Ziqiu pounce on her, Huang lingyao exclaimed in surprise, but her body rolled to one side, avoiding Yue Ziqiu's blow!

Yue Ziqiu was so angry that she grabbed Huang lingyao with her hand. However, she once again grasped the back collar of her evening dress. Huang lingyao was shocked. She just scrambled to one side, and suddenly she was "hissed!" At the same time, the back of the evening dress was torn. At this time, only a few pieces of cloth were left on Huang lingyao's body. The perfect figure was so thoroughly exposed in Yue Ziqiu's eyes!

Although Huang lingyao recovered some strength, she could not easily avoid Yue Ziqiu, who was full of physical strength. Now, where can she avoid it? Only feel the whole body weak, heart is a burst of haggard, eyes full of despair, just in the heart of a silent murmur: "Ye Xiao, I'm sorry!"

Xiaoye is the only one in her heart!

It was at this critical juncture that the door of the hall suddenly broke open with a bang. Then a figure rushed in quickly. Seeing the familiar figure, Huang lingyao suddenly burst into tears

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