No one can think of Ye Xiao's coming so fast. Lin Qingqing didn't think of it. Cao Wanxing didn't think of it. Even Huang lingyao, who has been looking forward to Ye Xiao's arrival, has never thought of it!

Even Lin ruthlessly arranged all this, knowing that ye Xiao would come sooner or later, but she always felt that ye Xiao would not come, or that she could not come. She made a phone call, but only said four words, so she had no chance to inform Ye Xiao. She did not tell him the address or tell him what happened? How did he come?

Moreover, in Huang lingyao's heart, she always feels that she is actively pursuing Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao has always been indifferent to herself. She and he may be friends at most. Under such circumstances, how can he save himself? Even if he does come, how can he know where this is?

Therefore, she had already been in despair. She would rather disfigure herself than be possessed of her body by Yue Ziqiu. But Yue Ziqiu's treachery made her come to the Jedi from despair. At that moment, she even had the thought of dying. But who knows, ye Xiao has come, and the man she has been looking forward to these days has come. In her opinion, she should not count for herself Concerned about the man came, this only know less than half a year of the man to come!

He came to save himself. Although he didn't step on colorful clouds or wear gold armour, he was so towering, so handsome and so handsome in Huang lingyao's eyes at this moment. At this moment, she suddenly felt that even if the sky fell, she would not be afraid any more!

She did not know how he came, but she knew that in such a short period of time, when her father abandoned him and only regarded himself as a chip for their promotion to the upper class, it was Ye Xiao who came to save him!

At this moment, she was moved to tears, that has been rolling in the eyes of the tears can no longer help, so comprehensive burst out!

When ye Xiao arrived at the private club of Mitian, Yaomei even sent him the structural drawing of the private club, and even pointed out the room to dial the mobile phone. Without any hesitation, he rushed in directly!

However, what made him wonder was that this was a private club, so someone should stop him. But when he rushed into Huang lingyao's hall, no one stopped him!

Then he saw the scene that made him angry. The hall was in a mess. There were pieces of evening dress on the sofa. Huang lingyao's dress had been torn to pieces. Yue Ziqiu was riding on her and looking back at himself. His face was full of shock?

How can ye Xiao appear here?

Yue Ziqiu has never seen Ye Xiao, just as ye Xiao has not seen him. However, it does not mean that they do not know each other. On the contrary, Yue Ziqiu has seen Ye Xiao's photo for a long time. He knows that he is Lin's fiancee, Tan Xiaoxiao, who loves him deeply. He knows that Lin is always trying to get rid of him. As Lin's brother-in-law, how can he not know ye Xiao's information at all!

This time, star entertainment company won a total victory, which drove him to the point of irreparable destruction. He hated Ye Xiao even more. Under such circumstances, how could he not know ye Xiao, but what he didn't expect was that his first meeting with him was here, and what he didn't expect was that ye Xiao would appear here under such circumstances? Why did he come here? How could he come here? Is this the place arranged by Cao Wanxing?

When Yue Ziqiu is at a loss, ye Xiao has already rushed to him, and has a look at the nearly insulted Nan Huang lingyao. Especially when she sees the cigarette end brand on her face, ye Xiao is angry!

Xiao Nu Ye thoroughly!

Maybe there is nothing between him and Huang lingyao. Except for some ambiguity, there is not too much emotion. But since that time, when Huang lingyao in Li Shiqin's family tried to save him, he regarded her as a friend, no longer the powerful woman!

Now, she was not only nearly insulted, but also beaten again, and even her face was scalded with such a mark. How could this guy do it? Huang lingyao is a woman who attaches great importance to her appearance. Now she is branded with such a mark. How can she meet people in the future?

He never thought that Yue Ziqiu would be so hot that he would burn Huang lingyao's face with cigarette butts. He didn't know what kind of resentment they had, let alone Huang lingyao's own brand. All he knew was that Yue Ziqiu was responsible for this hateful man!

In his rage, ye Xiao has forgotten where he is, his identity as well as his doubts along the way. He forgets everything and just wants to teach this guy a lesson!

Grab the red wine bottle next to her, and hit her head like lightning!

"Jingle!" With a sound, the wine bottle that had not been broken just now can no longer bear such terrible force. The whole bottle burst out. Ye Xiao took half of the broken bottle in one hand and directly scratched it to Yue Ziqiu's face. In an instant, he left a long blood mark on his face, and the bright red flesh rolled out!

Then ye Xiao in the rage did not wait for him to scream, he twisted it up, and then his right knee fiercely pushed it up, directly against his legs, faintly heard "PATA!" Between the two hands, Yue Qiu's face was covered with pain, and then he was covered with his dead legs!Ye Xiao doesn't feel relieved. He kicks out again and kicks it directly on his leg bone. Suddenly, he hears a "click" sound. You are the sound of broken leg bone. Then ye Xiao still holds half of the bottle in his right hand, and directly stabs Yue Ziqiu's head. He really wants to kill this animal!

"No!" Just as half of the wine bottle was about to be pierced into Yue Ziqiu's head, Huang lingyao's voice of surprise came. Ye Xiao was stunned. The bottle stopped on Yue Ziqiu's face, but he did not know why he looked at Huang lingyao!

"He's the man's son. Killing him will cause you trouble. That's enough!" Seeing ye Xiao's all-out hand, she makes Yue Ziqiu miserable in the blink of an eye. Huang lingyao's anger is also vented. However, when she thinks of the background of the other party, if ye Xiao really kills him, it must be a huge trouble. At the moment, she says, she doesn't want to let Ye Xiao commit murder for her own sake!

Ye Xiaoyi Leng, Yue Ziqiu has a strong grandfather, father is also in the central high-level!

"Daughter, what about Mr. Cao?" At this time, a man's voice suddenly came from the door of the hall. Ye Xiao turned her head and saw a middle-aged man who was somewhat similar to Huang lingyao standing at the door, looking at everything inside in surprise. But when Huang lingyao saw the man again, she flashed a sigh of regret in her eyes, and said directly to Ye Xiao: "Ye Xiao, take me out of here, OK? ”She is now so disappointed with her parents that she really doesn't want to see them again!

"Good!" Without any hesitation, ye Xiao nodded heavily

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