Seeing that Huang lingyao didn't pay any attention to the man at the door, ye Xiao didn't ask much. She just nodded, took off her coat and wrapped it in Huang lingyao's body. She picked it up and walked outside!

"Hello, who are you? Put my daughter down Huang Zhonghe had been waiting for his daughter and Cao Wanxing outside. In his opinion, his daughter looks amazing. Cao Wanxing should keep his daughter. Even if his daughter wants to leave, he can't leave after drinking the overpowering drug specially prepared for her. When the time comes, when the rice is cooked and cooked, the two of them will try to persuade their daughter, and there will be no big problem!

Who knows that he is still waiting for news outside, he suddenly sees a man directly rushing in, and then without waiting for him to stop, he has already run to his daughter's room, but Secretary Li, who should have been intercepted outside, doesn't know where to go?

Huang Zhonghe didn't know, so he followed in. He didn't expect that there would be a mess in it. What's more, he didn't expect that there was a man lying in the pool of blood. However, it was not Cao Wanxing, which made him very puzzled. So the first question was where is Cao Gongzi?

Who expected her daughter to ignore her at all, but said directly to the strange man. Seeing that this guy was about to take Huang lingyao away, Huang Zhonghe stood at the door and yelled directly!

Up to now, he has not seen Cao Wanxing. How can he let his daughter leave like this? He didn't even notice the mark on his daughter's face!

"Get out of here At this time, a burst of harsh voice was heard in Huang Zhonghe's ears. What Huang Zhonghe didn't expect was that he was not the man who broke in suddenly, but his own daughter. The whole person was stunned there. How could he not think that his daughter would tell him to get away?

Although Ye Xiao didn't know what happened, the first thing he said when he saw this man came in was not to ask how his daughter was doing, but to ask how was a young master Cao. He was disgusted with his senses. Is there any such father in the world?

"You What do you say At this time, Huang Zhonghe finally came to his senses and asked in disbelief!

"I told you to get out of here!" Huang lingyao almost roared out. She was really disappointed with her father and offered herself up with both hands. Now that she has suffered so much suffering, he asked where is Mr. Cao instead of comforting him? In his eyes, is the bright future really so important? Don't care about yourself at all?

"I'm your father, and you told me to get out of here? Do you have hard wings? You... " Huang Zhonghe said that he wanted to slap Huang lingyao in the past, but when he saw Huang lingyao's cold eyes and the brand mark on her face, he was suddenly stunned! This What's going on here?

"Ye Xiao, let's go!" Huang lingyao ignored her father's face and said to Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao didn't say much. He glanced at Huang Zhonghe with a cold eye and walked directly by the side with Huang lingyao in his arms!

When ye Xiao was holding Huang lingyao out of the corridor, Huang lingyao's mother came to her in high heels and followed a man in his thirties!

Zhang Yaling's face suddenly changed at the sight of her daughter's untidy clothes being held in her arms by another man. She didn't go with her husband just now, but went to the bathroom. Who knows when she came out, she ran into Cao Wanxing, thinking that Mr. Cao was not meeting his daughter inside? Why are you here? However, she was the first to greet her, and told Cao Gongzi Huang lingyao had come and was still waiting inside. Cao Wanxing told her that she was doing something for one of her friends, so she delayed for a while. However, her friend would not neglect her daughter if she was there!

Zhang Yaling was stunned at first, but she thought that since she was Cao Wanxing's friend, and Cao Wanxing, as the son of vice mayor, had to do something for her friend himself. Maybe that person's identity was higher than Cao Wanxing's. If that person had a fancy to his daughter, he might be stronger than Cao Wanxing, and he didn't think much about it?

Just along with him, he walked towards this side, but before he got to the box, he saw that his daughter had come out in ragged clothes and was held in the arms of a man. For a moment, he didn't know what to say? Is this Mr. Cao's friend? It's just that they're developing too fast, right? How could it be that for a while?

Her attention fell on Ye Xiao's body, but did not find the scar on her daughter's face!

"Ms. Zhang, what's going on? Who is he? " Zhang Yaling is still looking at Ye Xiao and guessing his identity. Cao Wanxing on one side has frowned and asked!

Zhang Yaling was shocked by this question. Isn't this man Cao Gongzi's friend? So his daughter was held in his arms, but was seen by Mr. Cao. Isn't it terrible?

"Yao Yao, what are you doing? Don't you come down soon? " Zhang Yaling, who is cold in her heart, roars at her daughter. She only wants to eliminate the dissatisfaction of Cao Gongzi as soon as possible, but she doesn't notice her daughter's situation at all!"Ye Xiao, let's go!" Huang lingyao just looked at her mother for a second time. She said to Ye Xiao that she was desperate for her parents!

Ye Xiao didn't say much. He glanced at Cao Wanxing, then raised his feet and walked outside. Cao Wanxing frowned and winked at Secretary Li who was following him. Secretary Li had already run to the room where they came out!

Zhang Yaling is so indifferent to her daughter?

Ye Xiao did not pay attention to these things. He had already raised his feet and walked outside. But just as he was about to leave the private club, he heard Secretary Li's exclamation: "Mr. Cao, don't let them go. They killed Yue Shao!"

Kill Yue Shao? Who is Yue Shao? Is it Mr. Cao's friend? On hearing such a sentence, Zhang Yaling's face turned pale. Who is Mr. Cao? The son of the vice mayor? He is also a director. How can his friends be ordinary people? How can it be that her daughter has become a murderer instead of a blind date?

"Young master Cao, Yao Yao has been clever since she was young. She took Su Gu San before she went in. She can't kill anyone. It has nothing to do with us!" Zhang Yaling immediately cried out, and even told Huang lingyao about taking crisp bone powder!

Cao Wanxing didn't pay attention to her words, so she ran to the room in a hurry. When Huang lingyao heard the crisp bone powder, the corners of her mouth became white. Although she had known that her mother had given her medicine, now she admitted that it was still like a hammer on his chest. It was so hard!

As for ye Xiao, when he heard that Yue Shao was dead, his heart suddenly jumped. What did he think of!

He was very confident about his actions. If he didn't want Yue Ziqiu to die, he would not die even if he pushed him too late. He did have the idea to kill him at that time, but was stopped by Huang lingyao. In this way, how could Yue Ziqiu die?

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