take a walk? I'll let you go? Have you taken so many people out for a walk? Wang Dameng was almost bleeding with anger, but he saw that the dense people in black had surrounded him and others. Although they were all unarmed and had no weapons, the breath contained in his body still made Wang Daming dare not act rashly. He would not doubt that even if he and others had guns in their hands, they would Do not hesitate to tear themselves and others to pieces!

This is a group of outlaws, but when did the Kyoto underworld have so many outlaws?

At this time, ye Xiao did not look at the group of police, holding Huang lingyao and went to his car!

Seeing ye Xiao want to leave, Wang Daming is in a hurry. Cao Wanxing has already said that this boy killed the young master of the Yue family. He doesn't want to come. Now he's all here. What if we let him leave? How do you account for it? When that time comes down, what should I do?

"What are you doing? Don't catch the murderer quickly Seeing ye Xiao who was about to leave, Wang Dameng cried out again. The policemen took out their pistols one by one, and they were going to walk towards Ye Xiao. However, the group of people in black stopped in front of them in groups and did not make way for them at all!

"What are you doing? Do you know that this is obstructing public affairs, and this is to be sentenced? " Seeing that these people really want to hinder themselves and others, Wang damang's face changed greatly!

"Sentence? How many years? Is it a long sentence for obstructing official business? Or is it a long sentence for killing someone? " At this time, the man with white hair smile, but the smile can not be said ferocious, and with the fall of his voice, people in black, who were silent originally, Shua their own and drew out a sword!

In a flash, hundreds of swords were shining brightly, reflecting a cold light. However, the cold light on the sword light was not as cold as the cold light in these people's eyes. Seeing the sharp eyes, Wang Daming suddenly felt that it was not a group of underworld elements that surrounded him, but a group of murderous wild animals. Once he made something extraordinary, he felt that he was not surrounded by a group of underworld elements Action, they will not hesitate to tear themselves into pieces!

Even though he had a gun in his hand and several policemen around him, he still felt that he was like a boat in the sea, which could be submerged at any time!

The cold sweat came out one by one, and the fat body was shaking constantly. Other policemen were also hard to deal with. The public order in Kyoto has always been good. On weekdays, they are dealing with a group of timid thugs. When have they seen so many intrepid desperators!

They even have no doubt that their combat ability is not inferior to that of ordinary soldiers!

It's true that they are policemen, but they are also human beings. They don't want to fight with these people with their own lives. At this time, they all turn their eyes to their director. Anyway, he is the leader here!

Seeing ye Xiao's figure so swaggering away, Cao Wanxing's eyes were also full of horror. He never thought that the underworld would be so rampant that dozens of police armed with guns were helpless. How could this be possible? How do you feel it's impossible? If it had not been for seeing it with his own eyes, Cao Wanxing would never have believed that all this was true!

At this time, ye Xiao has come to the front of the BMW, put Huang lingyao in, and then whispered, "wait for me for a moment!"

"Well!" Although do not know what ye Xiao wants to do, but see ye Xiao that tight frown brow, Huang lingyao or clever nod!

"Pa!" Ye Xiao closed the door, then turned around and walked towards Cao Wanxing step by step!

Seeing that ye Xiao didn't take this opportunity to leave, he turned back. Cao Wanxing's face changed slightly. However, when he saw Ye Xiao coming towards him, Rao was calm and abnormal. At this time, he felt his heart beat faster and faster. It can be said that every step Ye Xiao took, he felt like a mountain was stepping on his chest!

And that group of police is also one by one staring at all this, especially Wang Daming, he really does not know what this guy is going to do? I and what kind of identity can make so many people die for him?

Since he killed Yue Ziqiu, the most important thing is to leave immediately. How can he come back?

As for Huang Zhong and his wife, they are still staring at Ye Xiao, who is coming by. They don't understand his identity, let alone what he wants to do?

Ye Xiao came to Cao Wanxing step by step. When he was still a step away from Cao Wanxing, he stopped. Looking at the face he had never seen before, ye Xiao suddenly asked, "do you say I killed Yue Ziqiu?"

Feeling Ye Xiao's pressure like a mountain, Cao Wanxing felt that his limbs were a little weak. Now he finally understood why this guy dared to rob a woman with Lin mercilessly. He even felt the prestige only those high-ranking people had in him!

However, thinking of Lin's merciless command and the layout, he still insisted: "yes, yueshao died in the hall after you came out. Who did you kill?""Bang!" Ye Xiao did not ask questions, but directly hit Cao Wanxing's abdomen. Cao Wanxing felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, which made his intestines spit out. His face became even more convulsive. Huang Zhong and his wife, who were not far away from him, changed their faces again. They couldn't believe that this guy dared to beat Cao's childe in front of so many people?

"You What are you doing? " Cao Wanxing almost gnawed his teeth and said, but his eyes also showed a fierce light. The more hate Ye Xiao plays now, the more miserable he will die at that time!

"Didn't you say I killed Yue Ziqiu?" Ye Xiao asked in reply!

"So what?" Cao Wanxing is about to scold. What's the relationship between killing Yue Ziqiu and beating me?

"Kill you, of course!" Ye Xiao snorted coldly. Then he grabbed Cao Wanxing's right hand and wrung it hard. Suddenly, he heard a "click". Cao Wanxing's right arm was broken directly. All the bones of the white forest came out, and the blood was dripping!

The huge pain made Cao Wanxing's face change dramatically, and the sweat on his forehead fell down one by one. However, what he was most afraid of was the sentence that ye Xiao said. He even dared to kill himself in front of so many people? Is he crazy?

When Zhang Yaling saw Cao Wanxing's right hand broken, she was scared to faint. Huang Zhonghe was so scared that he sat down on the ground. When did he see such a bloody scene!

Seeing ye Xiao's murder in public and directly breaking Cao Wanxing's arm, Wang Daming's face changed and he couldn't help making a sound. However, he saw that the white haired man suddenly pulled out a huge desert eagle and aimed at his forehead!

"If you want to live, you'd better not move!" With the fall of his voice, the people in black all around took out a pistol one by one and aimed at these policemen!

At the sight of this place, Wang Dameng almost sat down on the ground. These people even carried arms on their bodies. No wonder they were so calm just now, and he was glad that he didn't act rashly just now. If he did shoot at all costs, he might have been beaten into a sieve

At the thought of this, Wang Daming was in a cold sweat

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