What makes Wang Dameng feel afraid is, when did Kyoto have such a force, and why are these people so bold?

Ye Xiao twisted his arm, but Cao Wanxing aroused his blood. Looking at Ye Xiao at hand, he even snorted: "do you dare to kill me?" He is determined to pay attention, ye Xiao absolutely dare not kill him in front of so many people, then he will never have the chance to turn over again!

"I dare to kill Yue Ziqiu. Who are you?" Who would have expected that ye Xiao didn't pay attention to it at all. Instead, he hit Cao Wanxing's chin with a fist, which made him fall backward and finally fell to the ground. His eyes were full of fear!

He clearly knew that Yue Ziqiu was not killed by him, but now he frankly admits that he killed him. What does he want to do? Does he have any cards to lose?

Other staff members of Fantian private club also stayed in the same place one by one. It seems that it is difficult to distinguish whether this is a reality or a dream? If it is the reality, where in reality does anyone dare to kill in front of so many people? If it's a dream, why hasn't it woken up yet?

However, ye Xiao ignored Cao Wanxing's thoughts, not to mention Huang Zhonghe and his wife, who were already pale with fright. Instead, he took over the desert eagle from a member of the Longyao society, and went straight to Cao Wanxing and aimed his gun at Cao Wanxing's forehead!

Seeing ye Xiao's cold eyes and feeling his cold breath, Cao Wanxing has no doubt that this guy will really kill himself!

What do you want to say, but ye Xiao only points to a button and pulls the trigger directly. Cao Wanxing's pupils suddenly contract together and his mind is blank. Is he going to die?

Thinking of his humiliation for so many years, thinking that the hope of the Cao family is all in him, and thinking of his bright future, his heart is full of reluctance, but what is he unwilling to do? Ye Xiao didn't give him a chance to explain at all. How could he just kill him? How can he do that? How could he?

"Bang..." In Cao Wanxing's mind, there are so many why, the voice of Desert Eagle rings, the huge roar makes Cao Wanxing's ears roar, Jibin's head is also a roar, and then feel the whole world is quiet down!

Is this death? Is this the feeling of death? Cao Wanxing thought, read, thought, but did not know where he was and where to go?

"You have four more chances. Now, I ask, you answer!" At this time, Cao Wanxing suddenly heard the voice of Ye Xiao, which made him stunned. What's going on? Isn't he dead? How can you hear his voice? Then he felt a sharp pain in his ear. He touched it with his hand and found that his right ear had been broken and bloody. Ye Xiao was still standing in front of him, and the black muzzle of the gun was also aimed at his forehead!

At this time, he realized that ye Xiao's shot didn't kill him, but shot him in his ear. His mind was more sober than ever before. He even understood Ye Xiao's words directly!

Desert Eagle has six bullets. Now he has one shot and five bullets. He said he has four chances, that is to say, there are four bullets that will shoot on him, but they will not be killed. If he does not answer well, he will not hesitate to pull the trigger!

If he didn't answer well for the fifth time, the last bullet would have killed him. Now, Cao Wanxing is absolutely sure that ye Xiao will kill himself, and he doesn't want to experience the feeling of death any more!

"Well, you ask, I'll never say anything in vain!" He didn't want to die, and he didn't want to be shot in his body again. Although Lin ruthlessly promised a good future, he had to have a life to enjoy it. If he didn't have his life, what future would he talk about?

Wang Daming in the distance saw that ye Xiao actually shot Cao Wanxing, and his eyebrows jumped wildly. Now he can understand that there is no thing that this guy dare not do under the background of the day!

And he was more respectful than ever before, and even put down his pistol directly. He didn't want to attract hostility from the other party because of his action. It would be worthless to die unjustly at that time!

Of course, he also thought about this matter, which may bring his future to an end, but compared with the future, obviously life is more important!

Don't say Wang Dameng had such an idea, other police also have the same idea, in today's society, still have a cavity of blood, just for the heart of justice of the police is not many!

Ye Xiao is very satisfied with Cao Wanxing's attitude. He wants to destroy Cao Wanxing's idea of resistance at the first time!

"How did Yue Ziqiu die?" Ye Xiao asked coldly. Of course, he didn't believe Yue Ziqiu killed himself!

Cao Wanxing instinctively wanted to say that you killed him, but seeing the black muzzle, he temporarily changed his mouth and said, "it was Li Zixing who killed him!"

"Li Zixing?" Ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled!

"That's Secretary Li just now!" Seeing ye Xiao's frown, Cao Wanxing was shocked and quickly explained that he was afraid that ye Xiao would shoot again"Did you send it?" Ye Xiao continued to ask, but his eyes swept through the crowd and found that Secretary Li had already disappeared!

"No!" Cao Wanxing shook his head again and again, joking that Yue Ziqiu was the son of the Yue family at least. How dare he send someone to kill him? Can this black pot be carried on his back? Even if ye Xiao doesn't kill himself, the Yue family will never let go of himself!

"Who is that?" Ye Xiao hums coldly!

"Yes..." Cao Wanxing appeared a moment of hesitation, although Secretary Li is his secretary, but in fact has always been a heartless Lin people, now I want to say is Lin heartless?

Once you say it, what are the consequences?

"Bang!" At this time, ye Xiao pulled the trigger directly, but this time it was Cao Wanxing's left shoulder. He saw a spring of blood gushing out. Cao Wanxing snorted directly. He could no longer care about the consequences of betraying Lin's ruthlessness, and said directly, "it's Lin's heartless!"

"Lin heartless? You've already planned it? " Ye Xiao eyebrows a pick, although he had already guessed that it might be Lin Wuqing who calculated himself, but he didn't expect that it was true. After all, in order to frame himself, Lin ruthless even calculated Yue Ziqiu into it. Such means are a little too vicious!

"No, everything was arranged by Lin ruthlessly. I just did it!" Cao Wanxing shakes his head on the spot. Anyway, he has betrayed Lin, so he is a bachelor. There is nothing else to hide!

"Say, what's the matter?" Ye Xiao snorted coldly, but his finger was on the trigger. He could send Cao Wanxing to see God with a gentle pull!

The black muzzle of the gun brought great pressure to Cao Wanxing. Seeing ye Xiao staring at himself, he didn't make any reservation at the moment. He told all these things directly!

After all, when yuexiaoyun was close to yuezilin's family, she didn't want to make trouble for yuezilin. After all, she didn't want to make trouble for her He was beaten by Ye Xiao without any strength to fight back. What's more, there was an incident of recording gate. From then on, he fell into a slump and completely lost the use value. At this time, Lin heartless thought of a more vicious plan.

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