That is to frame Ye Xiao with Yue Ziqiu's death, and then directly put Ye Xiao into the situation of eternal destruction!

Of course, this is also related to Yue Ziqiu's desire to revenge Ye Xiao, and their breakthrough is in Huang lingyao. After all, Huang lingyao and ye Xiao have a good relationship, and they have no strong background. It's best to start!

In their original plan, as long as Huang lingyao called Ye Xiao, all the plans were successful. Even if Huang lingyao didn't call to inform Ye Xiao, they didn't have any loss. When Huang lingyao called for help, they were ready to Tell ye Xiao where she was. Even when she arrived, Huang lingyao had already After being robbed of her body by Yue Ziqiu, who knows Ye Xiao came so quickly, what's more, ye Xiao didn't kill Yue Ziqiu in the end!

However, they planned for such a long time, how could they give up easily, and let Secretary Li kill Yue Ziqiu without showing any trace, and added this crime to Ye Xiao's body!

No matter Ye Xiao is arrested, escaped or captured, Lin Wuqing has countless ways to deal with him. But what Cao Wanxing didn't expect is that ye Xiao not only arrested, but also made such shocking things!

After hearing this, ye Xiao still looks pale, while Huang Zhonghe on the other side is shocked. He never thought that Cao Wanxing summoned his daughter not to make a blind date with his daughter, but completely regarded his daughter as a tool to stimulate Ye Xiao's anger. When he thought of the brand on his daughter's face, he thought of his daughter's daughter The indifference in his eyes makes him realize that his daughter must have been persecuted by inhumanity at the thought that he saw Yue Ziqiu in the living room. Otherwise, how can ye Xiao be so angry?

But in this way, isn't it said that his daughter has a very important position in this man's mind? And he dares to beat Cao Wanxing in front of so many people. Doesn't it mean that his background is stronger? After his daughter followed him, wouldn't it be better for my husband and wife?

At this time, Huang Zhonghe was still thinking about his dream of entering the upper class in the spring and Autumn period. He had to say that in his eyes, his daughter was just a chip for promotion to the upper class!

"Good!" After listening to Cao Wanxing's account, ye Xiao's mouth just jumped out of these two words coldly, but he did not intend to move the desert eagle!

"I have said everything you want me to say. Please don't kill me!" Seeing ye Xiao's indifferent eyes, Cao Wanxing was frightened and pleaded. Although he was very talented, he grew up in a civilized society. When did he see such life and death killing, he was already frightened!

"I don't kill people!" Ye Xiao opened his mouth and Cao Wanxing was just about to celebrate when he heard Ye Xiao's voice: "I killed no one!" Ye Xiao finished and pulled the trigger directly!

"No Cao Wanxing's pupils quickly contracted together, and his face showed a look of panic. There was a burst of exclamation from his mouth, but his exclamation did not ring after all!

I heard "bang!" Then his other ear was smashed, and the blood mist was sprayed all over his face, and he had already been scared to urinate incontinently and look pale!

Ye Xiao doesn't care about him any more. He turns around and walks towards the BMW, never looking at Cao Wanxing again!

"Xiaobai, come with me!" Ye Xiao didn't say much, but said to the man whose hair was dyed white!

"Well!" Ye yubai took a single hand, and the desert eagle had disappeared in his hand. Then he stopped looking at the policemen and turned to Ye Xiao, while the others took their guns one by one and turned around and left. However, no matter Wang Daming or other policemen, they all stayed in the same place one by one, afraid of killing themselves. Wang Daming thought What's more, is all this arranged by Lin Da Shao?

What kind of earthquake would happen if the Yue family knew that Lin Dashao had killed his grandson? He dare not think down!

As for Xiaozhong's words, he wanted to see Huang's back!

"Brother Xiao, what should we do now?" On the BMW, ye yubai, sitting in the co driver's seat, asked!

He saw Huang lingyao in the back seat, but he didn't take a look at her. He just asked?

Originally, when he received the order from ye Xiao, he rushed to this place with his brothers at the first time. However, he didn't show up because there was no ambush around him. When he saw Ye Xiao holding Huang lingyao out, he thought that the matter was over. But suddenly a group of police came, and some said Ye Xiao killed people!

Ye yubai didn't know whether ye Xiao really killed people at that time, but he understood that it was absolutely impossible for these policemen to capture Ye Xiao. The scene of Ye Xiao's capture in Jinghai city was still vivid. He didn't want Ye Xiao to be caught again. So even without Ye Xiao's order, he came out of the dark with his brothers. Originally, he wanted to drag these policemen Cha, wait for ye Xiao to leave. If ye Xiao really killed someone, he was making plans!

However, who expected that ye Xiao did not leave, but took more violent actions. Although he did not understand why Xiaoge, who has always been calm, would make such an unwise move, he did not care so much. In order not to let the police do anything drastic, he decisively took out the arms, from obstruction to threat!Although Ye Xiao finally asked about the cause of the incident from Cao Wanxing, they threatened the police, took out guns and hid weapons privately. This is a big crime. Threatening the police with arms directly is a capital crime!

They are not afraid of death, but in this way, they also fall into absolute passivity!

Ye Xiao did not answer immediately, but fell into deep thought!

All along, he has been in a passive state. Lin ruthlessly finds Chu batian to deal with him. He is forced to attack and kill Chu batian!

Lin Wuqing asked yuan Shijie to deal with him, so he ignited a long-standing disharmonious flame in Tianmen, which led to chaos in Tianmen. Finally, he killed to stop the internal strife and gradually controlled Tianmen!

However, he has never killed Lin mercilessly. After all, Lin's identity is different. He is the Lin family's lineage and official official official. He is different from such underworld figures as Chu batian and Yuan Shijie!

These underworld figures will die if they die. They will not blame themselves or find their own heads. But Lin is different. What kind of trouble will it bring if they kill Lin Qingqing?

Ye Xiao is not afraid of trouble, but he doesn't want to make it difficult for the old man who has been loving him so much because of his personal grudges. He doesn't want to disappoint his good intentions. So he can bear it again and again, but what he didn't expect is that Lin ruthless did not break the means to deal with him!

Huang lingyao was hurt this time. What about the next time? Can it be the Flower Moon charm? Can it be Shao Bingqian? Can it be Murong Mingyan? Can it be baby? He has reached the point where he can't bear it. If so, why should he bear it again?

He didn't escape as Lin heartless thought, nor was he allowed to be captured by the police. Instead, he launched the most crazy counterattack. There are many ways to solve the problem, but the simplest one is violence!

Therefore, he threatened Cao Wanxing with violence. He learned something from Cao Wanxing's mouth. As for the consequences, he had no idea!

Jinlin is not a thing in the pool. If it is a dragon, why bow down again!

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