Beijing and Shanghai told the road, a black Audi is speeding along, full speed to Changyun City, there are two people on the car, one is secretary Li who should be around Cao Wanxing, the other is Lin heartless!

Lin heartless did not want to immediately return to Changyun City, but he had to return, only because Cao Wanxing actually recruited him!

He was sure that ye Xiaohui would come to rescue Huang lingyao. Although he came a little faster, he also agreed that ye Xiaohui would attack Yue Ziqiu because he knew Ye Xiao's character. Even if ye Xiao knew that this was a trap, he had to jump down!

Only because Huang lingyao has been insulted by all kinds of means, he can't be indifferent to Ye Xiao's nature. Even if he knows he can't do it, he will do it. Otherwise, he won't be called Ye Xiao!

However, although Ye Xiao started, he did not kill Yue Ziqiu completely, but it doesn't matter. With the Secretary in, Yue Ziqiu also died, and he absolutely died without any flaws. Except for a few of their clients, no one would believe that he was the one who killed him. He would only point the spearhead at Ye Xiao. With Ye Xiao's character, he would certainly not wait to die. He would probably escape directly At that time, even if the crime is settled, it doesn't matter if he dares not to evade. As long as he grabs the police station, he will feel better!

This matter can be said to be perfect, when the time comes, whether it is Shangguan Fei or Bai Chou Fei, they will not be able to help Ye Xiao again. He is dead!

But what Lin did not expect was that ye Xiao arranged such a large group of people around him. What's more, ye Xiao was so bold that he arrested him. However, he not only arrested the police, but also directly threatened the police, and the underworld blackmailed the police. This is the first time for Beijing capital in so many years, even Xiao Zhentian didn't dare!

Kyoto, this is the Imperial City, here, any dark forces can not raise their heads, but he did?

Not only that, he even sent out arms, but also abandoned Cao Wanxing on the spot and directly forced Cao Wanxing to tell the truth!

No one thought that ye Xiao would be so brave, and no one thought that his subordinates would be so loyal and did not care about the consequences of doing so!

To tell you the truth, although Cao Wanxing sold Lin heartless, he did not blame him at all. After all, it is a peaceful age. People who take death as their own are rare. At least Lin heartlessly believes that even if he changes to Cao Wanxing, he will make the same choice!

So he didn't blame him, but it didn't mean that he didn't care. On the contrary, he was quite concerned. Therefore, he left Kyoto for the first time and went back to Changyun city!

Cao Wanxing is the only one who knows that he is going back to Kyoto. Of course, Secretary Li, who drives in front of him, is not counted. But he is his own person and will not betray himself!

As long as you go back to Changyun City, you can wipe out this matter completely. It has nothing to do with yourself. You have been in Changyun city all the time. How did Cao Wanxing and Yue Ziqiu get together? How did you kill Yue Ziqiu? What does it have to do with yourself?

You cao Wanxing said that I was responsible for it, so you take out the evidence?

Lin heartless in doing this thing to think of a good way back, although it is his own planning, but from the beginning to the end, even Cao Wanxing hands also did not testify to their own evidence, all these are just Cao Wanxing's one-sided words!

Of course, all this may not deceive the old guys, but what about that? The one in the Yue family was able to get to the position he is today. It is all the support of the Lin family. Even if he guessed something, what can he do? Yue Ziqiu made such a big mistake in this recording gate incident. It is estimated that even he had the idea of killing this grandson? Now that he has solved this disaster by himself, what else can he do? Even if he is dissatisfied with it, it's better to give him some compensation!

He believes that for those who are in high positions, interests always rank first. Yue Buxiu now can be said to have made more enemies. If he lost the support of the Lin family, he would not stay in that position for a long time. Unlike the Lin family, the Yue family, as a new upstart in Kyoto, would soon collapse without Yue Buxiu, a big tree, for the sake of the whole Yue family, Even if he really knew that he had done it by himself, he would never have a big fight!

Lin heartless has such self-confidence. As for what kind of mind he will have in the future, Lin heartless doesn't care. Yue Buxiu is old, and he has been sitting in that position for many years. It is also time to retire. The next term of office is when he leaves office. With his age, there is no way to go further!

Therefore, he believed that if Yue Buxiu was smart, he could only stop this matter and even continue to do as he expected!

Even if ye Xiao forced the answer? There is no evidence to kill Yue Ziqiu, but Yue Ziqiu has the wound that ye Xiao beat, and even the last fatal blow. Secretary Li came in accordance with Ye Xiao's method. This accusation will eventually be pushed down on Ye Xiao!

Cao Wanxing's confession can't stir up any storm. To put it bluntly, when it comes to this level of struggle, what evidence and what confession are all talks, and the final result of the game is the strength of each other's backstage!As long as he returned to Changyun city and didn't admit that he had been to Kyoto, it had nothing to do with him. The main cause of the incident was Yue Ziqiu himself. Cao Wanxing helped Yue Ziqiu in order to please the Yue family. Who knows that in the end, he not only failed to please Yue Ziqiu, but also hurt Yue Ziqiu's life. Finally, he dragged himself into the water in order to survive!

The world knows that he has a good relationship with the three of them. He said that he planned all these things just to find a life-saving grass!

Lin heartless believes that the final result is like this. As for the extent to which ye Xiao can be forced, it depends on the determination of the old man in Yue's family!

Therefore, Lin heartless returned to Changyun city at the first time, and he must make a gesture that has nothing to do with things!

But the Audi car has not returned to Changyun City, his mobile phone ring has been ringing, this is an extraordinary time, he did not want to answer the phone, but looked down, it was his grandfather called, can not help but for one Leng, so late, his grandfather called what? Is it because of Yue Ziqiu?

Think of here, Lin heartless heart suddenly jump!

"Hello, grandfather..." But no matter how to say, since it is his grandfather's call, Lin ruthless or connected the phone, respectfully called out!

"Where are you now?" On the other end of the phone, came the indifferent voice of the Lin family owner. Lin's heartless heart was trembling. Listening to his grandfather's tone, he seemed very angry!

"What's wrong with me? Haven't you had a rest so late? "

"Changyun city? Well, what you have done Who would have expected that the old Lin on the other end of the phone just snorted coldly, and Lin felt cold all over!

"Grandfather, I'm..." Lin heartless also want to say something, the telephone has once again spread to the old Lin indifferent voice: "Yue Ziqiu is dead, I don't care if you do it, tomorrow morning, you will come back to me right away!"

"I see! Grandfather Lin heartless heart again jump, hasten to promise a way, and then heard the voice of toot that end of the telephone!

Why would my grandfather call at this time? Did he already know it was his own arrangement? But in that case, why did he ask himself to go back tomorrow morning? Did he know what he meant?

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