At the thought of this, Lin heartless heart slightly fixed, no matter how to say, his grandfather still stands on his side after all! As long as his grandfather stood on his side, he would not worry about anything. As soon as he thought about it, his mouth appeared a faint smile. Even though he knew that he would not be immune to a scolding from his grandfather when he went back tomorrow, what was the matter with that? As long as his grandfather is willing to come forward, he really does not worry that this matter will interfere with himself!

When Lin Qingqing's Audi goes to Changyun city at full speed, far away in Kyoto, ye Xiao has started the BMW and slowly walks towards the city. There are only three people on board, Huang lingyao and ye yubai!

Ye Xiao didn't answer ye yubai's question immediately. He just said, "don't worry. When the car turns a corner, ye Xiao suddenly says," Xiaobai, have you met the Secretary beside Cao Wanxing? "

"Secretary? You mean the one who really killed Yue Ziqiu Ye yubai was stunned and asked!

"Well!" Ye Xiao nodded. Before that secretary came out of the living room, but later his attention was attracted by Cao Wanxing, but he never saw the Secretary again. Now think about it, although he has learned the truth from Cao Wanxing, but there is no full evidence. He still takes Lin as ruthless and has no way, and even Lin is likely to continue to do that!

He wants to turn defeat into victory, or to find the man!

"No, but when the police came, an Audi left the private club. When I saw that the police were in trouble for you, they came with their brothers. They didn't stop the car!" Ye yubai shook his head. He didn't really see any Secretary!

"Audi? Is Lin heartless also coming? Xiaobai, you will send someone to inquire about the whereabouts of the car immediately. If you find the person on the car, try every means to bring it back to me! " Ye Xiao said, suddenly stepped on the brake!

"Good!" Ye yubai knew that time was pressing. He pushed the door open and jumped down. He soon disappeared into the night!

Ye Xiao also immediately started the BMW, took a look at Huang lingyao, who was asleep in the back seat, and sighed softly. If it wasn't for herself, maybe she wouldn't suffer such pain, but I don't know if Wang Jinchen has any medicine that can cure this kind of scald scar!

Thinking of this, his heart is a burst of guilt, and finally drive a BMW to Huang lingyao to the private club contracted by Hua YUEWU. He hopes Huang lingyao can have a good rest!

Seeing ye Xiao come back with a woman who is not covered with clothes, Hua YUEWU doesn't ask much, and ye Xiao doesn't explain to Hua YUEWU much. She just asks her to take good care of Huang lingyao and then leaves the private club. Although he has forced the truth out of this matter, he knows that the matter is not so simple. No matter how to say, he has sent out arms, which is absolutely true He must report the taboo to that person!

Out of the private villa, a person walked alone in the streets of Kyoto, and then took out the phone, directly took out the mobile phone card, and then replaced it with another card. Only then did he dial a strange number. A moment later, a low voice "hello?" came from the other end of the phone

Tone some doubts, some surprise, seems to feel that this number is strange, but also seems to feel that it is so late to call a little confused!

"Secretary Zhan? I'm Ye Xiao! " Xiao Ye gave his name directly!

Secretary Zhan at the other end of the line was stunned at first. Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Xiao to call him, let alone at this time. After all, it was late at night, but soon, Secretary Zhan came to his senses, because he knew that unless there was a great event, ye Xiao, a young man valued by the old chief, could not have called!

"What's the matter?" Secretary Zhan asked directly!

"Yue Ziqiu is dead!" Ye Xiao said frankly!

"Yue Ziqiu?" Secretary Zhan was stunned. For a moment, he couldn't remember, but he felt familiar. Then he exclaimed, "are you the child of minister Yue's family?"

Secretary Zhan, as the Secretary of the old chief executive, has been following him for many years. Now, the old chief executive is in a high position. He is concerned about the political situation and national affairs. He pays less attention to the princes in Kyoto. Except for those who enter the political arena, there is no need to worry about Secretary Zhan as secretary Zhan The recording gate incident made a lot of noise, and even made minister Yue very worried. He heard about Yue Ziqiu, but he didn't expect that this guy who had not accomplished enough and had more than enough to fail died!

Once such a big news happens, he can't be unaware of it, but now he knows it from ye Xiao's mouth. It can only show that the news has not spread. Ye Xiao is probably the first to know that he called himself so late. Is it that this boy killed Yue Ziqiu?

"Well!" Ye Xiao said and nodded. If someone saw this scene, they would only think that they were talking with ordinary friends. But if they knew that they were talking to the Secretary of one of the country's top leaders, I don't know if their eyes would fall down!"Don't tell me you killed it?" Zhan secretary is not nonsense, directly asked out of the heart of doubt!

"I didn't kill it, but I almost did!" Ye Xiao said slowly. He knew that Yue Ziqiu was already a borderline figure. If there was no Cao Wanxing's, he would not even have room to turn over. However, since Cao Wanxing has confessed, the matter can be big or small. The final outcome is often decided by the game behind him. The most important thing is that he doesn't want to be unknowingly used by Lin, so he hopes to grow old The chief can come forward!

At least if the old chief executive said a few words to minister Yue, he might achieve unexpected results!

"What's going on?" Secretary Zhan is worthy of being the close secretary of the old chief's side. He only knew that there was a lot of writing behind this, so he asked at the moment!

Ye Xiao doesn't talk nonsense, and simply says the process of the matter once again!

"You want me to tell this to the old chief!" After listening to Ye Xiao's narration, Secretary Zhan found that things were not as complicated as they imagined, so he continued to ask!

"Well! But the best time is tomorrow morning. The old chief is old! " Ye Xiao said bluntly, but the words of concern in the back did not go on. The old chief executive is getting old, so late, it's better not to disturb him, as long as he knows the news at the first time he wakes up!

"I see!" Secretary Zhan nodded, thinking that the old chief did not mistake the young man, but could this matter really wait for the old chief to wake up?

"Well, thank you very much." Ye Xiao said thanks, but hung up the phone, he knew Secretary Zhan is also busy, do not want to delay his rest time!

Secretary Zhan at the other end of the phone is lost in thought. This matter is the same as ye Xiao. It can be big or small. But if the other party takes the initiative, what can we do? After thinking about it for a long time, Secretary Zhan sat up from the bed, put on his clothes and walked towards the place where the old chief executive lived!

After ye Xiao hung up the phone, he looked at the sky and found that the night in Kyoto was as bright as the night in Jinghai city. Countless neon lights shot into the sky, making it a city that never sleeps. But at this time, white flowers suddenly fell from the sky and fell on Ye Xiao's face. It was cold and cold. It was snowflakes!

It's snowing. It's the latest snow in Kyoto in recent years. Is it as late as my own decision?

Ye Xiao doesn't know

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