Snow is falling constantly, at the beginning, it is still a small snowflake, but soon it becomes snow. But for decades, there is snow on the house and on the ground, and the weather is getting colder!

In the South China Sea of the west of Kyoto, one of the most mysterious places in China, a black Audi car hurriedly came in from the outside. After receiving the most rigorous inspection at the door, Audi car slowly drove into the courtyard, finally stopped in front of a small courtyard with classical style, and then saw Secretary Zhan anxiously walking from the car and quickly heading towards the small courtyard Go!

"I have something important to tell the old chief!" "Before he came to the courtyard, Secretary Zhan said to the guard guard at the door!

The guard looked at Secretary Zhan, and turned to walk inside. As the guard of the old chief, he naturally knew that if there was no special important thing, Secretary Zhan would never disturb the old leader so late!

After a moment, the guard came out again and said to Secretary Zhan, "the chief officer will let you in!"

Zhan secret book said a thank you, hurriedly walked in, in a short time, entered the living room, at this time, a pale haired old man has dressed, sitting on the sofa in the living room!

"What's going on, little Zhan?" Seeing the anxious color on Secretary Zhan's face, the old chief smiled with a slight smile, and the smile was full of calm, as if even the sky collapsed was a small thing!

"Old head, ye Xiao has an accident..." Secretary Zhan also did not waste words, and directly understood the intention of this visit!

"Well?" When I heard Ye Xiao, the old chief head picked his eyebrows slightly, and then he motioned Secretary Zhan to sit down and say the story over. Secretary Zhan introduced his oral language and explained the matter in the simplest language, and then he saw the old chief sitting directly from the sofa!

"You'll go to the golden autumn garden with me!" The old leader said that the old man had gone out and saw the old head in such a hurry. Secretary Zhan was surprised to know that even if a small country in the South tried to occupy some territorial waters a few days ago, the old leader was calm. Even if the carrier of country m arrived in the Pacific Ocean, the old leader was not so anxious. Therefore, ye Xiao could be imagined In his mind, he was surprised, but Secretary Zhan was also secretly fortunate that he came to inform the old leader of such information at the first time, otherwise, he would not know what would happen until tomorrow morning!

The senior leaders of China Kingdom almost all live in Zhongnanhai, and there are many gardens in it. Jinqiu garden is the place where minister yuebuxiu Yue lives. The old leader lives in Jinling garden!

Jinling garden to Jinqiu garden is also more than ten minutes walk, if it is OK, these leaders will cross the door and anything, but so late, but also to the door is very few!

But when the old leader brought Secretary Zhan to Jinqiu garden, he found that the lamp of Jinqiu garden was still on. Did you think yuebuxiu had not yet rested?

As the old leader, naturally, he did not need to inform him. He took Secretary Zhan into Jinqiu garden. Yuebuxiu had received the news from the old leader. When the old leader entered the golden autumn garden, yuebuxiu had come out, and followed his secret book behind him!

"Head..." Yuebuxiu is close to 70 today. He can say the age of going back home. He looks very spiritual if he is not. Even if he suffered the recording door incident, he has been calmly faced. But his face is ugly and even sad!

But when I saw the old head coming so late, he was surprised. He didn't seem to understand what the old leader came to do. You should know that even if it was normal, he would also visit him!

The old leader has recently removed the position of the main leader of the country. However, whether it is yuebuxiu or the No.1 head of the state, he must be called an old leader respectfully when he meets him. He is the only founding master of the Chinese nation now, and he has the most terrifying power in his hand. No one can underestimate such a one the elderly!

Moreover, the current No. 1 head, or the old leader, promoted by hand, Kyoto gate valve in charge, powerful, the old head is relying on his own power to help the No. 1 head to hold the power, so we can think about the old man's terrible energy!

"You know?" When he came into the living room, yuebuxiu's secretary made a cup of tea for the two old people, and then looked at Secretary Zhan. They all returned respectfully. So late, the old leader came in person, which was a great thing naturally! And the old head saw the sad color on yuebuxiu's face, and suddenly asked!

"What do you know?" Yuebuxiu is a daze first, then instantly understand over, and then said: "head, you are here for this?"

"Oh, step show, happy and sad!" The old chief sighed softly, and patted yuebuxiu's shoulder gently, and the look was full of regret!

"The old leader, I didn't think that my grandson, who was not able to make a weapon, shocked you. Even if he died, he was worth it!" Seeing the sigh color on the face of the old leader, Yue Buxiu is sad, but he doesn't say much!"Do you know how he died?" The old chief suddenly opened his mouth and asked, a pair of originally turbid eyes actually revealed the Dao jingmang!

"The news came from his subordinates that he was a woman with a big gangster, who killed him..." When talking about this, Yue Buxiu is actually a burst of regret, it seems that his grandson to do such a thing is very shameless!

"Really?" The old chief didn't say anything more, just asked a question!

Yue Buxiu was stunned. He received the news more than that. It can be said that what he got in his capacity was the most detailed information. He even knew that the other party had sent out weapons. He also knew everything Cao Wanxing said. But is it necessary to tell the old leaders?

Moreover, this is just one side of Cao Wanxing's words. He is not sure whether it is true. Under such circumstances, how can he speak ill of the Lin family behind his back? It can be said that the Lin family has made great contributions to his current position. He has not been able to tear his face off the Lin family. But what makes Yue Buxiu wonder is why the old chief executive is so concerned about this matter?

"Are you worried about getting Lin Xiuyuan involved and losing the support of the Lin family?" Seeing Yue Buxiu in a daze, the old chief executive didn't wait for him to speak. He once again broke Yue Buxiu's idea!

"Old chief, I'm..." Yue Buxiu wanted to explain something, but before he opened his mouth, he was once again interrupted by the old leader: "I know all about this, and I can tell you clearly that what Cao Wanxing said is absolutely true!"

Hearing the old chief's decisive words, Yue Buxiu was stunned. What does the old chief mean? Are you going to do something to the Lin family? However, the Lin family had a great career, and the old master of the Lin family had a good relationship with the old chief executive when he did not die. How could he suddenly think of doing something to the Lin family?

If it was not for the Lin family, how could he say these words for a gang leader!

Yue Buxiu has his own judgment. In fact, in his heart, he also believed Cao Wanxing's words, but after all, it was one-sided, and he could not do anything to Lin ruthlessly. In addition to compromise, he could only compromise, and even had to obey the Lin family's meaning to take down the boy named Ye Xiao. But what he didn't expect was that the old chief executive would do it for this What a trivial thing to come in person!

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