There are many private clubs in Kyoto, but the most distinctive one is Tianqiu club located in the western suburbs. The reason why it is characterized is that Tianqiu private club has an activity that fascinates young people nowadays, wild hunting!

The private club is located at the foot of Yunshan mountain. The whole Yunshan mountain is surrounded by fences. There are some wild animals in it. Many noble princes in Kyoto like to come here to hunt when they have free time. After all, in the modern metropolis, what can't be played as these childe brothers, and only hunting can give them some stimulation!

At this time, the sky is still snowy, the ground has already accumulated thick snow, branches, houses are also covered by heavy snow, the whole world looks like a snow white, seems to become the world of snow!

However, even in such weather, many people still come to Tianqiu private club to play. In order to please the noble sons and friends of Kyoto, Tianqiu club has moved some animals from the far north. In this snowy world, it would be more joyful to hunt with girls you like!

At this time, in a bamboo Pavilion at the top of Yunshan mountain, Bai choufei, dressed in white, was sitting lazily on a bamboo chair, looking at a group of young men and women chasing a snow rabbit. They looked scornful. What's the difference between hunting in such a place and fishing in a fish pond? Even if a real man wants to hunt, he should go to the forest or the prairie. Only by hunting the lions, tigers and leopards in the wild, is a real man!

Bai choufei is aloof and arrogant, and naturally won't go through this way with these childe brothers. However, he often comes to Tianqiu private club, for nothing else, because he is the boss behind the scenes of this club!

"Bai Shao, there is a situation!" At this time, a woman in her thirties, dressed professionally, came to the bamboo pavilion under the snow and said respectfully to Bai choufei, who was sitting on the bamboo chair!

Bai choufei didn't speak, just looked up at the woman. The woman's name was Lin Lan. She was the professional manager he hired to manage the private club with a lot of money!

"Yue Ziqiu is dead!" See white worry fly eyes on their own body, Lin Lan respectfully said just got the news!

The main business object of this club is the prince of Kyoto. Lin Lan is very familiar with every gentleman who has some status!

"Oh? How did you die? " Bai Chou flies in a daze. These days, Yue Ziqiu can be said to have become a famous man in Kyoto. His identity is very high, but what he has done is even more ridiculous. The recording gate incident almost makes him a laughing stock of the dandy circle in Kyoto!

Therefore, these days, whenever there is news about Yue Ziqiu, people will like to talk about it. Of course, Bai choufei is not so boring. He pays attention to Yue Ziqiu only because he knows that the recording gate incident has something to do with Ye Xiao. He doesn't want Yue Ziqiu to deal with Ye Xiao secretly, but what he didn't expect is that Yue Ziqiu died and asked this question At that time, Bai choufei even had a terrible idea in his heart. Did ye Xiao kill him?

"It is said that ye Shao killed it..." Lin Lan also does not hide, directly from his own intelligence, and he knows that the relationship between Bai Chou Fei and ye Xiao is good, so he used the honorific title when addressing Ye Xiao!

"Well?" Although he had guessed that ye Xiao might have killed him, when he really heard the news, Bai choufei was a little shocked. This guy actually killed Yue Ziqiu. Didn't he know how much sensation this would cause?

Although Yue Ziqiu didn't strive for success, he was after all the son of the man. Now he was slaughtered like this. Isn't that a complete offence to that man? With that person's current status, there are not many people in China who dare to offend him like this, right? Even if it is the four big families, they can't offend him rashly!

"What's going on?" Bai choufei knows that although Ye Xiao is very hot-blooded, he is definitely not an impulsive person. Otherwise, even a hundred Lin heartless people will die without a burial place. He does not understand how he can do such a thing at this critical time!

Lin Lan didn't say much. She said what happened in the private club of Mitian last night. With so many people present, it's impossible to hide it completely. However, there must be someone above to deal with these things. Only people with Bai choufei's status can know the truth of the matter. Ordinary citizens don't even know what happened!

After listening to Lin Lan's description, Bai Chou Fei didn't say anything more, just looked at the sky and didn't speak for a long time!

"Bai Shao, do we need to do something?" Seeing Bai Chou Fei's silence, Lin Lan thought he was worried about ye Xiao!

"No! Get out of the way Bai Chou Fei shook his head gently, and Lin Lan didn't say much. He retreated respectfully!

"Ye Xiao, are you going to fight back? It's just this crisis. What will you do to solve it? " Murmured a sentence, looked up, just saw a group of young people running in front of themselves, one of them, looks quite handsome, flying, unspeakable high-profile.

"Shangguanfei!" Seeing the young man in front of him, Bai choufei called out. When he called the name, his mouth was filled with a bitter smile. Although their surnames were different, why did he feel that he was calling himself?Today's Shangguan flying general domineering four words deduction incisively and vividly, unconsciously, Bai choufei thought of himself a few years ago, at that time he was not as arrogant as he is now? But after experiencing the robbery in Jinghai city and knowing Ye Xiao, his arrogance has been restrained a lot. Although he is arrogant in his bones, he is no longer as arrogant as shangguanfei, but shangguanfei is different. After the robbery in Jinghai City, he flies more and more wildly. Now, in the new generation of childe brothers, his prestige is quite high!

"What's up, brother Bai?" However, although Shangguan Fei is domineering, he is very respectful to Bai choufei. When he hears Bai choufei calling himself, he quickly puts down the snow rabbit not far away, and trots to Bai choufei, not because of his identity, but because he is his master's brother!

"Yue Ziqiu is dead!" See behind that group of Childe brothers did not follow, white Chou Fei toward Shangguan fly light said, seems to be saying a trivial thing!

"It's better to die. Who makes that son of a bitch dare to challenge his master? Wait a minute. You won't tell me that the master made him?" Shangguanfei is not a fool. When he heard the news, he didn't take it seriously. Some time ago, Yue Ziqiu framed Xingyu. He even asked the Ministry of culture to help him deal with the "lonely" thing. He also knew that Yue Ziqiu was making trouble. He was very dissatisfied with Yue Ziqiu at the beginning. When Yue Ziqiu died, he felt very relieved. But he immediately thought of him and himself My master's gratitude and resentment, at such a time, he suddenly died, then

"Yes, ye Xiao killed him, and that guy not only killed Yue Ziqiu, but also beat Cao Wanxing violently in front of the public, but also made his younger brother threaten the police with guns!" But waiting for Shangguan Fei to guess thoroughly, Bai Chou Fei has been slowly coming!

After hearing this sentence, Shangguan Fei's eyes were wide open and his face was unbelievable, threatening the police with arms? What does he want to do? Would you like to rebel?

"I have to go back immediately and ask granddad to help me out!" Startled Leng, Shangguan Fei turned to run back, perhaps, only his grandfather can save him!

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