Shangguanfei's grandfather Shangguan fell into the water and occupied an important position. Although he was ranked after Yue Buxiu, he was the Minister of the Ministry of public security. It can be said that he is the top leader of all judicial organs. If he comes forward and suppresses this matter at the first time, there may be a turning point. Otherwise, once this incident becomes a big trouble, no one can save Ye Xiao!

But just as he turned around, he was patted on the shoulder by Bai choufei!

"It's no use. It happened last night. Now the Ministry of public security has issued a notice to arrest Ye Xiao! But it's all inside. Obviously, it doesn't want to disturb too many people! " Bai Chou Fei said faintly that he didn't have a bit of anxiety!

"Ah, what happened? Master, he should not be so impulsive as to kill Yue Ziqiu? " Shangguan Fei was stunned and worried, but when he saw Bai choufei calm, he was not so anxious. If the Ministry of public security had issued a wanted notice, it would be useless even if he went to find his grandfather. His grandfather could not be partial to himself in these matters!

Bai choufei also did not hide, said the thing last night!

"Damn it, Lin Qingqing, this son of a bitch, even uses such means to harm his brother. After this incident, who will want to get closer to him?" After listening to Bai Chou Fei's narration, Shangguan Fei smashed his fist on the pillar of the bamboo pavilion with indignation on his face!

"He is a politician. For a politician, he has no brotherhood. The most important thing is interests. For the sake of interests, he can certainly do anything he can, but I am a little curious. Why does he have to kill Ye Xiao? Even with such extreme means The eyebrows of white sorrow fly slightly wrinkled together!

And Shangguan Fei is also lost in thought. It is reasonable to say that there is no deep hatred between Lin Qingqing and ye Xiao. The most important thing is Tan Xiaoxiao. There are many ways to solve this problem. There is no need to make such a scene?

Just when Bai Chou Fei and Shangguan Fei can't understand, Tan Xiaoxiao also knows the news of Yue Ziqiu's death. However, her news is not as detailed as Bai choufei. She only knows that ye Xiao killed Yue Ziqiu. Although Cao Wanxing said those words, they did not reach her ears. When she learned that ye Xiao killed Yue Ziqiu for Huang lingyao, her first reaction was Shocked, speechless, how could ye Xiao get involved with Huang lingyao, and he even fought against the police for Huang lingyao? Why is this? What is the secret in the end?

Some surprise in the heart, but more is concerned about ye Xiao's safety, call her to tell her is Ouyang Qianqian, Ouyang Qianqian in the phone deep request Tan Xiaoxiao can come out to save Ye Xiao!

At the thought that even Ouyang Qianqian is thinking of Ye Xiao, Tan Xiaoxiao's heart is strange. Ye Xiao came to Kyoto for her own sake, but her friend Ouyang Qianqian fell in love with him step by step. What if she finally knew these things?

If in the past, she still wanted to promise to marry Lin Qingqing. At that time, she even hoped Ouyang Qianqian and ye Xiao could go on well, but now

Thinking of Ye Xiao's domineering words and the deep feeling in Ye Xiao's eyes, Tan Xiaoxiao felt confused, but she still walked out of the room for the first time and came to her father's study!

Ye Xiaochuang made such a big disaster, can his father save him? However, whether her father can save or not, she must go, even if there is only a chance, she will fight for it!

When he came to tan Zixiong's study, he was sitting at his desk reading a newspaper. When he saw the arrival of Tan Xiaoxiao, he raised his head. Before Tan Xiaoxiao could speak, he had already taken the lead in saying, "why, come and ask me to save him?"

As soon as he heard Tan Zixiong's tone, Tan Xiaoxiao wanted to turn around and leave directly. However, he thought of the danger Ye Xiao was in. He tried to hold back his anger and said softly, "Dad, please help me again, I'll..."

"It's no use. Even I can't save him this time!" Who expected Tan laugh joke has not finished, Lin ruthless has directly interrupted the way!

Tan Xiaoxiao's body shook. She was not surprised that her father knew such news, but what she didn't expect was that her father answered so simply. What he said was that he couldn't save, not not not save. Is it true that ye Xiao is doomed this time?

Although she is very dissatisfied with some things arranged by her father, she knows her father's character. If he doesn't want to save, she will definitely tell herself that he won't save, rather than say that he can't. since he said so, it's really impossible to save!

At the thought of this, Tan Xiaoxiao is a burst of confusion!

"I can't save him, but maybe ruthless!" When Tan Xiaoxiao was about to turn around and leave, Tan Zixiong said again!

Tan Xiaoxiao had planned to leave the body slightly. Yue Ziqiu has always been Lin's brother, and the Yue family has always been members of the Lin family. If the Lin family came forward, it might have saved Ye Xiao's life, but now he is repenting. What should I tell Lin?

Will he agree?

"I see! Thank you very much Tan Xiaoxiao murmured, but turned and walked out!When he heard the word "thank you", Tan Zixiong's body also trembled. He never thought that his daughter would say these two words to himself. When did his father and daughter reach such an outsider situation?

Seeing his daughter's bleak back, Tan Zixiong's mouth showed a trace of bitterness. If he had to, how could he ignore his daughter's happiness and marry him to Lin heartless?

Tan Zixiong naturally has first-hand information about the private club of Mitian. Although he doesn't think Lin Wuqing would be stupid enough to use this method to deal with Ye Xiao, his impression of Lin Qingqing has changed a little, but even if there is a change, what can he do?

The original purpose of political marriage is to benefit. Now the tan family seems to be brilliant, but in fact, it has reached the end of their life. If they do not unite with the Lin family at the first time, they will only follow the example of the Li family!

The Li family was also a big family in Kyoto, but now? Even worse than some second-class families, as a contemporary master of the tan family, he can not only consider his own family, he must consider the interests of the whole Tan family!

Tan Xiaoxiao staggered out of his father's study, back to his bedroom, the mind in a mess, she really did not know how to do?

Do you really want to call Lin Wuqing? She knows what the result of her phone call is, that is, she must marry Lin Qingqing, but in this way, how to face Ye Xiao?

Took out the mobile phone, opened the phone book, the first number is Ye Xiao's number, which records ah Xiao, see ye Xiao's handsome head, Tan Xiaoxiao's eyes, overflow a little tears, is so crystal clear!

She dialed the number again, but the phone has already transmitted the beep blind tone, or can't connect, what's the matter with Ye Xiao now?

Holding the right hand of the mobile phone shaking, it's better to hang up the phone, turn over the phone book again, and finally turn to the number of Lin heartless. Seeing that series of numbers, Tan Xiaoxiao thinks of Ye Xiao's eyes and Ouyang Qianqian's bitter plea. Finally, she gritted her teeth and pressed down!

Maybe, this is life!

Teeth bite the lips, there is a trace of red blood overflow, is so delicate and beautiful

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